

Catalog excerpts

Be-FLEX - 2

Be-FLEX Memory shape bollards and posts enable to separate traffic ways, protect pedestrian areas, and ensure proper sharing of urban space. This high technological level enables the bollard or post to absorb impacts of vehicles without being damaged, even though it is completely run over. The products from Be-Flex range don’t break, dent or rust. Fully compliant with French decree PMR The bollards of Be-Flex range are designed from a unique material, with exceptional features, creating a balance between rigidity, by preventing vehicles to enter forbidden areas, and flexibility, by making...

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Be-FLEX - 3

Material : Elastomeric polymer with memory shape, without internal metal frame Finish : color dyed in the mass, UV treated Thermal stability : Good, +/- 10 SHORE D. Working temperature : -40 °C / + 60 °C. Fire resistance : CLASS E. As per UNE-EN-ISO 11925-2:2002. Certified by APPLUS for use as a post/bollard in the street. Cold resistance : Material certified by APPLUS as per standard UNE-53541 Resistance tests - Bending : crash between a vehicle and a post while parking. One impact every minute for 500 minutes, with partial bending of the post, with no alteration of its state. - Impact :...

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Be-FLEX - 4

mobility made safe and easy Intellectual property of URBACO – Copying forbidden – Specifications not contractually binding - Changes may be made without prior notice - Most of the models shown are patented – 07/2014 URBACO S.A – a limited liability company with a capital of 1.5 M€ - Siret 33944567800032 R.C.S. AVIGNON 1999 B 40308 – VAT: FR 06 339 445 678w DC-Be-FLEX-V1-EN Urbaco S.A. 457 avenue du Clapier 84320 Entraigues - FRANCE Tél. + 33 (0)490 480 808 -

Open the catalog to page 4

All CAME URBACO catalogs and technical brochures

  1. CITY Square

    2 Pages

  2. Sygma - 3

    1 Pages

  3. Roadblocker

    2 Pages

  4. BMCHPD50

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Sygma II

    1 Pages

  2. BFDE

    2 Pages


    16 Pages