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BLACK BOXC€ V @ 0 TECHNICAL FEATURES INCASSO ORIENTABILE A 1, 2 O 3 PUNTI LUCE. Una scatola nera da cui la luce emana tutta la sua potenza: Black Box, con corpo in AirCoral®, e un apparecchio per interni a scomparsa totale per installazione in soffitto di cartongesso, in cui la posizione arretrata delle sorgenti luminose e studiata per avere il minimo impatto visivo. Disponibile in versione singola, doppia e tripla, Black Box e il prodotto ideale per valorizzare, attraverso la luce dettagli, oggetti e situazioni in modo deciso e preciso. ADJUSTABLE RECESSED LIGHT WITH 1, 2 OR 3 UGH POINTS. A back box emanating light in all its power Black Box, made of AirCoral®, is a totally disappearing Indoor recessed plasterboard ceiling flush mount, whose rearward light sources are studied to have a minimal visual Impact Available in single, double or triple version, Black Box Is the Ideal product to highlight detaiis, objects and situations through light, in a moderate and precise way Code Type Material Absorption capacity* Weight Mounting IP rating Insulation class Control gear Cut out for plasterboard Lamp type Lamp wattage Luminous efficacy Light distribution Fitting Light colour Light hole Voltage connection CRI Emergency Energy efficiency class Note 6061.AC (fig. A) Tillable downlight ± 40° n AC: AirCoral® 4.55 m2 3.2 Kg Ceiling recessed IP20 III 6071.AC ((ig. B) Tiltable downlight ± 40° n AC: AirCoral® 6.75 m2 4.2 Kg Ceiling recessed IP20 III 6081.AC ((ig. C) Tiltable downlight ± 40° n AC: AirCoral® 8.95 m2 4.6 Kg Ceiling recessed IP20 III Electronic transformer (notincluded) 235 x 235 mm Electronic transformer (not included) 235 x 425 mm Electronic transformer (not included) 235 x 600 mm OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES product code optional code Dimmable electronic transformer Max watt 105W Volts ■ Hz 230/12V • 50/60Hz Kit LED dimmable Bulb 10W • 12V 6071.AC H8105 Dimmable electronic transformer Max watt 105W Volts ■ Hz 230/12V • 50/60Hz You need n°2 ballast code H8105 for n°1 code 6071.AC 00010KIT Kit LED dimmable Bulb 10W • 12V 6081.AC H8105 Dimmable electronic transformer Max watt 105W Volts ■ Hz 230/12V • 50/60Hz * The absorption capacity per m3 calculated by the American organization TCNA (Tile Council of North America) is measured for an average room of 2.7 m in height and therefore expressed in m2 | 171

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