Muffins MINI WOOD 06


Catalog excerpts

Muffins MINI WOOD 06 - 1

Identi cation Name MUFFINS MINI WOOD 06 Type Collection Line Designed by table lamp (T) MUFFINS Exclusive Line Lucie Koldová a Dan Yeffet Mufns lamps are born of'the notion of combining oak and blown glass. They are produced in the European Union in Czech Republic and the design quality highlights the excellence of the materials and savoir-faire of choice producers. This series of Iamps creates a unique atmosphere through the glass' varied tones and tints, while retaining a complete functionality. Hand-blown glass with European Oak Product Classi cation BROKIS s. r. o., se sídlem Španielova 1315/25, Praha 6-Řepy, 163 00 Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku, který vede Městský soud v Praze, oddíl C., vložka 42174. e-mail:

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Muffins MINI WOOD 06 - 2

Product Classification Name MUFFINS MINI WOOD 06 Danlamp mini edison 40W.E14. 240V CEB651 Cable colour BROKIS s. r. o., se sfdlem Spanielova 1315/25, Praha 6-Repy, 163 00 Tel: +420567211517 e-mail: 2.8.2013 Zapsanav obchodnfm rejstflku, ktery vede MSstsky soud v Praze, oddll C, vlozka 42174. Mobil: +420602884239

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