Catalog excerpts

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Accendi i tuoi sensi sfiora un’emozione 2 Light up your senses by touching an emotion
Open the catalog to page 4
Touch Touch Touch Touch Touch Touch Touch Guidate dalla luce morbida dei led le tue dita sfiorano la superfice in cristallo. La luce si accende, magica, sotto il tuo tocco Driven by the soft led light, your fingers will gently touch the crystal surface. The light will be magically tourned on
Open the catalog to page 5
Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Un delicato “click” ti da la certezza del comando eseguito e porta la luce nel tuo mondo One soft “click” makes sure that the command is executed, and it switches ON the light into your world
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View View View View View Dove prima c’era uno spazio vuoto e buio, ora c’è la luce, una gioia per gli occhi Where before there was an empty and dark space, now there is the light, a joy for your eyes
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Darkness has been overcome
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Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls Controls
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"ALLUMIA Touch" "LIFE Touch" 1 comando AVE Touch 3 comandi AVE Touch 1 AVE Touch control 3 AVE Touch controls
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Comfort Comfort Comfort Comfort Comfort Comfort Comfort
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13 “ALLUMIA Touch” Campanello Door bell “LIFE Touch” Campanello Door bell “DOMUS Touch” Campanello Door bell
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Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety Safety
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“ALLUMIA Touch” Placca a “scivolamento” per copertura prese Sliding plate for covering sockets “LIFE Touch” Placca a “scivolamento” per copertura prese Sliding plate for covering sockets “DOMUS Touch” Placca a “scivolamento” per copertura prese Sliding plate for covering sockets
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Wall-lined Installation Wall-lined Wall-lined Wall-lined Installation
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Una speciale scatola permette l’installazione perfettamente a filo muro A special box allows installation to be perfectly wall-lined
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Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication
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Gestione da remoto tramite smartphone e tablet Remote control via smartphone and tablet Dal Touch screen della tua casa o del tuo ufficio, potrai controllare con un solo tocco tutte le funzioni dell’impianto elettrico: luci, tapparelle, antifurto, termoregolazione, allarmi gas e acqua, videocamere, audio diffusione, controllo carichi elettrici e la possibilità anche di controllare i consumi di casa tua (acqua, energia, gas). From your Touch screen at home or in your office, you can control, only with a touch, all the electrical functions like lights, shutters, anti-intrusion,...
Open the catalog to page 21
chnology Technology Technology Technology Technology 20 Technology Technology
Open the catalog to page 22
Software di gestione sistema Lettore card a Transponder personalizzabile Hotel management software Customizable transponder card reader Ave propone un esclusivo sistema di controllo accessi per strutture alberghiere perfettamente coordinato con il resto dell’impianto elettrico Ave offers an exclusive room access control system for hotel perfectly matched with the other electrical devices
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Matched design design Matched Matched design Matched design Matched design 22 Matched design Matched design Matched design
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Forme e materiali differenti coordinati da un design moderno rendono Ave Touch versatile per ogni esigenza d’ambiente integrandosi perfettamente anche tra di loro. Different shapes and materials, matched by a modern design make Ave Touch a versatile and integrated solution for every environment.
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Colours Colours Colours Colours Colours Colours Colours
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ANS Alluminio antracite spazzolato Anthracite brushed alluminium NAL Nero assoluto finitura lucida Clear absolute black ALS Alluminio naturale spazzolato Natural brushed alluminium BL Bianco lucido finitura lucida Clear white
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RPL Rosso Pompei finitura lucida Clear Pompeian red VO Verde acqua finitura satinata Frosted water green GO Grigio argentato finitura satinata Frosted silver grey
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TheThe range range The range The range The range
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Fino a 2 comandi Up to 2 controls Fino a 3 comandi Up to 3 controls Fino a 4 comandi Up to 4 controls Fino a 7 comandi Up to 7 controls Campanello Door belll Segnalazione RISTORAZIONE RESTAURANT signal Segnalazione EXIT EXIT signal Segnalazione ALARM ALARM signal Placca a scivolo Sliding front plate Placca a scivolo Sliding front plate Campanello Door belll Lettore card transponder Transponder card reader Comando facilitato personalizzabile Easy customizable control Comando facilitato personalizzabile Easy customizable control Placca coordinabile Combined plate Placca coordinabile Combined...
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2 comandi “VERA” 2 “VERA” controls 3 comandi “VERA” 3 “VERA” controls 4 comandi “VERA” 4 “VERA” controls 7 comandi “VERA” 7 “VERA” controls Termostato “ZAMA” “ZAMA” thermostat Presa rasoio “ZAMA” “ZAMA” shaver socket 3+3 comandi “ZAMA” 3+3 “ZAMA” controls 3+3 comandi “VERA” 3+3 “VERA” controls 2 comandi “ZAMA” 2 “ZAMA” controls 3 comandi “ZAMA” 3 “ZAMA” controls 4 comandi “ZAMA” 4 “ZAMA” controls 7 comandi “ZAMA” 7 “ZAMA” controls Prese “PESONAL” “PERSONAL” sockets 3 comandi “PESONAL” 3 “PERSONAL” controls 4 comandi “PESONAL” 4 “PERSONAL” controls 7 comandi “PESONAL” 7 “PERSONAL” controls
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1 comando personalizzabile con simboli 1 control customizable with symbols 2 comandi personalizzabili con simboli 2 controls customizable with symbols 3 comandi personalizzabli con simboli 3 controls customizable with symbols 3 comandi personalizzabli con simboli 3 controls customizable with symbols Placca a scivolo Sliding front plate Segnalazione SALA MEETING MEETING ROOM signal Campanello Door belll
Open the catalog to page 34All Ave catalogs and technical brochures
Brochure Whitek 44
48 Pages
TEKLA 44 - Light up your style
12 Pages
Domus 100 - Light up your style
12 Pages
DomusAir Controllo dell'ambiente
116 Pages
Dépliant Multisocket
8 Pages
Brochure Video Intercom Systems
10 Pages
Brochure IoT Home
8 Pages
Dépliant Smart 44
5 Pages
Poster AVE British Standard
12 Pages
Ave Touch – Light up your senses
44 Pages
AVE British Standard
130 Pages
AVE wears KNX technology
56 Pages
New Style & England Style 2019
33 Pages
Archived catalogs
DOMINA Smart IoT Home automation
260 Pages
12 Pages
Life Touch
12 Pages
IoT Home: always connected
2 Pages
AVE British Standard 2021
53 Pages
System 44 Wiring Accessories
260 Pages
TEKLA - Class series
1 Pages
42 Pages
Safety Security
44 Pages
76 Pages
Sistema 45
106 Pages
sistema 44
254 Pages
Domus Touch
8 Pages
Emergency enclosures
4 Pages
484 Pages
8 Pages
Sound Diffusion
8 Pages
Placche e Contenitori IP55/IP40
16 Pages
Antintrusion and Fire detection
52 Pages
Round box Blanc Lo-res
2 Pages
Round box Banquise Lo-res
2 Pages
Round box Noir Lo-res
2 Pages
We make the 66 Lo-Res
3 Pages
52 Pages
8 Pages
6 Pages
7 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages