Catalog excerpts
WATE R STORIES COM PACT LUXURY T he Future of ur ban Li vi ng A XOR ON E T he Esse nce of S i m pl i c i t y AXOR / Hansgrohe SE Auestraße 5–9 77761 Schiltach Germany EN-AXOR WATER STORIES 2021/ Subject to change in the interest of technical advancement. Form No. 84090459 / 04/21 / 23.5 / Printed in Germany / Printed on 100% chlorine free bleached paper.
Open the catalog to page 191 PUBLISHER AXOR / Hansgrohe SE EDITORIAL DESIGN vanvan0711, Stuttgart WRITING Alex Marashian, The Future Laboratory PHOTOGRAPHY Daici Ano Mikkel Bache Mark Cocksedge Bruce Damonte Yiran Ding Stafano Ferrante Joshua Fuller The Future Laboratory Niklas Herrmann Ryoji Iwata Kuhnle & Knödler Fotodesign Uli Maier Fotodesign Kento Mori Koji Fujii Nacasa & Partners Takumi Ota Lerone Pieters LITHOGRAPHY Eder GmbH, Ostfildern recom GmbH & Co. KG, Ostfildern PRINT B&K Offsetdruck GmbH, Ottersweier DATE April 20
Open the catalog to page 2“ oving away from the open-plan and M transparent spaces that used to define luxury, Compact Luxury will embrace the private and the enclosed, creating areas that may be small, but are great in their impact on a consumer’s sense of well-being.” —The Future Labor
Open the catalog to page 3Re nowne d c o nsulta n cy The Fu t u re L ab o ra to r y explores t h e t re nd t h a t is shaping u r b a n e nviro nments arou nd t h e wo r ld. Wit h t h e L ove2 Hou s e, arch i tec t Takes h i H os aka br in g s a pers on al vi s i on of l u x u r y to l i fe i n j u s t 18 sq uare m eters . With the Stealth Building in downtown Manhattan, WO R Ka c f o u n d e r s Am ale Andrao and Dan Wood turn challenges into oppor t u nities to explore t he f uture of ur ban living. B ar ber Os g er by di s c u s s their new AXOR One collection an d i n teg rate pi ec es from i t i n to t h ree...
Open the catalog to page 4STA IRWAY HOUSE, TO K YO Demonstrating a key principle o f Co mp act Luxur y, designer O k i S ato no t o nl y optimizes space in this multi-generational To kyo ho me b ut enhances it w i t h ch a ra c ter, me aning and soul. T h e n ew u n i vers al ac c esso r y prog ram des i g n ed by B a r b e r Os g er by br i n g s a m i n i ma l i s t , c i rc u l ar des i g n l an g u ag e t o t h e bat h room . —62 AXO R C I T T ER I O A Cont em porar y C l as s i c Antonio C i tter i o di s c u s s es t he lat es t u pdate to t h e AXO R C i tter i o c ol l ec ti on . Pieces are pres en ted i n t...
Open the catalog to page 5Compact Luxury Christopher Sanderson and Martin Raymond, co-founders of the Future Laboratory. One of the world’s leading consultancies on future thinking, The Future Laboratory uses aunique blend of foresight strategies to inspire organizations and help them envision the future. COMPACT LUXURY: THE FUTURE OF URBAN LIVIN G Luxury living spaces are changing. Rapid urbanization has lifted consumers’ expectations higher than ever and left space at a premium. With apartment sizes shrinking and offices being rapidly redefined in an age of working remotely, there is a shift occurring in what...
Open the catalog to page 6essential for the luxury consumer. In response, compact spaces that embrace minimal design and multi-functionalism are newly desirable. Design is being refined to be perfectly sufficient, rather than egregiously excessive. Meanwhile, as we spend more time at home, small spaces will need to become multi-functional and multi-modal, serving many different purposes at once, all in the same space. These needs and desires point to a new concept of Compact Luxury, one that favors the simple above the superfluous. As sleek and considered spaces enhance their occupants' well-being, the home will...
Open the catalog to page 7AN ARCHITECT EMBRACES COMPACT LUXURY AS A WAY OF LIFE “Luxury does not depend on the amount of floor space but on how a home meets the client’s needs and reflects his or her priorities.” —Takeshi Hosaka, architect and professor The architect Takeshi Hosaka doesn't only apply the principles of Compact Luxury to his work—he lives them on a daily basis, together with his wife and "client", at their celebrated Love2 House in Tokyo. The home is situated on a plot of land measuring just 31.4m 2. Hosaka, a professor at Tokyo's prestigious Waseda University, originally conceived it as a two-story...
Open the catalog to page 9TAKESHI HOSAKA Takeshi Hosaka is a renowned architect, artist and university professor based in Tokyo. Since establishing TAKESHI HOSAKA Architects in 2004, he and his practice have won countless awards and been featured in a wide range of publications. Hosaka's approach to Compact Luxury has been informed by influences ranging from the hut of Japanese poet Kamo no Chomei (1155-1216) to the villas of Ancient Rome: “There were five components of living that the ideal villa should incorporate. These were study, bathing, drama, music and epicureanism. I decided to incorporate the same five...
Open the catalog to page 10Compact Luxury
Open the catalog to page 11The original 'vertical city', New York gave rise to a new way of life in the 20th century, pioneering the notion of compact luxury long before it had a name. The skyscraper may have been born in Chicago, but it found its true home on the New York island of Man- Manhattan has always had to hattan. An econo- make the most of available space, mic powerhouse usually by building up. Some 130 with a land area years since the first high-rise was of just 59 km2, constructed there, almost 6,500 have been completed across the Ncity, more than 300 of them taller than 100m. And the trend toward...
Open the catalog to page 12Amale Andraos and Dan Wood, founders of influential New York architecture firm WORKac, have gained international recognition for projects that reinvent the relationship between urban and natural environments. Among them is the outstanding Stealth Building in downtown Manhattan. ArchDaily's Building of Year 2017 the Stealth Building entailed a complete gut renovation and new construction behind one of New York's oldest (it dates to 1 857) and most beautiful cast-iron facades. The project presented the architects with challenges ranging from stringent landmark protection laws to a long,...
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