Artic Frame


Catalog excerpts

Artic Frame - 1

ECOLOGICAL & INDIVIDUAL | WOODEN HOUSES FROM FINLAND! Artic Frame Artichouse Maisons en bois | Artichouse Holzhauser

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Artic Frame - 2

"Artic Frame combines the best features of Timber Frame and Post & Beam- building techniques." "Nos maisons en bois "Artic Frame" combinent les techniques tenon-mortaise et poteau-poutre pour le meilleur resultat." These high class wooden houses are based on European Timber Frame-buildings and American Post & Beam technology. Our Artic Frame models are contemporary and multifunctional buildings. whether you are looking for a family house, a villa for your leisure time or a holiday village, artichouse will fulfill your expectations with years of experience and expertise. As one of finland's...

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Artic Frame - 3

Healthy and ecological living Wood is by the far the most ecological and healthiest building material available. Correctly built wooden houses have a fresh and clear indoor air all year round. Natural surroundings enhance well-being and bring peace of mind. Artichouse is committed to sustainable forest growth in Finland. This means that more forest is planted yearly than cut down. Our wood is unique and sustainable wood from Northern Finland. Pour une vie bonne et écologique Le bois est de loin le matériau de construction le plus écologique et le plus sain. Dans les maisons en bois...

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Artic Frame - 4

In our Artie Frame models the main structure is made of wooden posts and beams. This kind of a structure is a visible part of the buildings look. The frame is strong and firm. Energy efficient Artichouse factory is located in Northern circle, in the middle of the best raw materials. Spare wood from production is used to heat up the whole factory. Une consommation d'energie basse. L'usine Artichouse est situee au nord du cercle polaire ou se trouve la matiere premiere de la plus haute qualite. L'usine est chauffee avec l'excedent de bois de la fabrication. Die energieeffiziente...

Open the catalog to page 4
Artic Frame - 5

ARTIC FRAME 117 Gross floor area Surface de plancher Brutto-Wohnflache 86,0 m2 Terrace & Balcony Terrasse & Balcon Terrasse & Balkon 31,0 m2

Open the catalog to page 5
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ARTIC FRAME 173 Gross floor area Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Terrasse & Balkon

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Artic Frame - 7

Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

Open the catalog to page 7
Artic Frame - 8

Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

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ARTIC FRAME 257 Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

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Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussée Premier étage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnfläche Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

Open the catalog to page 10
Artic Frame - 11

Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussée Premier étage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnfläche Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

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Artic Frame - 12

Gross floor area Ground floor Loft Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussée Loft Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnfläche Erdgeschoss Loft Terrasse & Balkon

Open the catalog to page 12
Artic Frame - 13

Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

Open the catalog to page 13
Artic Frame - 14

ARTIC FRAME 176 Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

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Artic Frame - 15

Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

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Artic Frame - 16

Gross floor area Ground floor First floor Terrace & Balcony Surface de plancher Rez-de-chaussee Premier etage Terrasse & Balcon Brutto-Wohnflache Erdgeschoss Dachgeschoss Terrasse & Balkon

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Artic Frame - 17

Quality wooden houses from Finland Suomen Lomakoti Oy Petikontie 25 01720 Vantaa Finlandl I Maisons ecologiques et individuelles de Finlande

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All Artic House catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Summer homes

    17 Pages

  2. Artichomes

    24 Pages

  3. Eurohomes

    20 Pages

  4. Reference Book

    69 Pages