Catalog excerpts

Acoustic systems: References - ideas Experience Quality.
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Ideas catalogue – references High-tech sound absorber for optimum room acoustics 2|3 CapaCoustic Melapor
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Flat with bevel, uni/coloured Brekki, uni/coloured Ellipse, uni/coloured Canopy, uni/coloured Special formats Seamless system Fine: Smooth-finish plaster coating Structure: Spray-plaster coating
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• CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel: Wall and ceiling panels for adhesive mounting by customer. • CapaCoustic Melapor-Bafe: Ceiling element for suspended constructions. • CapaCoustic Melapor-Deckensegel, canopy: Ceiling element for suspended constructions. 4|5 CapaCoustic Melapor
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CapaCoustic Melapor CapaCoustic Melapor – the smart system for optimising acoustics. ”Arrive . . . . . . switch off, relax and take in the quiet atmosphere.“ High-tech sound absorber with style: The new CapaCoustic Melapor® can be quickly, cleanly and exibly integrated into any room and is especially suited to subsequent refurbishment of rooms. Ceiling elements for suspension and for panels which can be individually shaped for adhesive mounting by the customer offer a multitude of design possibilities. Furthermore, coloured accents can be created by spray coating or printing on the elements.
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel Pleasant working atmosphere: Scientic studies conrm that the general performance, receptivity and power of concentration is noticeably increased by optimum acoustics. Also, the individual sense of well-being and the subjectively perceived “feel-good” factor of a room are raised. CapaCoustic Melapor ceiling and wall panels easily integrate into the room during the design as a grid ceiling or wall frieze. 6|7 CapaCoustic Melapor TUI call-centre, Hanover: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel, at type as grid ceiling
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Hairdresser’s salon Faust, Dieburg: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel, at type as frieze
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel Schools and stairways have much to endure: Here acoustic attenuation is particularly in demand and is also an economical solution. CapaCoustic Melapor Panels can be applied to cover the walls and the ceiling – savings can be made on expensive joining detail. Or you form design accents by offsetting the elements and/or by colouring and positioning them. 8|9 CapaCoustic Melapor School, Deizisau: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel, at type
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Control building, E.ON Coburg, Neuses: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel, at type, coated grey
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel Individual arrangement of absorber elements: It no longer has to be the familiar grid ceiling when acoustic attenuation is required. Melapor panels can be used and designed in the room individually. 10 | 11 CapaCoustic Melapor
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Cath. kindergarten St. Vitus, Wülfershausen
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel 12 | 13 CapaCoustic Melapor Hilti Deutschland GmbH, Kaufering: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel, at type
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Practical solutions for industry and commerce: On walls Melapor can be employed over a large area unobtrusively or it can be designed individually. When used in production facilities, it enables harmful noise stress levels to be reduced in line with legal noise protection requirements. The material is anti-static and UV resistant. If required, when redecorating it can be coated with CapaTrend without loss of the absorption properties. Nelskamp roof-tile factory, Dieburg: CapaCoustic Melapor-Panel, at type
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Brekki Decorative areas in ofce and lounge areas: The acoustic material in original brekki shape impresses and inspires creative minds. White brekkies give the greatest visual effect on a coloured substrate. But they can themselves be coated in almost any desired colour. They are available in two sizes and can be deployed on surfaces in the most varied ways. 14 | 15 CapaCoustic Melapor Orth & Schöpin, Lörrach
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Architect’s ofce, Planquadrat, Darmstadt
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Bafe 16 | 17 CapaCoustic Melapor Caparol workshop, Berlin: bafes painted in the company colours
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Technically effective ceiling design: CapaCoustic Melapor-Bafes are ceiling elements for suspended constructions. Using T-rails and wire cable systems, the most varied suspensions are feasible to facilitate individual designs in the room. White and bright grey bafes produce a technical and subdued effect – a particularly striking effect is obtained through colour coating the bafes. Ideal for workshops, industrial halls and exhibition rooms. Caparol Technical Application Centre, Ober-Ramstadt: Bafes, canopies and special logo shape Uhland, Darmstadt
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Bafe, various suspensions 18 | 19 CapaCoustic Melapor Orth & Schöpin, Lörrach
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Hotel Restaurant Tannhof, Großmaischeid Restaurant/Bar Müller & Müller, Darmstadt
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CapaCoustic Melapor canopy Visually high quality acoustic attenuation: CapaCoustic Melapor canopies have optimum effect in high rooms. With cable systems they can be appropriately suspended far below. In white they bring a cheerful lightness into the room structure. They can however also be coated in colour and/or rendered particularly strikingly with illumination. 20 | 21 CapaCoustic Melapor Restaurant/Bar Müller & Müller, Darmstadt
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Caparol Information & Training Centre, Ober-Ramstadt
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CapaCoustic Melapor canopy Functional solution for the optimum room climate: Canopies with a concave or convex shape are particularly suitable for retrotting and individual deployment in open-plan ofces. The colour design that is possible ensures ”noiseless“ integration into the existing room concept. With thermally activated air-handling ceilings the canopies offer optimum conditions for the room climate and acoustics. 22 | 23 CapaCoustic Melapor Ofce area, Philips Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg
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Cath. kindergarten St. Vitus, Wülfershausen
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CapaCoustic Melapor-Picture 24 | 25 CapaCoustic Melapor Surgery of Dr. Ruf, Kaiserslautern Allianz Arena – VIP Lounge, Munich
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Acoustics works of art / corporate design in the room: Ideal for conference rooms and reception areas in a company. CapaCoustic Melapor-Picture can be individually digitally printed with motifs, e.g. the company’s own logo or ornamental and picture motifs. It therefore fulls an ingenious double function due to the highest sound absorption and wall design. The ”works of art“ give a particularly elegant effect through high quality aluminium frames offsetting them from the wall. Caparol main building, Ober-Ramstadt Orth & Schöpin, Lörrach
Open the catalog to page 25All Caparol catalogs and technical brochures
3 Pages
Capadecor Calcino-Decor
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CapaCoustic Melapor
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4 Pages
2 Pages
OptiGrund E.L.F.
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Brochure Floor Compendium
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Brochure Dalmatiner S-Class
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Brochure Caparol Edition Carbon
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Brochure Capaver FantasticFleece
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Brochure Capadecor Effekt
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Brochure Caparol Capacoustic
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Brochure Paint Guide...
12 Pages