

Catalog excerpts

Kulm - 1

Kulm - Baffle Absorption PRO AUDIO & ST UDIO e for ceiling mounted abs orption. Ceiling ba cient option for any s pace, providing abs orption on both s ides of the panel. A practical s olution for a myriad of environments , es pecially from large ce, broadcas ting or indus trial applications , but als o for s maller s paces with limited wall s pace. Dis tancing the panel from any oppos ing s urfaces dras tically increas es its abs orption for mid-high frequencies , making it an ideal s olution for open environments with a very high reverberation time. FR+ Dim . | 1 1 9 0 x59 5x42m m In s ta lla tion - FixArt B a ffle (In clu de d) h e llo@a rtn ovion .com www.a rtn ovion .com 26 /0 4/20 1 8

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Kulm - 2

Kulm - Baffle Absorption PRO AUDIO & ST UDIO Product finishes (FG) Product Fire Grade - Furniture Grade Acou s tic pe rform a n ce : Abs orption ra n ge | 31 5 Hz to 8 0 0 0 Hz Acou s tic cla s s | B Abs orption coe f. (aw) | 0 ,8 5 In s ta lla tion - FixArt B a ffle (In clu de d) (FR+) Product Fire Grade - Fire Rated + h e llo@a rtn ovion .com www.a rtn ovion .com 26 /0 4/20 1 8

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All Artnovion catalogs and technical brochures

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Archived catalogs