Axolight Spring 2019


Catalog excerpts

Axolight Spring 2019 - 3

news We are always surrounded by new input, inspired by beautiful shades of color that dictate style and trends in harmony with the culture of beauty. Design, form, emotion are the story of a luminous 2019, from avant-garde projects to be discovered to ideas of success to be admired, and the willingness to leave at Euroluce a mark of strong personality, a mark of Axolight color. novità Siamo avvolti da stimoli sempre nuovi, ispirati da splendidi toni di colore che dettano stile e tendenza in armonia con la cultura della bellezza. Design, forma, emozione sono il racconto di un luminoso 2019,...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 4

cloudy Dima Loginoff A real scenography of light. Una vera e propria scenografia di luce. Cloudy is much more than a large scale suspension lamp, border line with art, it recalls a prodigious contemporary luminous sculpture, dominating the space with its strong installative power and great stage presence. “I believe that creating something as big as a cloud is the dream of every designer!” Says Dima Loginoff “and Axolight has made it possible to design and engineer!” The name Cloudy tells the original inspiration, developed by multiplying and connecting spherical elements of different...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 5

news “I was meant to become an interior designer, but after finishing my studies I realized that I devoted all my energy to redesigning the space with objects that the world had not yet seen”. Like this Dima Loginoff began his career, quickly coming to work with internationally renowned companies and winning numerous awards, including the prestigious “Best designer of the Year” by Elle Decoration, in 2014. In a few years, Dima also becomes a household name for the international press, which defines him “the young Russian designer who conquered the West”. Together with Axolight the designer...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 7

Europe: SP CLOUDY 90W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~7854 lm ~87 lm/W dimmable 0/1-10V USA: US CLOUDY 90W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~7854 lm ~87 lm/W dimmable 0/1-10V FINISHING FINITURA White Bianco Cloudy è una grande lampada a sospensione che si compone di cinque sfere in PMMA opalino, progettate per essere fissate agevolmente a una struttura metallica portante invisibile dall’esterno. Gli elementi sferici contengono le sorgenti luminose a LED e diffondono nello spazio una luce morbida e confortevole. Un tessuto elastico semitrasparente avvolge completamente la composizione,...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 8

Davide Besozzi inizia a collaborare con studi di progettazione d’architettura e d’interni appena compie la maggiore eta. Mentre frequenta la facolta di architettura al Politecnico di Milano si specializza nella consulenza strategica per lo sviluppo di progetti di innovazione. A 24 anni apre il suo studio, prendendo le distanze dal mondo dell’interior per spaziare in nuovi settori: dalla cosmesi alla moda, dallo stampaggio plastico alla pesatura industriale, dal giocattolo educativo alle macchine alimentari, solo per citarne alcuni. Quando non ha ancora compiuto 30 anni incontra Axolight e...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 9

manto Davide Besozzi

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 10

Quando ho incontrato Axolight un paio d’anni fa, mi ha molto colpito il desiderio dell’azienda di realizzare una sospensione di grandi dimensioni, ma che – una volta smontata – occupasse volumi ridotti, per poter essere confezionata riducendo al minimo gli imballi e trasportata agevolmente. Non era solo un tema di abbattimento dei costi, ma una lucida presa di posizione a sostegno di un design sostenibile. When I encountered Axolight a couple of years ago, I was very impressed by the company’s desire to create a large suspension very easy to be packed and shipped once disassembled. It was...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 11

White fabric / light grey finishes Tessuto bianco / finiture grigio chiaro FINISHING FINITURA Manto è una collezione di lampade a sospensione, che si declina in 3 dimensioni (con diametro 70, 120 e 180 cm). Una sfera in vetro soffiato bianco opalino contiene una fonte luminosa a LED ed è sostenuta da un braccio telescopico, che fuoriesce da un cilindro in acciaio verniciato. A sua volta il corpo cilindrico – attraverso tiranti in acciaio – mantiene in posizione orizzontale un tessuto elasticizzato bianco calzato su un anello metallico. Azionando il braccio telescopico è possibile muovere il...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 12

kwic Serge & Robert Cornelissen In the early nineties, immediately after graduating in architecture, Serge Cornelissen founded a design studio specializing in lighting design with his father, Robert. In twentyfive years of activity, Serge and Robert have collaborated with more than 30 companies all over the world, developing a specific style, elegant but informal, particularly suited to lights with a strong technical value. All’inizio degli anni Novanta, subito dopo la laurea in architettura, Serge Cornelissen fonda insieme al padre Robert uno studio di progettazione specializzato in...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 14

Goccioline inafferrabili, che si muovono velocemente ad ogni minima sollecitazione. Elusive droplets, which move quickly at every minimum stress.

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 15

USA: UP KWIC 36 18W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~2151 lm ~119 lm/W dimmable 0-10V USA: UP KWIC 48 18W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~2151 lm ~119 lm/W dimmable 0-10V application: both as ceiling or wall lamp / applicazione a soffitto o a parete Europe: SP KWIC 48 18W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~2151 lm ~119 lm/W dimmable 0/1-10V USA: US KWIC 36 18W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~2151 lm ~119 lm/W dimmable 0-10V USA: US KWIC 48 18W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~2151 lm ~119 lm/W dimmable 0-10V Europe: PT KWIC 36 18W LED CRI>90 - 3000K - diffused ~2151 lm ~119 lm/W dimmable Transparent...

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Axolight Spring 2019 - 16

After studying architecture and industrial design, Timo Ripatti worked for numerous design studios, ranging from interior design to exhibition design, to the development of lighting and furnishing objects. Today he is at the helm of Studio Ripatti, which is based in Helsinki and works with clients from different European countries, mainly in the field of product design. “My mission is to combine aesthetic, poetic and functional qualities in every project. I am fortunate to work with companies that have a broad design vision, which can rely on the most advanced production technology, which...

Open the catalog to page 16

All AXO Light catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Ukio

    5 Pages

  2. Skirt

    16 Pages

  3. Plumage

    6 Pages

  4. Layers

    7 Pages

  5. Bell

    9 Pages

  6. cut

    1 Pages

  7. liaison

    1 Pages

  8. kwic

    1 Pages

  9. JEWEL

    1 Pages

  10. ORCHID

    1 Pages

  11. NEWS 2016-2

    30 Pages

  12. AP AX20 GR

    2 Pages

  13. AP AURA

    2 Pages

  14. 3 X SP SUBZ

    2 Pages

  15. SP BLU DEC

    2 Pages

  16. NEWS 2016 - 1

    74 Pages


    12 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. SKIRT

    25 Pages

  2. NAFIR

    32 Pages

  3. AX20

    14 Pages

  4. catalogue 2015

    60 Pages

  5. Clavius X 2014

    28 Pages


    140 Pages