Catalog excerpts
UNIFLOOR® Polymer‐cement universal floor base, thickness 25 – 50 mm PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIFLOOR is a thin‐layer, ready to use after mixing with water ce‐ ment base containing hard aggregate, high‐performance cements and proper admixtures. To be used on new and existing concrete floors. Perfect for flats, shopping malls, shops, production plants, schools, airports, train stations, car showrooms and sacral buildings. Versatility Easy to use High structural strength May be used along with DST, PCC and polished floors APPLICATION CONDITIONS The temperature of the ambient and foundation during the works and for the next 5 days should be between +5°C and +30°C. The surface made should be protected from losing water too quickly as a result of, for example, high temperatures, draught, sunlight operation etc. In order to ensure high quality and uniform colour, all works should be performed with suitable tools in an area protected from dust, EPS balls and similar impurities. PREPARATION OF THE FOUNDATION The foundation must be of carrying capacity, hard, stable, dry, compact, with no cracks and free from impurities. The compressive strength of the concrete foundation should be no less than 25 N/mm2 and the peel strength ‐ no less than 1.5 N/mm2. The foundation should be cleaned mechanically, e.g.: by shot blasting or milling. Weak or soft foundations (such as asphalt), which might crack or deform under loads, should be removed. Double primed the foundation with BAUGRUNT diluted with water and leave to dry, according to its technical sheet. On the foundation prepared in this way apply bonding layer of BAUBOND and spread with a hard brush (detailed information on the bonding layer is in‐ cluded in the technical sheet of BAUBOND). PREPARATION OF MORTAR To 2.5‐2.7 l of clean, cold water pour 30 kg (a bag) of dry UNIFLOOR mixture and mix for 3‐4 minutes in a concrete mixer or with a slow‐ running drill with a mixer until a homogenous mass is obtained. Prepare portions which will be used within about 15 min. Do not add more water than the instructions indicate, as this will decrease the strength and increase the contraction of the mortar. In the wintertime the material should be kept in a heated room prior to mixing. Low temperature of the material may cause that some additions will not be able to dissolve during mixing. Too high temperature of the material will decrease the spread of the mortar and result in too quick bonding. APPLICATION Spill prepared UNIFLOOR mortar on the foundation and spread to the desired thickness using a long float along with a laser levelling in‐ strument or spacer strips, while smoothing the surface with a long float until uniform, smooth structure is obtained. FINISHING WET TO WET When the surface hardens to a degree that it can be stepped on without leaving too deep traces, troweling with power trowel should BAUTECH Sp. z o.o. ul. Staszica 25, 05‐500 Piaseczno, Poland tel. +48 22 716 77 91, fax +48 22 716 77 90 e‐mail: be commenced. Before the selected product is spread, UNIFLOOR must achieve proper hardness. The setting time of the base depends on the temperature, relative humidity of the air etc. The surface of the base must not get too hard, therefore its condition must be frequently checked. As a result, selection of the optimal moment to begin application of the mortar will be possible. TERRATOP, BAUFLOOR or BAUTOP ENDURO, MULTITOP ENDURO in WTW ver‐ sion. The works may be commenced when the imprints of feet on the base are not deeper than 3‐4 mm. Remove excess of cement grout from the surface of the base and refresh it with a disc. Then begin the application of one of the above‐mentioned products, in accor‐ dance with instructions contained in the technical sheet of the se‐ lected product. DRY TO WET Before surface hardening agent EXTRATOP ENDURO, BAUTOP ENDURO, MULTITOP ENDURO OR MULTITOP is used, the base must achieve proper hardness. The setting time of the base depends on the temperature, relative humidity of the air etc. The surface of the base must not get too hard, therefore its condition must be fre‐ quently checked. As a result, selection of the optimal moment to begin application of the surface hardener will be possible. The works may be commenced when the imprints of feet on the base are not deeper than 3‐4 mm. Remove excess of cement grout from the sur‐ face of the base with rubber squeegees and refresh the surface with a disc. Then apply the hardening agent in accordance with the tech‐ nical sheet. Immediately after the troweling is completed, the whole surface should be treated with one of the following compounds: BAUSEAL ENDURO, BAUSEAL EKO or TERRASEAL. The compound should be applied in accordance with the technical sheet. WET TO DRY When the surface hardens to a degree that it can be stepped on without leaving too deep traces, troweling with power trowel should be commenced. The troweling process should be performed only using a disc. The surface of the floor should remain even and rough. When the floor dries up, the maintenance process should be com‐ menced, during which BAUGRUNT diluted 1:5 should be applied in two layers. Surface that is impregnated in such a way does not re‐ quire grounding before the application of BAUBOND bonding layer in the application process of TERRATOP. Before applying BAUFLOOR, the third layer of BAUGRUNT should be applied, diluted with water 1:3. UNDER RESINS When the surface hardens to a degree that it can be stepped on without leaving too deep traces, troweling with power trowel should be commenced. The initial troweling should be made with a disc and subsequent ones with blades
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