Fresh air systems
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Catalog excerpts

Fresh air systems - 2

Filter incomin g outside air with a whole-house air cleanin g s y stem . Using a HEPA* filtration s y stem will lower the air b orne concentration of dust, pollen and other particulates. HEPA is d ifferent from electronic air cleaners that typically pro d uce E liminating or minimizing sources of indoor air pollution. ozone, which itself is classified as a pollutant. And, portable air A wareness an d information are the keys to better un d erstan d ing cleaners have been cite d as ineffective by lea d ing consumer safety i ndoor air quality. Eliminating smoking indoors and regularly organ i...

Open the catalog to page 2
Fresh air systems - 3

Broan Ultra Silent Fans ٕ Broan S mart S ense > enables > d for continuous , fi cient o p eration . in d e p en d ent ventilation fans > t operation: 0.3 and in your home to wor k as a > ucting guarantees sound and CFM coordinated system. ItΒs an > c e ratings . economica l so l u t ion t o > Fan BroanSmartSense f resher a ir. > U se this chart to determine the recommended continuous ventilation ٕ Broan S mart S ense > ή automatically > rate in CFM (Cubic Feet p er Minute) for homes of various sizes. coor d inates the o p eration of > FanBroan Ultra Silent N umber of Bedrooms ventilation...

Open the catalog to page 3
Fresh air systems - 5

Bro an > i s AmericaΒs leading brand of residential ventilation products including range hoods , ventilation fans , heater/fan/light combination units , In d oor Air Quality (IAQ) Fresh Air Systems , built-in heaters , whole-house fans , attic ventilators , pa dd le fans and trash compactors. N u T on e > i s AmericaΒs leading brand of residential built-in convenience products including door chimes, cen t ral vacuum systems , stereo intercom systems , home theater speakers , me d icine cabinets , ironing centers an d ventilation fans. > Broan-NuTone , LLC , 926 W. State Street , Hartford ,...

Open the catalog to page 5

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