

Catalog excerpts

BALLOONS_2013 - 1

Identi cation Name BALLOONS MEDIUM Type Collection Line Designed by table lamp (T) BALLOONS Exclusive Line Lucie Koldová, Dan Yeffet Balloons is a collection of unique simple timeless lights that are originally based on an idea of transparent invisible balloon with a oating reector. This series is compounded from one table model and two oor models creating an ambient artistic object. The biggest piece of the collection is pushed to the limits in a sence of possible dimensions of hand made blown glass. The look and the idea of the clear translucent pieces fully provide a magical and fascinating clarity of glass. perfect crystal glass with metal reector Product Classi cation BROKIS s. r. o., se sídlem Španielova 1315/25, Praha 6-Řepy, 163 00 Zapsána v obchodním rejstříku, který vede Městský soud v Praze, oddíl C., vložka 42174. e-mail:

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BALLOONS_2013 - 2

Product Classification Name BALLOONS MEDIUM Double Loop Filament Lamp, 60W, E26, CEB646 Osram special mirror silver, 60W, E27, CEB630 Cable colour BROKlSs. r. o., sesldlem Spanielova 1315/25, Praha6-Repy, 163 00 Tel: +420567211517 e-mail: 2.8.2013 Zapsanav obchodnfm rejstflku, ktery vede MSstsky soud v Praze, oddll C, vlozka 42174. Mobil: +420602884239

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All BROKIS catalogs and technical brochures

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  3. Shadows

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  4. Memory

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  5. Muffins

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  6. Mona wall

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  7. Mona pendent

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  9. Night Birds

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  10. Capsula

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  11. Whistle Small

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  12. TEO BIG

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  13. satelite

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Archived catalogs

  1. Balloons

    2 Pages