

Catalog excerpts

Barbecue - 1

Tutte le parti in argilla vengono consegnate al grezzo. Per ottenere la finitura visibile nelle fotografie è necessario procedere ad intonacatura. All parts in clay are delivered unfinished and shall be painted on site. Elementi in argilla espansa nobilitata, piano fuoco e basamento in refrattario, schienale del focolare in lamiera d’acciaio verniciata. Completo di braciere in ferro battuto e griglia in acciaio (dim. griglia cm. 68x32). Reinforced expanded clay elements, hearth and basis in refractory elements, back panel of the fire chamber made of painted sheet-steel. It is supplied with a wrought iron wood basket and a steel grill (grill dimensions 68x32 cm). peso netto net weight peso con imballo weight with packaging bocca fuoco fire opening misure dimensions Barbecue 3800 - 4000 Standard Composti da: elementi in argilla espansa nobilitata, piano fuoco e basamento in refrattario, schienale del focolare in lamiera d’acciaio verniciata, completo di braciere in ferro, griglia in acciaio e fermabrace in acciaio verniciato. Tutte le parti in argilla vengono consegnate al grezzo. Per ottenere la finitura visibile in fotografia è necessario procedere ad intonacatura. Unit made of reinforced expanded clay elements with hearth and basis in refractory elements.The back panel of the fire chamber is made of painted sheet-steel and it is supplied with a painted iron wood burning basket, a steel grill and a painted steel fender. All clay elements are delivered unfinished. In order to obtain the finish shown in the pictures, the fireplace needs to be plastered. peso netto net weight peso con imballo weight with packaging bocca fuoco fire opening misure dimensions Forno composto da: elementi in refrattario, porta in lamiera d’acciaio verniciata con vetro ceramico, termometro, cappetta raccordo fumi in lamiera d’acciaio verniciata completa di registro, piano del basamento in refrattario, elementi di sopralzo e rivestimento in argilla espansa nobilitata da intonacare. Grill composto da: elementi in argilla espansa nobilitata, piano fuoco e basamento in refrattario, schienale del focolare in lamiera d’acciaio verniciata, completo di braciere in ferro, griglia in acciaio e fermabrace in acciaio verniciato.Tutte le parti in argilla vengono consegnate al grezzo, per ottenere la finitura visibile in fotografia è necessario procedere ad intonacatura. Unit composed of an oven and a grill unit.The oven is made of refractory elements with painted sheet-steel door, complete with heat resistant ceramic glass and thermometer, and painted steel flue system with damper. Its working surface is in refractory, and the basis and the cladding are composed of reinforced expanded clay to be finished on spot. The grill unit consists of reinforced expanded clay elements with hearth and basis in refractory elements. The back panel of the fire chamber is made of painted sheet-steel, and it is supplied with a painted iron wood burning basket, a steel grill and a painted steel fender. All clay elements are delivered unfinished. In order to obtain the finish shown in the pictures, the fireplace needs to be plastered. peso netto net weight peso con imballo weight with packaging bocca fuoco fire opening misure dimensions

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