Catalog excerpts
Three-dimensional wall emotions T E X T U R E S2 0 1 8
Open the catalog to page 13D WA L L DE SIG N Atlas Concorde is a global specialist in premium porcelain and wall tiles for every style and application in residential, commercial and public architecture. Being global specialists means excellence in the level of design and technology in each type of surface, making it possible to always offer designers and end users the best solution for each application. Atlas Concorde è specialista globale in superfici ceramiche d’eccellenza per ogni stile e applicazione nell’architettura residenziale, commerciale e pubblica. Essere specialisti globali significa eccellere per...
Open the catalog to page 23D Wall Design Project Three-dimensional ceramic surfaces where the sculpted play of light and shadows meets the highest quality Atlas Concorde white clay tiles. A range of relief surfaces creates spectacular walls with elegant facets and design textures that decorate any type of interior with simplicity and sophistication. Superfici ceramiche tridimensionali uniscono un impatto scultoreo ricco di chiaroscuri ai vantaggi del miglior rivestimento in pasta bianca. Una gamma di superfici a rilievo crea pareti scenografiche dalle sfaccettature eleganti e dalle texture di design che arredano con...
Open the catalog to page 3Atlas Concorde
Open the catalog to page 4Atlas Concorde
Open the catalog to page 5Atlas Concorde
Open the catalog to page 6Showroom 3D Wall Tiles 3D FLAKE White Matt 40x80 cm Wall Tiles Arkshade Yellow 40x80 cm Porcelain Tiles Arkshade Dove 75x150 cm Atlas Concorde
Open the catalog to page 7Commercial and residential walls acquire luminosity and lightness. In this metropolitan design, simplicity and elegance combine to form a truly original surface. Le pareti di ambienti commerciali e residenziali si arricchiscono di luminosità e leggerezza. Per uno stile metropolitano dove semplicità ed eleganza si incontrano su una superficie dal carattere originale. Atlas Concorde ES Las paredes de viviendas y establecimientos comerciales se llenan de luz y ligereza. Un estilo urbano donde sencillez y elegancia se mezclan para crear una superficie original. DE Wände von Geschäfts-oder...
Open the catalog to page 8Three-dimensional ceramic tiles with geometric forms inspired by snowflakes that emerge randomly from the surface. Un rivestimento ceramico tridimensionale dove forme geometriche ispirate ai fiocchi di neve emergono senza un ritmo definito dalla superficie. ES Un revestimiento cerámico tridimensional con formas geométricas inspiradas en copos de nieve que DE Bei diesem se posan al azar en la superficie. dreidimensionalen keramischen Wandbelag stechen die geometrisch dargestellten Schneeflocken unwillkürlich aus der Oberfläche. FR Un revêtement céramique tridimensionnel avec des formes...
Open the catalog to page 9The ideal three-dimensional relief design FOR CONTEMPORARY HOME DECORATION. Ice crystals emerge from the wall in perfect alternation between the dips, slopes and level surfaces. Cristalli di ghiaccio emergono dalla parete in un’alternanza originale di rilievi e spazi piani. 3D Wall Tiles 3D FLAKE White Matt 40x80 cm ES Cristales de hielo salpican la pared cubriéndola con sus relieves. DE Aus der Wand ragen in zufälliger Anordnung Eiskristalle und unterbrechen die ebenen Wandflächen. FR Des cristaux de glace émergent du mur, alternant des reliefs et des espaces plats de manière originale. РУ...
Open the catalog to page 10Spa 3D Wall Tiles 3D TWIST White Matt 40x80 cm Wall Tiles Arkshade Dove 40x80 cm Porcelain Tiles Arkshade Dove 120x120 cm Etic Pro Rovere Venice Strutturato 22,5x90 cm Atlas Concorde
Open the catalog to page 11Soft wave MOVEMENTS Inspired by the intertwined ropes of moored boats, these 3D wall tiles stand out for tiny relief ripples that vary in angle to create changing light and shadow effects. Ispirato alle funi intrecciate di barche ormeggiate, il rivestimento 3D si distingue per piccole increspature a rilievo che cambiano inclinazione, creando giochi di luce e ombra. Atlas Concorde ES Inspirado en las maromas trenzadas de amarre de los barcos, el revestimiento 3D destaca por sus suaves ondulaciones en relieve cuya inclinación variable crea juegos de luces y sombras. DE Wie verflochtenes...
Open the catalog to page 12The impact of light on the wall surface creates a natural effect in wellness areas. L’impatto della luce sul rivestimento dà un effetto naturale allo spazio wellness. ES El impacto de la luz en el revestimiento crea un efecto natural perfecto para el espacio dedicado al bienestar. DE Im Licht wirkt der Wandbelag sehr natürlich, wie es sich für eine dem Wellness gewidmeten Umgebung auch gehört. FR L’impact de la lumière sur le revêtement donne un effet naturel à l’espace bienêtre. РУ Свет, падающий на настенную плитку, придает натуральный эф
Open the catalog to page 13Gentle reliefs and fashionable colors ENSURE A STYLISH FINISH. The Sage variant combines the gentle nature of Twist’s geometric designs with the delicacy of a powder hue. Twist nella variante colore Sage abbina l’anima morbida della sua geometria alla delicatezza di una cromia polverosa. ES Twist en su variante color Sage combina la suavidad de su geometría con la delicadeza de un tono polvoriento. DE In der Farbvariante Sage vereint Twist geometrische Geschmeidigkeit mit zarter Pulverchromie. FR Dans sa variante couleur Sage, Twist allie la douceur de sa géométrie à la délicatesse d’un ton...
Open the catalog to page 14HARMONIOUS INTERWEAVES SLENDER RELIEFS WHITEBODY WALL TILES - RECTIFIED MONOCALIBER RIVESTIMENTI IN PASTA BIANCA - RETTIFICATO MONOCALIBRO WHITEBODY WALL TILES - RECTIFIED MONOCALIBER RIVESTIMENTI IN PASTA BIANCA - RETTIFICATO MONOCALIBRO Revestimientos en pasta blanca - Rectificado monocalibre / Weißscherbige Wandfliesen - Geschliffen einkalibrig Revêtements en pâte blanche - Rectifié mono-calibre / Настенная плитка из белой глины - Ретифицированный в одном калибре Revestimientos en pasta blanca - Rectificado monocalibre / Weißscherbige Wandfliesen - Geschliffen einkalibrig Revêtements en pâte...
Open the catalog to page 15All Atlas Concorde catalogs and technical brochures
93 Pages
51 Pages
51 Pages
58 Pages
66 Pages
55 Pages
47 Pages
39 Pages
74 Pages
86 Pages
Marvel Edge
79 Pages
88 Pages
76 Pages
56 Pages
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46 Pages
32 Pages
70 Pages
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63 Pages
48 Pages
53 Pages
44 Pages
70 Pages
48 Pages
60 Pages
42 Pages
42 Pages
67 Pages
35 Pages
3D Wall Design '17/'18
93 Pages
39 Pages
47 Pages