MEMORY Ceiling


Catalog excerpts

MEMORY Ceiling - 1

Identi cation Name MEMORY CEILING Type Collection Line Designed by ceiling (N) MEMORY Exclusive Line Boris Klimek Collection of ceiling and wall xtures Memory is inspired by memories of childhood. Hanging cord is used for turning on and off lights. Three sizes and a range of colors in the interior gives free passage of play, imagination and create different lighting atmospheres. triplex opal glass Product Classi cation BROKIS s. r. o., se sídlem Španielova 1315/25, Praha 6-Řepy, 163 00 Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku, který vede Městský soud v Praze, oddíl C., vložka 42174. e-mail:

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MEMORY Ceiling - 2

Product Classification Name MEMORY CEILING aoole areen ooal CGC578 iron chromate BROKISs. r. o., sesfdlem Spanielova 1315/25, Praha6-Repy, 16300 Tel: +420567211517 e-mail: 2.8.2013 Zapsana v obchodnfm rejstrTku, ktery vede MSstsky soud v Praze, oddll C, vlozka 42174. Mobil: +420602884239

Open the catalog to page 2

All BROKIS catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. Shadows

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  4. Memory

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  5. Muffins

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  6. Mona wall

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  7. Mona pendent

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  9. Night Birds

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  10. Capsula

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  11. Whistle Small

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  12. TEO BIG

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  13. satelite

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Archived catalogs

  1. Balloons

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