Catalog excerpts

Advantage for all BG-partners! BG-Graspointner - innovative line drainage systems for each application Product catalogue
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Your success is our goal! Sales-Team BG-Graspointner BG-Graspointner GmbH & Co KG stands for quality, flexibility and first-class service. Our ambition is to be one of the best manufacturer of drainage systems. That is why we find optimum solutions for our customers on a daily basis – Your success is our goal. BG-Graspointner, based in Oberwang, is the leading manufacturer and sales partner of surface drainage systems and precast concrete components for railway and road construction. We have acquired a great deal of know-how in standard solutions and customer-specic individual solutions...
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INSTALL. CONTACT BGU-Z SV Competent, committed and happy to be at your service! Sales and after sales service We process orders and offers for you abroad. Operation Manager Johann Heisler Export Management Director of Sales & Marketing Prok. Josef Speer Mobile: +43 664/256 27 56 Fax: +43 6233/89 00-303 josef.speer@ bg-company.com Director of Sales & Product Management Dipl. Ing. (FH) Karl-Heinz Gramlich Mobile: +49 172/859 37 04 Fax: +43 6233/89 00-303 karl-heinz.gramlich@ bg-company.com We will be pleased to be there for you at any time. Please don‘t hesitate to contact us if you need...
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General installation guidelines 3-5 mm cavity-free joint sealing The following installation guidelines and examples are designed to use for an accepted standard. The load class and the installation location according to EN 1433 have to be adapted to the location conditions from the planner. Consider the common known technical rules and guidelines which are accepted among experts. bituminous sealing tape cover layer bitumen gravel Y mortar bed concrete foundation load-bearing bitumen layer pavement stones gravel bed load-bearing gravel layer load-bearing gravel layer 1 BG concrete drains are...
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INSTALL. CONTACT Assembly details and installation examples Installation and layout details of different application areas Here you can see assembly- and installation-images, suitable for the installation guidelines on page 4. BG-drainage channels are suitable for installation in the private and public commercial sector. They are used in the street-, the industry- and airport construction.
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Load classification / Hydraulics >> Load classification load classes suitable for all channel types and for all covers channel types Traffic areas which are only used by pedestrians and cyclists and similar areas FILCOTEN light/tec, BGU, BG standard, BG-FA, BG-TE Sidewalks, pedestrian areas and comparable areas, car parks or FILCOTEN light/tec/pro, Applies only to attachments / drainage channels in the curbstone-area, FILCOTEN light/tec/pro, which may extend 0.5 m into the carriageway and 0.2 m into the sidewalk measured from the curbside, and for untraveled road verges. BGU-Z, BGF-Z, BG-PA...
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INSTALL. CONTACT channel type: height: >> BGF-Z shallow channels and BGU-Z universal channels. BGF-Z SV 100 channel type: >> BGZ-S Heavy duty channels. height: channel type: COMMENT: This average calculation is based on a line length of 20 metres and free runout for each channel type specified. We will be pleased to draft an exact hydraulic calculation adapted to local conditions at any time.
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Sensationell leicht FILCOTEN® light Extremely light The first low-weight concrete channel >> FILCOTEN® light, nominal width 100 Channel made of FILCOTEN compound. Gratings are screwless lockable. item no. channel body with safety joint 10310000 10310050 10310061 10310062 30000 10310001-10 FILCOTEN light 100 incl. slot top Delivery time on request! load class slot top V NW 100, 1000/126/112/SH 110, SW 18 galv. steel A 15 kN slot top V NW 100, 1000/126/132/SH 110, SW 18 galv. steel C 250 kN slot inlay with square perforation 8/8 mm, L = 500 mm galv. steel slot inlay with square perforation...
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FILCOTEN® light The first low-weight concrete channel >> FILCOTEN® light, nominal width 150 item no. channel body with safety joint load class galv. steel C 250 kN slot top V NW 150, 1000/180/132/SH 110, SW 18 1) slot inlay with square perforation 8/8 mm, L = 500 mm galv. steel slot inlay with square perforation 8/8 mm, L = 1000 mm galv. steel front cap V NW 150, variable height 80 - 200 mm galv. steel 1) galv. steel D 400 kN maintenance unit V NW 150, 500/180/132/SH 110, SW 18 stainl. steel V2A C 250 kN slot top E NW 150, 1000/180/132/SH 110, SW 18 1) slot inlay with square perforation 8/8...
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Accessory FILCOTEN® light 1 Bottom outlet made of PVC sewer pipes - on site installation (see picture 2a) a) Precast outlet bore DN 100 Position of outlet: Measure X = end of channel to center of outlet = 250 mm b) Drain trap for bottom outlet consisting of 3 pieces c) Outlet pipe of the drain trap is inserted from below into the outlet bore d) Drain trap is completed by the two remaining parts - nished! Silt bucket for sump unit made of plastic matching to nominal width - serves as dirt trap! Front/end cap respectively end cap with outlet a) FILCOTEN light NW 100 b) FILCOTEN light NW 150...
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INSTALL. CONTACT References FILCOTEN light The enormous light concrete drainage channel with high percentage of ber is highly stable despite the low weight. Depending on the load requirement (class A to class C is possible) the drainage system will be offered with a variety of grate options. Slotted, mesh-gratings and ductile iron mesh-gratings are overlaying the channel body and can be adjusted with locking- and xing-clips. FILCOTEN light - a simple and low cost SELF CHANNEL for many applications, e.g. private house- and residential construction, garden and landscaping, ofce buildings,...
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Extremely light The first low-weight concrete channel >> FILCOTEN® tec with galv. steel edge, nominal width 100 Channel made of FILCOTEN compound and galvanized steel edges for load class up to cl.C item no. channel body with safety joint 10410200 10410250 10410261 10410262 30000 10410201-10 FILCOTEN tec 100 with stainless or galvanized steel edge >> FILCOTEN® tec with stainl. steel edge, nominal width 100 Channel made of FILCOTEN compound and stainl. steel edges V2A for load class up to cl.C item no. channel body with safety joint 16 load class FILCOTEN FILCOTEN plastic plastic plastic...
Open the catalog to page 12All BG Graspointner catalogs and technical brochures
68 Pages
BG Product Catalogue 2020
112 Pages
Steel channels Brochure 2019
36 Pages
16 Pages
Parkline Broschure
8 Pages
BG Product Catalogue 2014
76 Pages
Concrete drainage channels
8 Pages
6 Pages
NEW BROCHURE - BG slot channels
20 Pages