Catalog excerpts
Inside Oostvoorne: PIET BOON CUBE Highlights, projects & innovations
Open the catalog to page 1inside The interior makes a house a home. Step into the world of Bod’or and discover what a difference a beautiful door can make. Es ist das Interieur, das aus einem Haus ein Zuhause macht. Lassen Sie sich entführen in die Welt von Bod’or KTM und entdecken Sie, welch verblüffende Wirkung eine schöne Tür haben kann. What’s inside Bod’or KTM, the best of both worlds In 2010, the Dutch Bod’or joined forces with the German company KTM Bocholt. The two door specialists, each with its own identity, combined their strengths and guarantee design and quality. Bod’or KTM is all about details,...
Open the catalog to page 2Piet Boon Step inside Villa Oostvoorne Oostvoorne is located in the southwest of the Netherlands, near the famous Dutch Delta Works. Designer Piet Boon created a characteristic villa here, in which he fully integrated the doors into the design. He combined the Piet Boon “Amsterdam” panel door - a modern take on the traditional panel door, but with deeper and angular profiles - with its accompanying high skirting board. Resulting in harmony, strength and peace. Precisely that which Piet Boon is known for. Piet Boon - model ‘Oostzaan’ Piet Boon - model ‘Amsterdam’ Im Südwesten der...
Open the catalog to page 3Design plinth detail a continuous line from door to skirting board Detail der F ußleiste: eine durchgehende Linie von der Tür zur F ußleiste. © Rahi Rezvani Designer Piet Boon is one of the leading designers in the Netherlands. Together with his wife Karin Meyn he leads a team of architects, designers and stylists. Together they form Piet Boon®, a multifunctional design studio and internationally respected luxury lifestyle brand with both corporate and private clients. In the past 30 years, Piet Boon® developed into a leading specialist in the field of total concepts for, among other...
Open the catalog to page 4PIET HEIN EEK Designer Piet Hein Eek realized a total interior in a countryside villa. With doors as powerful part within its distinctive interior. Piet Hein Eek - model Wood Der Designer Piet Hein Eek hat das komplette Interieur einer ländlichen Villa entworfen. Mit Türen als ausdrucksvollen Bestandteilen seines charakteristischen Einrichtungsstils.
Open the catalog to page 5Piet Hein Eek has always had a fascination for doors. Long before his studies at the Design Academy he collected books on doors. For Bod’or he has made no showy or frivolous doors It’s just good practical and usable doors - following his collections . - in which a sense of craftsmanship and quality are achieved. Türen haben schon immer eine starke Faszination auf Piet Hein Eek ausgeübt. So sammelte er bereits geraume Zeit vor seinem Studium an der Design Academy Bücher über Türen. Für Bod’or KTM entwarf er jedoch keine auffallenden oder verspielt wirkenden Modelle, sondern robuste,...
Open the catalog to page 6CUBE Inside Door that slides into the wall without visible elements. Beautiful in its simplicity. Schiebetür in die Wand laufend mit flächenbündiger Deckenführung. Die Schönheit liegt in der Schlichtheit. Cube sliding door system LA’KET ARCHITEKTEN GMBH A uniquely located villa: against a mountainside with breathtaking views. The interior is characterised by peace and harmony. White minimalistic Cube doors. Eine Villa, erbaut in einzigartiger Lage an einem Berghang. Mit atemberaubender Aussicht und hochwertigem Interieur, das durch Ruhe und Harmonie gekennzeichnet ist. Perfekt ergänzt durch...
Open the catalog to page 7Cube flush to the kitchen wall Interior design perfection. A revolving door that opens flush to the kitchen. Specific design requirements can be carried out perfectly in the many Cube variants. Die Perfektion des Interieurdesigns. Eine Flügeltür, die sich wandbündig zur Küche und zum Flur öffnet. Individuelle Designwünsche können in den zahlreichen Cube-Varianten wunschgerecht ausgeführt werden.
Open the catalog to page 8Using a specific technique, Cube in “reverse” version, peace is created in a space. This system makes it possible to install all the doors flush with the wall, regardless of the opening direction. Durch die Anwendung einer eigens entwickelten Technik ist auf der Flurseite der gewünschte Flächenverbund von Wand, Zarge und Türblatt gewährleistet – es entsteht der Eindruck optischer Ruhe. Die Tür öffnet, wie üblich, weiterhin zur Zimmerseite. Doors that are installed flush with the wall, even though they open inward. The unique design advantage of the Cube in “reverse” version. Türen,...
Open the catalog to page 9Daniel Libeskind Daniel Libeskind established his architectural studio in Berlin (Germany) in 1989 after winning the competition to build the Jewish Museum in Berlin. In February 2003, Studio Daniel Libeskind moved its headquarters from Berlin to New York City (USA) when Daniel Libeskind was selected as the master planner for the World Trade Center redevelopment. Daniel Libeskind’s practice is involved in designing and realizing a diverse array of urban, cultural and commercial projects internationally. His commitment to expanding the scope of architecture reflects his profound interest in...
Open the catalog to page 10Royal Panels new ID’s by eric kuster Interior designer Eric Kuster is always working with new materials, colours, shapes and distinctive details. Eric always puts a part of his personality into his designs. Bod’or KTM and Kuster proudly present a number of innovative doors, which are a great addition to their existing distinctive door collection. Royal Panels are available in a flat version (Inside) and a bundled version (Outside). Der Interieurdesigner Eric Kuster arbeitet ständig mit neuen Materialien, F arben, Formen und außergewöhnlichen Details. In seinen Entwürfen kommt stets ein Teil...
Open the catalog to page 11NEW CUBE vEneer collection ID LESS IS MORE CUBE Small Frame Bei Projekten, die auf ein minimalistisches Design abzielen, müssen technische Beschränkungen auf ein Mindestmaß reduziert werden. Speziell hierfür ist Cube SF entwickelt worden. Das Resultat ist Wandbündigkeit kombiniert mit größtmöglicher Durchgangsbreite. A carefully chosen interior calls for carefully chosen doors. Together with (a number of interior) professionals, Bod’or KTM put together a new veneer collection. These doors are a must in any international top interior! In (renovation) projects striving for minimalist design,...
Open the catalog to page 12All Bod'or KTM catalogs and technical brochures
13 Pages
Cube collection
27 Pages
53 Pages