Special Shapes 2012
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Catalog excerpts

Special Shapes 2012 - 2

Amherst Blend OVER A CENTURY OF EXPERIENCE Founded in 1885 as a fire brick company, Belden Brick has remained dedicated to constantly improving our basic product. Today, the fourth generation of Beldens heads the firm bearing the family's name. For over 120 years, our employees have sought ways to reliably provide customers with the best in brick products. In this century-long commitment to customers, the traits of our company have come to merge with those of our products - solid, stable and reliable. Consider the adjectives used to describe brick structures...words like solid, durable and...

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Special Shapes 2012 - 3

UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES WITH BELDEN SPECIAL SHAPES We have already created an amazing array of shapes, sizes, colors and textures for projects across the country. The brick you have in mind may already be here for your use. If not, we are prepared to offer you design and production services customized to your exact needs. Watertable Rowlock External Corner & Watertable Rowlock The experts at Belden Brick's Special Shapes Division are prepared to move new brick concepts from your mind to the mason's hand. Architects and designers need not let their creativity be stifled by existing ideas of...

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Special Shapes 2012 - 4

WE PARTNER WITH YOU IN DESIGN OF SPECIAL SHAPES You can select from our extensive inventory of standard-shape dies and molds for commonly used special shapes such as corners, radials, bullnoses, sloped sills, headers, coping caps and other general shapes. You can also modify those shapes or create entirely new shapes of your own. Please look at our website at beldenbrick.com to see a large variety of Soft mud varieties can be mass-produced and fired to look exactly like centuries old hand made brick. When required, skilled artisans at The Belden Brick Company can also hand mold special...

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Special Shapes 2012 - 5

Brick making is as much an art form as a manufacturing process. Our raw materials include Ohio clays and shales that are carefully blended. Extruding this mixture through a die and cutting it to the proper width produces most special shape bricks. Some shapes are made by hand to exact customer specifications. An impressive inventory of dies, templates, mold boxes and other tools used for creating special shapes provide The Belden Brick Company with options for both large scale production runs or one-of-a-kind specialty items. Once molded into shape the clay or green brick is hand set onto...

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Special Shapes 2012 - 6

The ultimate expression of brick is seen in the many brick sculptures that have been inspired by architects. These one-of-a-kind sculptures are created by artists and constructed from quality Belden Brick. There is no more impressive or en- during way to present logos, murals or emblems. There is no stronger way to integrate these images into The rich colors and textures of brick impart a warm, human feeling to the highly dimensional images carved in the brick. The sculpture adds a distinct touch of lasting beauty and style, and provides immediate visual Belden Brick artisans will work with...

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Special Shapes 2012 - 7

THIS ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS THE COLOR CODING CATEGORY AVAILABILITY Details below give you the information needed for each of the special shapes shown in the following pages. STOCK I £ ) I CUSTOM STOCK SHAPES: Shapes routinely made from predetermined color ranges in our Antique Colonial line at Plant 3 and our Belcrest line of products from Plant 8. Watertable Rowlock Internal Corner Jumbo Standard STANDARD SHAPES: We currently have the appropriate equipment and capabilities for manufacturing these products on a routine basis. CUSTOM SHAPES: Special shapes that require additional equipment...

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Special Shapes 2012 - 8

All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. Bullnose Steptread Bullnose Steptread Jumbo Standard Bullnose Steptread External Corner Bullnose Steptread External Corner Jumbo Standard

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Special Shapes 2012 - 9

BULLNOSES I EXTERNAL/INTERNAL CORNERS All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please inquire with the shape department with questions. Bullnose Steptread External Corner Jumbo Modular Bullnose Header Header Corner

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Special Shapes 2012 - 10

All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. Belcrest 530 - Bullnose Rowlock Sills

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Special Shapes 2012 - 11

E XTE RNAL / I NTE R NA L CORNERS I SLOPED I BULLNOSES All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. 1 1/2" Radius Cove Header External Corner Jumbo Standard Watertable Header Sloped Header Sloped Bullnose Rowlock Sill Sloped Bullnose Rowlock Sill Jumbo Standard

Open the catalog to page 11
Special Shapes 2012 - 12

All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. 1" Radius Bullnose Rowlock 1" Radius Bullnose Rowlock Economo Modular Bullnose Rowlock Bullnose Rowlock 2" Radius Bullnose Rowlock

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Special Shapes 2012 - 13

All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please inquire with the shape department with questions. 2" Radius Bullnose Rowlock Economo Modular 3" Radius Bullnose Rowlock 3" Radius Bullnose Rowlock Economo Modular

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Special Shapes 2012 - 14

COVES I SHELF ANGLES I SLOPED All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. 2 5/8" Radius Cove Rowlock 2 5/8" Radius Cove Rowlock Economo Modular SHELF ANGLES Rabbeted Lip Sloped Rowlock Sloped Rowlock Sloped Rowlock Economo Modular

Open the catalog to page 14
Special Shapes 2012 - 15

All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. Watertable Rowlock Watertable Rowlock Jumbo Standard Watertable Rowlock External Corner Watertable Rowlock External Corner Jumbo Standard Watertable Rowlock Internal Corner

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Special Shapes 2012 - 16

All the following shapes represent each category. Not all sizes or textures can be made. Please Inquire with the shape department with questions. Watertable Rowlock Internal Corner Jumbo Standard Watertable Rowlock Watertable Rowlock External Corner Watertable Rowlock Internal Corner

Open the catalog to page 16

All Belden Brick catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Brick Chips

    1 Pages

  2. Brick Pavers

    12 Pages

  3. Thin Brick

    24 Pages

  4. Sculpture

    4 Pages

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