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BULL - 1

TECHNICAL FEATURES Recessed ESTRAIBILE DALL’INCASSO E ORIENTABILE. Un occhio puntato su un elemento da valorizzare, su un arredo da enfatizzare: Bull, apparecchio da interni a scomparsa totale per installazione a soffitto di cartongesso, e composto da un incasso in Coral®, una cassa posteriore nera in acciaio completa di proiettore orientabile, che puo essere estratto dall’incasso per un puntamento preciso del fascio luminoso. Il proiettore in posizione arretrata e studiato per avere il minimo impatto visivo, e orientabile di 360° sull’asse orizzontale e di 90° sull’asse verticale, inoltre ha la possibility di ottiche intercambiabili. Illuminare con Bull vuol dire dare risalto a precisi elementi, definendo gli spazi e stabilendo nuove prospettive. ADJUSTABLE AND EXTRACTABLE FROM RECESSED FITTING. An eye focused on an element to be enhanced, on a decor to be exalted: Bull, an indoor totally disappearing recessed luminaire, installable on pla.sterboa.rd ceilings, is composed by a Coral® body a rear black-coloured steel case provided with an adjustable spotlight, which can be extracted from the recess in order to redirect luminescent beams in a more precise way The rear spotlight, designed for having a minimal visual impact, is 360° orientable on the horizontal line and 90° on the vertical one. With Bull, lighting means giving prominence to precise elements, defining spaces and setting new interchangeable optical perspectives. Code Type Material Weight Mounting IP rating Insulation class Control gear Cut out for plasterboard Lamp type Lamp wattage Luminous efficacy Light distribution Fitting Light colour Light hole Voltage connection CRI Emergency Energy efficiency class Note 1811.00 (flg.A) Tillable downlight ± 360° / ± 90° 00: Coral® 4.5 Kg Ceiling recessed IP40 III Constant current electronic driver (notincluded) 235 x 235 mm LED 700 rriA tt>\/f: 37VDC 1 x 26W 3500 lm - 3000K Beam 24° Beam 38° (on request) White 3000K White 2700K | 4000K (on request) 155 x 155 mm By driver (optional) >90 A++ On request available dimmable PUSH or DALI. 1812.00 ((lg.B) Tiltable downlight ± 360° / ± 90° HRS 00: Coral® 7 Kg Ceiling recessed IP40 III Constant current electronic driver (not included) 235 x 600 mm LED 700 rriA s0t>\/f:3x37\/DC 2 x 26W 2 x 3500 lm - 3000K Beam 24° Beam 38° (on request) White 3000K White 2700K | 4000K (on request) 155 x 520 mm By driver (optional) >90 A++ On request available dimmable PUSH or DALI. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES product code optional code description ln(o 1811.00 H8730 Constant current electronic driver You need n°1 code H8730 for n°1 code 1811.00 - 700 mA 1812.00 H8730 Constant current electronic driver You need n°2 code H8730 for n°1 code 1812.00 - 700 mA

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BULL - 2

Recessed TECHNICAL FEATURES Code Type Material Weight Mounting IP rating Insulation class Control gear Cut out for plasterboard Lamp type Lamp wattage Luminous efficacy Light distribution Fitting Light colour Light hole Voltage connection CRI Emergency Energy efficiency class Note 1813.00 (fig.C) Tillable downlight ± 360° / ± 90° HSH 00: Coral® 10 Kg Ceiling recessed IP40 III Constant current electronic driver (not included) 235 x 600 mm LED 700 rriA Ct> Vf: .3 x 0:7 VDC 3 x 26W 3 x 3500 lm - 3000K Beam 24° Beam 38° (on request) White 3000K White 2700K | 4000K (on request) 155 x 520 mm By...

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All BUZZI & BUZZI catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Q4 220V

    1 Pages


    3 Pages


    2 Pages

  4. Materials

    12 Pages


    1 Pages

  6. END

    2 Pages

  7. ELIOS

    2 Pages

  8. EGGY

    3 Pages

  9. ECLA

    2 Pages

  10. BUZZZ

    3 Pages

  11. BLADE

    3 Pages


    1 Pages

  13. BITRIX

    1 Pages

  14. BILD

    2 Pages

  15. BELL

    2 Pages


    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  18. Y1 220V

    2 Pages

  19. Q1 220V

    2 Pages

  20. MOND IP65

    2 Pages

  21. DB10

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  23. GL

    1 Pages

  24. MAXI RIM

    1 Pages

  25. VALO IP65

    2 Pages

  26. PASSÉ IP65

    2 Pages

  27. GENIUS IP65

    1 Pages

  28. PIPEDO

    1 Pages

  29. HOLE

    1 Pages

  30. FLAG

    1 Pages

  31. DB9

    2 Pages

  32. ANGOLO

    1 Pages

  33. F50

    1 Pages

  34. H2NOT

    3 Pages

  35. X4

    2 Pages

  36. Q3

    2 Pages

  37. VIRTUS IP65

    1 Pages

  38. ATOM

    2 Pages

  39. ARGIA

    2 Pages

  40. ALKABOX 1

    3 Pages


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  42. TAURUS

    3 Pages

  43. RHINO

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  45. GENIUS

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Main Collection

    522 Pages

  2. Iron Collection

    286 Pages

  3. News 2019

    84 Pages