Catalog excerpts
Lavo Style life.Vivir el estilo. > The bathroom as a refuge. A place of tranquillity to escape day-to-day life. A place of regeneration. In times of haste and disposability, the desire for serenity, endurance and authenticitygrows. With burg, these values find a home in the bathroom.El ba륱o como refugio. Un lugar de tranquilidad donde retirarsede la rutina diaria. Un lugar de renovacin. En tiempos de granvelocidad y constantes cambios, aumenta la necesidad de lograr tranquilidad, solidez y autenticidad. burg permite que esos valo-res lleguen a su bao. 㱂୭ ಠ ֪ ળᥦ蹥. ̥Ხ ᯮꮩᲢ,迳䠫孨 ﮲ ﮢᥤ. ⨌屲 㥭尠樨....
Open the catalog to page 7Lavo Delightfully different.Atractivamente diferente. > With its design that is inspired by geometric shapes and cur-ves, Lavo consciously accentuates the horizontal: Form andfunction blend perfectly with each other and create generousside counter space. High-quality surfaces in a matte reed or white lend the ensemble a harmonic radiance, both opticallyand tangibly.Con su diseo inspirado en curvas y formas geomtricas, Lavoacent᩺a deliberadamente las lneas horizontales: forma y funcinse conjugan perfectamente, logrando amplias superficies para el bao. Superficies de alta calidad sedosas...
Open the catalog to page 10Front no.| frente nm. | ꔰ. - N . > F0123, SIAB 150,SEAA 150, HSAA 040 (2x) Tall cabinet with glass shelves offers lots of storage spaceArmario alto con estantes de vidrio de gran capacidad Bowed door with practical inner shelf and railing | Puerta curvada con pratico estante interior con barandilla | Front no. | frente nںm. | . - N . > F0127, SPAA 120, SEAJ 120 L,AHAA 040 (2x) Asymmetrical mineral-cast washbasin with generous counter topLavabo de resina mineral asimکtrico con amplia encimera Ģ尼 ᧠갳㫥, 챯ࠪ⨷ ⭳Ⱕ 鯮몮,颪뾷 祭 쀱ᨬ岰跭 મ⨭ ନૼ ⼿ Ḩப⮫席趥 > Mineral-cast double washbasin in alpine white,...
Open the catalog to page 11Tall units/Vanity units| Armarios altos/Armarios inferiores| »᮪ 襸꠴/뒳졻 > Vanity units | Armarios inferiores| ҳ졻 > Front no.| frente nm. | ꔰ. - N . > F0129, SIAB 080,SEAA 080, SEAN 080Mineral-cast washstand in white, 800 mm | Lavabo de resinamineral blanco, 800mm | ڐમ⨭ ନૼ ⼿,ᥫ 梥, > 800 ⠬ > Mirror cabinets/Lighted mirrors | Camerinos/Espejos con luces | 쇥ઠ뼭 른꠴/맥ઠ 렱 ﮤᢥ⪮ > Mineral-cast washbasins with vanities | Lavabos de resina mineral | 鐠ꮢ譻 쨭尠뼭 먲 쿢砿 ⳬ ữ 컢ૼ > Organised up to the last detail | Organizacin hasta en losdetalles | Vanity with bowed door and glass shelves | Armario inferior...
Open the catalog to page 12Pli Full of sense and sensibility.Sobre sentidos y sensualidad. > Naturalness that points the way to what really matters: precious moments in the here and now. Forms taken from nature, abstracted and newly-interpreted, that radiate energy and serenity. Pure design that creates space withconscious reduction. Space for holistic experience and well-being. Space for individuality and personality.La naturaleza muestra el camino hacia lo que realmentecuenta: los momentos importantes aqu⼭ y ahora. Formasque siguen el modelo de la naturaleza, que emanan fuerzay tranquilidad, abstrayndolas y...
Open the catalog to page 13Pli Everything flows.Todo fluye. > Pure. Clear. Energetic. Following the character of the elementwater. Organic surfaces in sensuous symbiosis with geome- tric volumes. The maxim of purity in a new, aesthetic context. The flowing line in the basin extraordinarily beautiful asan indent ▖ lends direction to the flow of the water in a livelyway. Natural and yet sublime.Puro. Claro. Potente. El modelo es el carcter del agua.Superficies orgnicas en una sensual simbiosis con volmenes geomtricos. El lavabo Pli rememora formas de la natu-raleza y las dispone en un nuevo contexto esttico bajo...
Open the catalog to page 15Pleasant composure unfolds with Pli in all elements of theextensive bathroom furniture line. The modern bamboo sur- faces of the components stand in discourse with the clearcontours of the mineral-cast surfaces. A harmonious balancethat sets high standards in design and effect. Una placentera serenidad est⻡ presente en Pli, en todos loselementos de la amplia lnea de muebles para bao. Las modernas superficies de bamb de los componentes dialo-gan con los claros contornos de la superficie de la resinamineral. Un equilibrio armnico que sienta un nuevo estndar en el dise㡱o y sus efectos. ϰ迲 㲨쮱...
Open the catalog to page 16Pli Design rooms. Make space.Disear espacios. Ganar espacio. > Pli supremely blends form and function for a charming, modern look givingfunctionality a new dimension: with perfectly crafted drawers that offer lots of room for all essentials and inside door niches with a clever design, where personal items and small utensils practically put themselves away.Pli conjuga elegantemente la forma y la funciֳn con un aspecto moderno ypersonal, dando, a la vez, una nueva dimensin a la funcionalidad. Concajones perfectos que ganan espacio para todo lo importante, e interiores depuertas diseados con...
Open the catalog to page 17Pli Extraordinary. Beautiful.Extraordinario. Bello. > Extravagant. Purist. And yet invitingly soft. With its extraordinarilysensuous shape that naturally grows from the ensemble, the washstand is a calming influence and a central focus in the room.It lets water do its magic, in all of its powerful, natural glory and tempts you to linger. The ritual of washing receives a new quality: giving energy. Every day.Extravagante. Purista. Y, a la vez, atractivo y suave. Con sus formas extraordinariamente sensuales, que parecen surgir natu- ralmente del conjunto, el lavabo es la fuente de...
Open the catalog to page 18Pli Close encounters.Un encuentro especial. > Be seduced into pure relaxation. Into letting go. The harmonyand balance of the forms rub off on you. Serenity sets in the discourse of the senses can begin. The Pli bathtub kindles the desire for a soothing bath. Time to collect energy, to dive in andfeel the power of water.La seducciֳn de la relajacin total. Para dejarse estar. La armonay el equilibrio de las formas son contagiosos. El reposo se hacepresente y puede comenzar el di㭡logo de los sentidos. La baera Pli despierta el deseo de darse un bao relajante. Ganar tiempoy fuerza, sumergirse...
Open the catalog to page 19All Burgbad catalogs and technical brochures
52 Pages
Product information
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Design lines sys20 2021/2022
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Favourite bathrooms sys10
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Mineral cast
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116 Pages
20 Pages
2 Pages
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burgbad for me
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Burgbad 2013/2014
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Archived catalogs
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27 Pages
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Solitaire Selection 09
57 Pages
Masterpiece Collection
19 Pages