

Catalog excerpts

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3 170x95 61x51 68x54 60x46 full 54x46 48x39 48x39 mini full vaso monoblocco 65x39 56x39 56x39 full vaso monoblocco 72x39 full sospesi/appoggio mini full terra full terra I wc cm 51/55/48 scaricano con soli 4,5 lt. Conforme allo standard europeo per i wc, norm. DIN EN 997 51/55/48 wc range flushes with just 4,5 litres in compliance with the European Standard for WC. DIN EN 997

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5 02.lavabo 55 sospeso monoforo FUL 55-S con portasciugamani FPU 55 / wall-hung one-hole washbasin 55 FUL 55-S with towel holder FPU 55 02. full

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7 02.lavabo 65 sospeso monoforo FUL 65-S con portasciugamani FPU 65 / wall-hung one-hole washbasin 65 FUL 65-S with towel holder FPU 65 02. full

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9 01.lavabo 65 monoforo FUL 65-S da appoggio / over-counter one-hole washbasin 65 FUL 65-S 01. full

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10 Vasca in acrilico con rinforzo in vetroresina cm 170x95. Vaso e bidet sospesi. Lavabo sospeso cm 80 con portasciugamani cromato. Specchio cm 60x90 con lampada alogena. full

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11 Acrylic bath-tub with fibreglass reinforcement cm 170x95. Wall-hung w.c. and wall-hung bidet. Wall-hung washbasin with chromed towelholder. Mirror cm 60x90 with alogen lamp. full

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12 01.vaso sospeso FUL 100/SOSP con sedile avvolgente in termoindurente C 1800 TI/F48; bidet sospeso monoforo FUL 500/SOSP wall-hung w.c. FUL 100/SOSP with wrapping thermosetting cover-seat C 1800 TI/F48; one-hole wall-hung bidet FUL 500/SOSP 01. 510 390 390 180 510 310 420 full

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13 02.vaso con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 54/S - FUL 100 54/P con sedile avvolgente in termoindurente a chiusura frizionata FUL 180048/F; bidet monoforo FUL 500 54 w.c. with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend FUL 100 54/S - FUL 100 54/P with wrapping thermosetting cover-seat with soft-closing FUL 180048/F; one-hole bidet FUL 500 54 02. 550 390 390 550 420 420 full

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14 01.bidet monoforo FUL 500 54; vaso monoblocco con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 54/MBS - FUL 100 54/MBP e cassetta monoblocco FUL 400 54/MBL one-hole bidet FUL 500 54; monoblock w.c. with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend art. FUL 100 54/MBS - FUL 100 54/MBP with monoblock cistern FUL 400 54/MBL 01. 390 640 280 160 445 420 865 full

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15 Lavabo cm 55 in appoggio su top cm 120x50 in rovere sbiancato con supporti cromati. Specchio cm 90x60. Vaso monoblocco e bidet monoforo. Washbasin cm 55 on whitened oak top cm 120x50 with chromed supports. Mirrors cm 90x60. Monoblock w.c. and one-hole bidet. full

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16 01.lavabo 60 sospeso monoforo FUL 60/S / wall-hung one-hole washbasin 60 FUL 60/S 01. full

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18 01.lavabo 60 monoforo FUL 200 48 su colonna FUL 300/ one-hole washbasin 60 FUL 200 48 on pedestal FUL 300 01. full

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19 02.lavabo 68 monoforo FUL 200 56 su colonna FUL 300 / one-hole washbasin 68 FUL 200 56 on pedestal FUL 300 02. full

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20 01.lavabo 60 sospeso monoforo FUL 60/S con portasciugamani cromato FPU/ wall-hung one-hole washbasin 60 FUL 60/S with chromed towel-holder FPU 01. 455 600 280 180 180 full

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21 02.lavabo 53 monoforo VE 200 in appoggio su top in rovere sbiancato cm 102x50 con supporti cromati over-counter one-hole washbasin 53 VE 200 on top in whitened oak 102x50 with chromed supports 02. full

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22 Vaso e bidet cm 48. Vasca in acrilico rinforzato cm 170x95. Coppia di lavabi cm 60 su colonna. Specchi cm 60x90 con lampada alogena. full

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23 W.c. and bidet cm 48. Acrylic bath-tub with fibreglass reinforcement cm 170x95. Couple of washbasins cm 60 on pedestal. Mirrors cm 60x90 with alogen lamp. full

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25 01.vaso 48 con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 48/S - FUL 100 48/P con sedile avvolgente in termoindurente a chiusura frizionata FUL 180048/F; bidet 48 monoforo FUL 500 48/M w.c. 48 with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend FUL 100 48/S - FUL 100 48/P with wrapping thermosetting cover-seat with soft-closing FUL 180048/F; one-hole bidet 48 FUL 500 48/M 01. full

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27 01.vaso 56 con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 56/S - FUL 100 56/P con sedile avvolgente in termoindurente C 1800 TI/F56; bidet 56 monoforo FUL 500 56/M w.c. 56 with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend FUL 100 56/S - FUL 100 56/P with wrapping thermosetting cover-seat C 1800 TI/F56; one-hole bidet 56 FUL 500 56/M 01. full

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28 01.bidet 48 monoforo FUL 500 48/M; vaso monoblocco con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 48/MBS - FUL 100 48/MBP e cassetta monoblocco FUL 400 48/MBL one-hole bidet 48 FUL 500 48/M; monoblock w.c. with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend FUL 100 48/MBS - FUL 100 48/MBP with monoblock cistern FUL 400 48/MBL 01. full

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29 02. vaso monoblocco con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 48/MBS - FUL 100 48/MBP e cassetta monoblocco FUL 400 48/MBL; monoblock w.c. with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend FUL 100 48/MBS - FUL 100 48/MBP with monoblock cistern FUL 400 48/MBL 03. vaso monoblocco con scarico a parete trasformabile a pavimento tramite curva tecnica in plastica FUL 100 56/MBS - FUL 100 56/MBP e cassetta monoblocco FUL 400 56/MBL; monoblock w.c. with wall trap changeable into floor trap by plastic technical bend FUL 100 56/MBS -...

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30 area tecnica technical area

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DESCRIZIONE Lavabo cm 55 monoforo cod. FUL 55/S - kg. 14,00 Portasciugamani in ottone cromato cod. FPU 55 DESCRIPTION One-hole washbasin 55 cm cod. FUL 55/S - kg. 14,00 Chromed brass towel holder cod. FPU 55 DESCRIZIONE Lavabo cm 65 monoforo cod. FUL 65/S - kg. 20,00 Portasciugamani in ottone cromato cod. FPU 65 DESCRIPTION One-hole washbasin 65 cm cod. FUL 65/S - kg. 20,00 Chromed brass towel holder cod. FPU 65 DESCRIZIONE Lavabo cm 80 monoforo cod. FUL 80/S - kg. 20,00 Portasciugamani in ottone cromato cod. FPU 80 DESCRIPTION One-hole washbasin 80 cm cod. FUL 80/S - kg. 20,00 Chromed...

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