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EGGY - 1

Design Stefano Dall'Osso EGGYC€ V @ J®L ^ Recessed TECHNICAL FEATURES UNA SOLUZIONE ARRETRATA ANTIABBAGLIAMENTO. Incasso in AirCoral® a scomparsa totale a tecnologia LED per installazione a soffitto di cartongesso o laterizio che, grazie alla sua forma, puo essere utilizzato in ogni tipologia di ambiente e si presta ad un'interpretazione progettuale visionaria e dal forte impatto visivo. Con Eggy, la funzionalita di un'illuminazione discreta, avvolgente e ben distribuita, si sposa con la componente emozionale dove la forma dell'uovo si staglia sul soffitto creando una suggestione visiva. Grazie alla meccanica push-pull e possibile estrarre la parte elettrica ed avere un prodotto senza viti o molle a vista per il fissaggio della sorgente LED. A RECESSED ANTI-DAZZLE SOLUTION. A LED technology totally disappearing recessed luminaire made of AirCoral®, Installable on plasterboard or brick ceilings that, thanks to its ovoid shape, can be used in any kind of environment and Is suitable for a vlsionaiy project Interpretation, with a strong visual Impact. With Eggy, the functionality of a discreet illumination, embracing and well-distributed, Is combined with the emotional elements, as the egg shape stands out on the ceiling creating a visual fascination. Thanks to the push-pull mechanism, It Is possible to extract the electric part obtaining a product without screws cm visible springs for the fixing of the LED source. Code Type Material Absorption capacity* Weight Mounting IP rating Insulation class Control gear Cut out for plasterboard Lamp type Lamp wattage Luminous efficacy Light distribution Fitting Light colour Light hole Voltage connection CRI Emergency Energy efficiency class Note 6498.AC Asymmetric beam 40° □ AC: AirCoral® 3 m2 1.3 Kg Ceiling recessed IP20 III Constant current electronic driver (not included) 145 x 145 mm LED 500 in A O Vf: 18VDC 1 x 9W 1125 lm - 3000K Wide beam 40° White 3000K White 2700K | 4000K (on request) Ovoid 80 x 60 mm By driver (optional) >90 A++ On request available dimmable PUSH or DALI. On request available emergency. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES product code optional code Constant current electronic driver. Remote installation Constant current electronic driver Brick box Suitable for n°2 code 6498.AC - 500 mA Suitable for n°1 code 6498.AC - 500 mA Dimensions L: 195 mm; W: 150 mm; D: 200 mm (instructions on page 502) 126 | S3 * The absorption capacity per m3 calculated by the American organization TCNA (Tile Council of North America) is measured for an average room of 2.7 m in height and therefore expressed in m2 | 127

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EGGY - 2

Restaurant Chef Alessandro Borghese, Il lusso della semplicità - Arch. A. Canelli, Arch. G. Antonelli Dudan - Milan

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