

Catalog excerpts

PORT - 3

ARiF AKILLILAR Industrial Designer Endustri Urunleri Tasarimcisi Born in Ankara, in 1986. He attanded Department of Industrial Design of METU in 2004. With Burotime, he started to introduce the users his design philosophy, gained during university education. He created a unique design language in furniture design by considering "Design for all." concept and well analysed user needs with respect to ergonomy. 1986 yilmda Ankara'da dogdu. Ankara Ataturk Lisesinden mezun olduktan sonra 2004 yilmda ODTO, Endustri Urunleri Tasarimi Bolumune katildi. Universite egitimi boyunca ig ige oldugu tasanm...

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PORT - 4

Adds comfort to travel breaks Konfor katan beklemejerisl. Port introduces an ideal structure for all sorts of areas involving v waiting time, like airports, train terminals, hospitals, subway stations. Passengers tired of the lively and rushy atmosphere of terminals would desire to enjoy comfort where they are seated. Port offers comfort needed by its user in highest possible functional way and provides a comfortable waiting process. Port; havalimanlan, tren garlari, hastaneler, metro istasyonlari gibi bekleme suresinin degi§ken oldugu her turlu alan igin ideal bir yapidadir. Terminallerin...

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PORT - 5

A WAITING GROUP ABOVE EXPECTATIONS Port creates a high level quality for waiting areas in passenger lounges, in particular, thanks to different solutions it offers. Its high user satisfaction comes from its intelligent design and advanced technology used in its production. BEKLENTiLERiN UZERiNDE BiR BEKLEME GRUBU Port, sundugu farkli cozumlerle dzellikle yolcu salonlanndaki bekleme alanlarida ust duzey bir kalite yaratir. Sagiadigi yuksek kullanim memnuniyeti; akilli tasarimi ve uretiminde kullanilan ileri teknoloiinin If you're waiting, just enjoy your comfort... Bekliyorsamz, rahatiniza...

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PORT - 6

RELIABLE SOLUTIONS IN PUBLIC AREAS Port is a reliable solution proposed for a public area waiting unit on the strength of conveniencies which it promises in terms of robustness, flexibility and comfort. Produced in an elegant way and with smooth details, Port creates functional, innovative and spacious areas in both single-use ORTAK ALANLARDA GUVENilJR QOZUM Port saglamlik, esneklik ve rahatlik gibi konularda sagladigi kolayliklar He ortak alan bekleme unitesi olarak guvenilir bir gozum onerisidir. Zarif ve i§i kolaylastiran detaylarla tasarlanip uretilen Port, gerek tekli kullanimlar...

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PORT - 7

It gets thing easier in any case Designed with ergonomic values and high aesthetical quality perception, Port makes both business owner and its user happy. PORT VARSA SORUN YOK! Ergonomik degerler ve yuksek estetik kalite algisi ile tasarlanan Port, hem isjetme sahibini hem de kulIanicisini mutlu eder.

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PORT - 8

MULTIPLE CHOICES IN SPACE PLANNING Designed suitable for both indoor and outdoor usage, Port offers multiple choices in space planning thanks to a variety of seating and back support surface choices. ALAN PLANLAMASINDA QOK YONLU SEQENEKLER Hem ig hem de di§ mekan kullanimma uygun olacak bigimde tasarlanan Port, farkh oturak ve sirt destegi yuzey segenekleri sayesinde, alan planlamasmda gok yonlu segenekler sunar.

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PORT - 9

ERGONOMIC AND HARMONIOUS DESIGN Port can be used with different arrangements and this is the most important characteristic of Port which renders it functional. It adapts and aligns itself to physical conditions of the waiting area where it is situated and renders there more spacious, thereby adding value. ERGONOMiK VE UYUMLU TASARIM Farkh duzenlemelerle kullanilabilme ozelligi, Port'u isjevsel kilan en onemli etkendir. iginde bulundugu bekleme alaninm fiziksel ko§ullarma uyum saglar ve yarattigi ferahhkla mekana deJjer katar.

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PORT - 10

Both single and multiple uses... ister tekli ister goklu kullanin... MODULAR DESIGN Thanks to modules offered separately as seat, beam, leg, low-table and armrests, a user can test different seating surface choices which he or she likes over a single beam and can change a preferred set-out according to his or her needs. Oturak, travers, ayak, sehpa ve kolgak olarak ayri ayri sunulan moduller ile kullanici tek bir travers uzerinde farkli oturma yuzeyi segeneklerini istedigi bigimde deneyebilir ve anhk ihtiyacma gore degisjklikler yapabilir.

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PORT - 11

Produced with a concept of "responding to needs of all users", Port is capable of responding to all sorts of user's needs on the strength of linear, sequential, polygonal or back-to-back arrangements. Apart from color choices, it is also available with leather upholstered alternatives. ORTAK gOZUM "Turn kullanicilarin ihtiyaglarina cevap verebilme." konseptiyle uretilen Port; lineer, sirali, poligonal ya da sirt sirta duzenlemeleriyle herturlu kullanici ihtiyacma cevap verebilir. Renk segeneklerinin disjnda deri kilif alternatifleri de

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PORT - 12

UNINTERRUPTED SET-OUT Port offers a high level of efficiency in area utilization thanks to its variations where low-table and back-to-back connection apparatus are used as combiner. KESiNTiSiZ DUZEN Port, sirt sirta baglama aparati ve sehpanin birle§tirici olarak kullamlditji varyasyonlari ile alan kullanimmda ust duzey verimlilik sunar.

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PORT - 13

UNLIMITED COMBINATION Port can be used with 7 different seat and low-table combinations over an uninterrupted beam and its adaptable and flexible structure comes from modular design. Bearing beam system combines different units. Thanks to variation choices, it can be shaped in harmony with users' needs, leading the way to unlimited combinations. In other words, depending on your choice, you can use it one after the other or in SINIRSIZ KOMBiNASYON Kesintisiz traversi uzerinde 7 farkli oturak ve sehpa kombinasyonu ile kullanilabilen Port'un uyumlu ve esnek yapisi moduler tasanmiyla...

Open the catalog to page 13
PORT - 14

Sirt sirta baglanarak urunler sabitlenmek istendiginde iki farkh coziim sunulur. EASE-OF-ASSEMBLY ADVANTAGE Assembly process of Port is remarkable for its incredible ease. Parts produced with high quality and durable materials are combined with each other with aid of easy-to-access connecting apparatuses. Intelligent system provides big ease in assembly, maintenance and cleaning processes. At the same time, it survives any vandalism on the strength KOLAY KURULUM AVANTAJI Port'un kurulum sureci §a§irtici kolayhgiyla dikkat geker. Kaliteli ve dayanikh malzemelerle uretilen pargalari kolay...

Open the catalog to page 14

All Burotime Office Furniture catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Fluid / Shelf

    28 Pages

  2. Go

    17 Pages

  3. Beta

    50 Pages

  4. Armada

    18 Pages

  5. Crab

    7 Pages

  6. Stripe

    9 Pages

  7. Cross

    5 Pages

  8. Bend

    15 Pages

  9. MAKI

    11 Pages

  10. Puzzle

    34 Pages