Catalog excerpts
Page 1 of 4 1 I DENTIFIC A T ION O F THE S U BST A N C E / PREP A R A T I O N A N D OF THE C OMP A N Y / UNDERT A K I N G > Prod uct name : T actite > Use / descripti on : Wa te r-ba se d de c o ra ti v e c o a t ing. > C o mp a n y n a me : A r m o u r co at S u rface F i n i sh es More w o od C l o s e, Lond on Ro ad Seven oaks, Kent T N 13 2HU Unite d King do m T e l: + 44 (0)173 2 460 66 8 F a x: + 44 (0)1 7 32 45 09 30 2. COMPOSIT I O N / INF O RMA T ION ON INGREDIENTS > H a z a rd ou s in gre d ie n t s: ● P y rithione Zinc < . 5 % EINE CS: 236-6 71-3 CAS: 13463-41-7 [T ], [N ]; R 22, R 2 3, R 38, R 41, R 5 ● Zinc Ox ide <0.5 % EINE CS: 215-2 22-5 CAS: 131 4-13-2 [N] R50/53 ● Diethy l ene gly c ol monobuty l ether <0.5% EINE CS: 203-9 61-6 CAS: 112-34-5 [X i ] R 36 ● T r iethy l amine (in neutraliz ed form) <0.5% EINE CS 204-46 9-4 CAS: 121- 44-8 [F] [C ] R 11, R 2 0, R 21, R 22, R 3 5 3. H A Z A R D S I D ENTIFIC A TION > Main H a zar d s: No sig n ificant hazard. 4. FIRST A ID ME A S URES ( SYMPTOMS) > Skin co ntact : There may be mild irr i tation th e site of contact. Ey e contact : There may be irritation and red ness. Ingestion : There may be s o reness and re dness of the mouth and throat. Naus ea and sto m ach pain may occur. Inhalation : There may be irritation of the throat. size="-1">
Open the catalog to page 1Skin co ntact : Wash w i th plenty of w a ter or w a ter and soap. In the event of a visible sk in cha nge or other compla ints, see k medica l advic e (show label or SDS w here possib l e). Ey e contact : Rin se immed i at ely w i th plenty o f w a ter. Seek m edica l adv ice in case of continu ous irritation. Ingestion : Wash out mouth w i th water. Do not induce vom i ting. Inhalation : Provid e fresh air. If breathing is irregular or stopped, admin ister artificia l respirat ion. Give nothing by mouth. Seek medic a l advice. > Exting uishin g media: Suitab le ex tingu ishing media for...
Open the catalog to page 2Page 3 of 4 Odour : Character i stic S o lubility in w a ter: Comp letely miscible at 20C > S t ability: Stable un der no rmal cond itions. Co nditions to a v oid: None kn ow n > General information: Product not inv e stigated. Avoid inha lative ex p o sure! H a z a rd ou s in grie d i e n ts : - > P e rsistence and degradability: There is no sp e c ific data ava ila ble on the prod uct itself. Bioacc umulati v e potential: - Other ad v e rse effects: - > Dispo sal: Recomm endation: Dispo s e of accord ing to r egulat ions by incinerat ion in a spec ia l w a ste incinerator. Observe loca l/...
Open the catalog to page 3Rele v a nt R-phrases : R11 High ly flammable R20 Harmful by inha latio n R21 Harmful in contact w i th ski n R22 Harmful if s w allow ed R23 T o x i c by inhalation R35 Causes se vere burns R 38 Irri tati ng to ski n R41 Risk of serious damage to e y es R50 Very to x i c to aquatic organ isms R53 May cause long-term adve r se effects in th e aquatic env iro n ment Legal disclaim e r: The ab ove infor m ation is be lie v ed to be correc t but does not purport to be all in clus ive and shall be use d o n ly as a guide. This c o mpany s hall not be held liab l e for any d a mage resu lting...
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