Catalog excerpts
MIDDLEI ssTense Standofl Vr'nfll bRE VOli .DOING DOWMTHERE’ ^ Calpipe Security ^ Bollards art of Aatkore — V INTERNATIONAL
Open the catalog to page 1BOLLARDS TO PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE ASSETS - PEOPLE AND PROPERTYSecurity Bollards The United Sates Department of State and other authorities have established standards for rating physical security barriers based on their performance, usually in live crash tests. For a bollard to be “K-rated” or “M-rated” it must meet the stringent independent testing standards as set forth by the Department of State and Department of Defense (standard SD-STD-02.01) or of ASTM-2656, respectively. This rating system determines the ability of a security barrier to stop a vehicle of a certain weight...
Open the catalog to page 2NATIONAL • PARK 1 SERVICE FLOYD • BENNETT ■ FIELD rf/iiviirmiBIIIHIIIIIII % Iff!fill iiiiiiii iiiiiiii CaLpipe Security BoLLards is a worldwide leader in safety and security bollards. Since 1998, our team has consulted with governments, municipalities, architects, engineers, contractors, and security integrators to solve pedestrian safety challenges at some of the world’s busiest at-risk landmarks and government buildings. Our K-rated and ASTM crash-tested bollards have been installed at pedestrian plazas, professional sports stadiums, various embassies, border crossing facilities, and...
Open the catalog to page 31) Because underground In 2010, the City of New York began the redevelopment of Times Square, utilities and infrastructure one of the busiest pedestrian areas in the world. The city’s goal was to prevented the use of improve traffic conditions, control vehicle access, and increase pedestrian conventional installation and engineering methods, shallow footings had to be safety. Calpipe Security Bollards (CSB) was tasked to design, engineer and manufacture fixed and removable bollards to prevent vehicular terrorist attacks and accidental vehicle incursions. designed and tested. 2) The...
Open the catalog to page 4All CALPIPE SECURITY BOLLARDS catalogs and technical brochures
24 Pages