Catalog excerpts

wall clocks
Open the catalog to page 1
Compass rose 65 Dalilah 8 Gulf of Trieste 58 Helios 17 Kubo Labyrinth Michelle MicroCHIP Mike Mini Mino Oliver Olivia Onyx Orbit Patchwork Petalo Pompei Princess Russell Sailing clock Scalea Sirio Smarty Smile Sonar Stella Stish Sun & Moon Tarquinio heresa Tree of life Venetian Viktor Waves Zaki Zyra
Open the catalog to page 2
10-046-57 dark teal 10-046-76 apple green
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Wall clock Breath
Open the catalog to page 5
Wall clock Theresa O 95 x 95 cm
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Wall clock Dalilah walnut burl
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Wall clock Franz
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Wall clock Petalo
Open the catalog to page 10
Wall clock Greg
Open the catalog to page 11
Wall clock Smile
Open the catalog to page 12
10-005-41 powder blue 10-005-44 mid blue 10-005-54 olive green 10-005-56 sauge green 10-005-76 apple green 10-005-74 light blue 10-005-75 electric blue 10-005-81 pickled oak 10-005-85 black walnut 10-005-86 pinstripe
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Wall clock MicroCHIP
Open the catalog to page 14
white quart grey
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Wall clock Waves
Open the catalog to page 16
Wall clock Helios
Open the catalog to page 17
Wall clock Black Hole
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Wall clock Stish grey burl
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Wall clock Oliver 10-101-76 apple green 10-101-82 Sottsass grey
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black walnut pinstripe walnut burl wenge oak
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Wall clock Mike
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Wall clock Viktor
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Wall clock Tarquinio (10-114-... 45x45 cm) Wall clockPompei
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Wall clock Sirio 38 (10-031-... 38x38 cm) 10-031-84 grey burl 10-216-84 grey burl Wall clock Sirio 60 10-031-85 black walnut 10-216-85 black walnut
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Wall clock Karl 10-124-1 black walnut pinstripe walnut burl wenge oak
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Wall clock Scalea
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breeze oak grey burl walnut burl wenge oak
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Wall clock James
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Wall clock Eloise
Open the catalog to page 32
Wall clock Etia
Open the catalog to page 33
Wall clock Patchwork
Open the catalog to page 34
Wall clock Aura
Open the catalog to page 35
Wall clock Zyra
Open the catalog to page 36
Wall clock Princess
Open the catalog to page 37
Wall clock Russell
Open the catalog to page 38
Wall clock Onyx
Open the catalog to page 40
Wall clock Aurelio
Open the catalog to page 41
Wall clock Michelle
Open the catalog to page 43
Wall clock Geolo
Open the catalog to page 44
caffelatte sauge green pickled oak sottsass grey grey burl black walnut walnut burl
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Wall clock Venetian
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Sailing clock
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Wall clock Kirsten
Open the catalog to page 48
Wall clock Sun & Moon
Open the catalog to page 49
Wall clock Demetra
Open the catalog to page 50
Wall clock Astra
Open the catalog to page 51
Wall clock Albero della Vita
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10-333-82 aluminium 10-333-24 terracotta 10-333-84 gray burl 10-333-14 caffelatte 10-333-34 plum grey 10-333-85 canaletto
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Wall clock Mini
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Wall clock Kron
Open the catalog to page 55
Wall clock Zaki
Open the catalog to page 56
Wall clock Sonar
Open the catalog to page 57
Wall clock Gulf of Trieste
Open the catalog to page 58
Wall clock Smarty
Open the catalog to page 59
Wall clock Justine
Open the catalog to page 60
Wall clock Dimidia
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Wall clock Olivia
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Wall clock Atena
Open the catalog to page 63
Wall clock BG Kron
Open the catalog to page 64
Wall clock Compass Rose
Open the catalog to page 65
10-212-82 Sottsass grey 10-326-82 Sottsass grey 10-212-84 grey burl 10-326-84 grey burl 10-212-85 black walnut 10-326-85 black walnut 10-212-88 walnut burl 10-326-88 walnut burl
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Wall clock Frizz
Open the catalog to page 69
white aluminium quartz grey black caffelatte terracotta ruby
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Wall clock Kubo
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Wall clock Labyrinth black walnut
Open the catalog to page 72
Kam è un orologio da personalizzare completamente. Ha 5 colori da scegliere. Uno per il quadrante (Q), uno per il bordo (B), uno per la cornice (C), uno per la lancetta nelle ore (O) ed uno per la lancetta dei minuti (M). Per ogni sezione dell'orologio possiamo scegliere tra 34 colori disponibili. Per comporre il codice dell'articolo desiderato basta scrivere la lettera seguita dal codice colore che si trova associato ad ogni colore nella nostra paletta colori. Kam is a wall clock to be fully customised. It has 5 colors to choose. One for the dial (Q), one for the edge (B), one for the...
Open the catalog to page 73
creativity and passion since 1967 via Josip Ressel 2/7 int. 12 - 34018 San Dorligo della Valle (TS) ITALY tel +39 040 0646810 - www.calleadesign.it info@calleadesign.it
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Catalog 02/2023
124 Pages