Catalog excerpts
indice alfabetico Accesorios espresso test 2 Limpiadores Inox 42 Accesorios kit barista 4 Llaveros 32 Accesorios te 36 Maletines espresso test 1 Adaptadores de latas 39 Maquina cafe portatil / Cafetera cristal / Pins / Llaveros 32 Adhesivo nivel 43 Maquinas de filtro - Accesorios 43 Adhesivos pomos vapor / Agua 43 Molinos 38 Adhesivos tolva descafeinado 38 Molinos manuales 38 Azucarero 8 Molinos profesionales - Decaf / Home 40 Bandeja molino 38 Palas Inox 34 Bandejas de camarero 44 Palas plastico 34 Basculas 11 Palas policarbonato 34 Bases de apoyo portafiltro 21-22 Picamarros 23-24 Batidor...
Open the catalog to page 2Filterholders - Capsule Barista tampers Filterholders - Pressure Grinder tray Battery button scale Infrared thermometer Inox cleaners Inox spades Jugs - Champion Jugs - Painted Keeper keys Cappuccino detergents Knock boxes Cappuccino mixer Level stickers Manual grinders Cappuccino tools Napking ring Cleaners blades for grinders Policarbonate spades Portable coffee machine MY PRESSI Cocoa Dredgers Pressure checks Coffee bean sampler Pressure dispensers Coffee clips Replacement cartridges for cream siphons Coffee dosing spoons Replacement cartridges for soda siphons Coffee grinders - Home /...
Open the catalog to page 3Código Code Descripción Description Maletín Briefcase Kit espresso test top Top espresso test kit Kit espresso test básico Basic espresso test kit Kit espresso profesional Professional espresso kit Código Code Rango Range Cacillo ciego inox Inox blind lter Tórica Vitón 300º verde Green 300º Viton gasket Cacillo ciego goma Rubber blind lter Junta Teón Teon gasket Cepillo ducha Brush for lter Detergente grupo 15 sobres 15 bags group detergent Kit comprobador dureza agua Water hardless check kit Manómetro presión de agua al grupo Pressure manometer Termómetro analógico Analogic Thermometer...
Open the catalog to page 4Gama INOX INOX Range
Open the catalog to page 5Jarras M Milk jugs (1) Without lid milk jugs
Open the catalog to page 6Jarras ■ Milk jugs (3) Jarras teflonadas Non stick milk jugs Azucarero Sugar bowl
Open the catalog to page 7Analogic thermometer
Open the catalog to page 8Bascula mecanica Mechanical scale Bascula digital Digital scale Bascula digital Digital scale TANITA • Pantalla plegable para almacenamiento • Funcion de ajuste geograficc • Baterla de Litio (incluida) • Base de diseno en acero inox • Resistente y facil de limpiar • Funcion tara Digital scale Maximum weight 5 Kg - Scale: 1 gr • Folding display • Geographical adjust _ • Litium battery (included) Cddigo • Stainles steel base Code • Strong and easy clean Tanita's scale
Open the catalog to page 9Prensa cafes ■ Coffee tampers (1) Prensa cafes barista Barista tampers Para uso profesional. Base hueca (para un menor peso) en acero inox. Peso 250 gr. The Barista tamper is made for professional use. The Barista is the only die cast, hollow base stainless steel tamper on the market. It is perfectly balanced and has a comfortable weight of about 250 grams. Prensa cafes LUCE LUCE tampers Excelente tamper, combinacion de nylon y acero inox. La base se separa del cuerpo, pudiendo cambiar multitud de colores. Peso 160 gr. Mostly recycled nylon, but also top notch hand polished stainless steel....
Open the catalog to page 10Prensa cafes ■ Coffee tampers (3) Prensa cafes alta calidad / Madera + Aluminio Hight quality coffee tampers / Wood + Aluminium Prensa cafes colores (Goma + aluminio) Colours coffee tampers (Rubber + aluminium)
Open the catalog to page 11Código Code Adaptable Suitable FUTURMAT ARIETE ASCASO negro+ltro ASCASO black+lter Figura Código Picture Code Adaptable Suitable Figura Código Picture Code Adaptable Suitable ELEKTRA NIVOLA ASCASO blanco sin ltro ASCASO white without lter ASCASO blanco+ltro ASCASO white+lter GAGGIA ITALIA ASTORIA GLORIA NUOVA SIMONELLI DALLA CORTE Fig. Código Pict. Code Adaptable Suitable Fig. Código Pict. Code Adaptable Suitable ASCASO BARISTA / BARISTA PRO ASTORIA PLUS 4YOU / GLORIA SAN MARCO (LEVA / LEVER) Fig. Código Pict. Code Adaptable Suitable Adaptable Suitable ASCASO HOME ASTORIA GLORIA /CONCEPT...
Open the catalog to page 12Comprobadores de presion ■ Pressure checks (1) Portafiltro + Manometro + adaptador Filterholder + Manometer + thermo- meter adapter
Open the catalog to page 13Bases de apoyo portafiltro ■ Filterholder support bases (1)
Open the catalog to page 14Cajones de marro ■ Knock boxes (1) Cajones marro cuadrados Square knock boxes Kits completos Complet kits
Open the catalog to page 15Espolvoreadores de cacao / Espieceros ■ Cocoa Dredgers / Dredgers Espolvoreadores cacao - Especieros Cocoa dredgers - Dredgers Con tap6n de plastico. With plastic cover Cepillo duchas Shower brushes
Open the catalog to page 16Cepillos (2) / Punzones ■ Brushes (2) / Bradawls Cepillos limpieza grifos/Tubos Taps / Pipes cleaning brushes
Open the catalog to page 17Tubos de cappuccino ■ Cappuccino pipes Modo de empleo / Directions 1 Cambiar el tubo de vapor de la maqulna por el tubo "II Cappucclnatore" Llenar una jarra de leche (tamano indistinto) al cincuenta por ciento (50%) aproximada- mente. Introduzca el tubo en la leche de forma que esta cubra, exactamente, la mltad del orificio de absorcion (no cubrirlo totalmente). Siga este criterio en todo el proceso. Replace the machine's steam tube with the "II Cappucclnatore" pipe. Fill a milk jug (size Immaterial) approximately half-full (50%) and place the pipe into the milk so that the milk covers...
Open the catalog to page 18Sifones de espuma / Sifones de soda ■ Cream whipper / Soda siphons Sifones espuma Cream whipper
Open the catalog to page 19Tostador profesional digital ■ Digital professional toaster Tostador profesional digital Digital professional toaster ■ Unico con el sistema "3D mixing". ■ Ocho niveles de tostado. ■ Temperatura/Tiempo de tostado regulables. ■ Disenado para uso domestico y profesional Caracterlsticas tecnicas Util muestra granos cafe Coffee bean sampler Pala plastico Plastic spade
Open the catalog to page 20Termos / Hervidores de agua M Thermos / Whistling kettle Jarra termo tapon hermetico Sealing plug thermo jug Thermo dispenser
Open the catalog to page 21Coctail / Kit Barman M Cocktail / Barman Kit
Open the catalog to page 22Tolvas de molinos universales / Adaptadores de latas ■ Universal grinder hoppers / Metallic adaptor hoppers Tolvas estandar Standard hoppers Adaptadores lata Metal hopper adaptors Adaptadores lata Metal hopper adaptors Grupo molienda en laton. Fresas planas. 1-1 /I-1D Grupo molienda en plastico. Fresas conicas. I-2/I-2D Brass grinding group. Plane blades. I-1/I-1D Plastic grinding group. Conic blades. I-2/1-2D Ver gama completa en Catalogo Cafe 5t range in Coffee Catalogi
Open the catalog to page 23All ASCASO FACTORY catalogs and technical brochures
28 Pages
Barista T 2020
28 Pages
20 Pages
BAR 2020
12 Pages
Home Office 2020
28 Pages
52 Pages