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Catalog excerpts

Kitchen - 3

INDICE Index ACCESSORI PER CASSETTI E CASSETTONI Drawer and heavy-duty drawer accessories SISTEMI DI RACCOLTA DIFFERENZIATA E PATTUMIERE Differentiated waste collection system and dustbins SISTEMI AD ANGOLO PER BASI E COLONNE Corner base and tall units COLONNE ATTREZZATE Tall unit equipments LAVELLI Sinks COTTURE Hobs RUBINETTI Taps CAPPE Hoods COLAPIATTI Plate racks BARRE PORTA ACCESSORI Rail for accessories ILLUMINAZIONE Lighting systems ACCESSORI DA PIANO Accessories for countertop INFORMAZIONI TECNICHE Technical information

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ACCESSORI PER CASSETTI E CASSETTONI Drawer and heavy-duty drawer accessories

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/ Porta posate con porta coltelli / Porta posate con porta pellicole / Cutlery with knives holder / Cutlery tray with film dispenser

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/ Porta posate con porta coltelli / Porta posate con porta cialde caffè / Porta posate con porta spezie / Cutlery tray with knives holder / Cutlery tray with coffeepods holder / Cutlery tray with spice holder

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/ Dispensa con porta bicchieri / Dispensa con elemento porta bottiglie / Storage element with holder for glasses / Storage element with holder for bottles.

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/ Dispensa con porta decanter e porta bicchieri / Dispensa con coperchio e portaolio, portapiatti con impugnature e set taglieri / Storage element with holder for wine decanter and glasses / Storage element with lid and holder for oil bottle, plate rack with handles and chopping boards set

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/ Porta posate con portacoltelli, portaspezie e coppia taglieri / Cutlery tray with knives holder, spices holder and pair of chopping boards / Porta posate con portacoltelli / Cutlery tray with knives holder

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/ Dispensa con contenitore porta oggetti e vaschette / Dispensa portapiatti con colapiatti / Storage element with tray and small containers / Plate rack with drainboard

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/ Porta posate con porta coltelli e tagliere / Portaposate / Porta posate con portacoltelli, portaspezie e tagliere / Cutlery tray with knives holder and chopping board / Cutlery tray / Cutlery tray with knives holder, spices holder and chopping board

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/ Dispensa portapiatti / Dispensa portabottiglie / Plate rack / Bottles holder

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/ Dispensa portapiatti / Plate rack

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STORAGE SYSTEM / Elementi porta posate e porta mestoli / Cutlery tray and ladles holder / Elementi porta coltelli, porta posate e porta mestoli / Cutlery tray, knives and ladles holder

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STORAGE SYSTEM / Elementi porta coltelli, porta posate e porta mestoli / Elementi porta farmacia, porta posate e porta mestoli / Cutlery tray, knives and ladles holder / Cutlery tray, medicine and ladles holder / Elementi porta farmacia, porta posate e porta mestoli / Cutlery tray, medicine and ladles holder

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/ Elementi divisori / Dividing elements

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SISTEMI DI RACCOLTA DIFFERENZIATA E PATTUMIERE, SISTEMI AD ANGOLO PER BASI E COLONNE, COLONNE ATTREZZATE Differentiated waste collection system and dubstins, corner base and tall units, tall unit equipments

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/ Sistema raccolta differenziata per basi sottolavello con frontali estraibili / Differentiated waste collection system for under-sink base units with pull-out fronts

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/ Sistema raccolta differenziata per basi sottolavello con frontali estraibili / Differentiated waste collection system for under-sink base units with pull-out fronts

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/ Sistema raccolta differenziata per basi sottolavello con frontali estraibili / Differentiated waste collection system for under-sink base units with pull-out fronts

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PATTUMIERE PER BASI SOTTOLAVELLO Dustbins for under-sink base units / Sistema raccolta differenziata per basi sottolavello con ante a battente / Base portarifiuti con anta estraibile / Differentiated waste collection system for under-sink base units with hinged doors / Base unit with pull-out door and dustbin / Sistema raccolta differenziata per basi sottolavello con ante a battente / Differentiated waste collection system for under-sink base units with hinged doors

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PATTUMIERA DA PIANO Countertop waste chute / Pattumiera filotop per piano / Flush-mounted countertop waste chute

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SISTEMI AD ANGOLO PER BASI Corner base units / Base ad angolo con cestelli / Corner base unit with baskets

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SMART CORNER / Base ad angolo con cestelli / Corner base unit with basket

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/ Base ad angolo con cestelli / Corner base unit with baskets

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/ Colonna ad angolo con cestelli / Corner tall unit with bskets

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COLONNE ATTREZZATE HIDE Hide tall unit equipment / Colonna con struttura estraibile. / Tall unit with pull-out structure, pag. 50 / Colonna Hide con cassettiera con piano estraibile / Hide tall unit with suspended drawer unit with pull-out top, pag. 51

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LAVELLI SALDATI Welded sinks / Lavello saldato in Corian® / Welded sink in Corian® / Lavello saldato in inox / Stainless steel welded sink

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LAVELLI SOTTOTOP Under-mounted sinks / Lavello sottotop in inox / Lavello sottotop in pietra / Stainless steel under-mounted sink / Stone under-mounted sink

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LAVELLI SEMIFILO Semi-flush-mounted sinks / Lavello semifilo in acciaio inox satinato opaco/ brillante, pag. 58-59 in alto / Lavello semifilo in acciaio inox CRS Scotch Brite, pag. 58-59 in basso / Semi-flush-mounted sinks, pag. 58-59 at the top / Semi-flush-mounted sink in CRS Scotch Brite stainless steel, pag. 58-59 at the bottom

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LAVELLI FILOTOP Flush-mounted sinks / Lavelli filotop in acciaio inox / Stainless steel flushmounted sinks

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LAVELLO SU PIANO Sink on countertop / Invaso saldato completo di lavello e cottura / Welded inset with sink and hob / Lavello su piano con ribasso / Sink on inlaid countertop

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COTTURE SALDATE Welded hobs / Cotture saldate / Welded hobs

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COTTURE SEMIFILO Semi-flush-mounted hobs / Cotture semifilo in acciaio inox CRS Scotch Brite, pag. 68-69 in alto / Cottura semifilo in acciaio inox satinato opaco, pag. 68-69 in basso / Semi-flush-mounted hob in CRS Scotch Brite stainless steel, pag. 68-69 at the top / Semi-flushmounted hob in matt satin, stainless steel, pag. 68-69 at the bottom

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COTTURE FILOTOP Flush-mounted hobs / Cotture filotop / Flush-mounted hobs

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RUBINETTI Taps / Miscelatori design Boffi / Mixers design Boffi

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