BLUES collection
1 / 36Pages

Catalog excerpts

BLUES collection - 5

T he c e m e n t in its p u re s t e s s e n ce . B l u e s co l l e ct i o n u p dat e s the c ha r m o f ur b a n a e s t h e t i cs w i t h a v e ry u n i f o rm a n d h a r m o n ic de sign t h at g i v e s co n t i n u i t y t o s u rface s. T i me l e s s a nd sty lish, th e new co l l e ct i o n o f ce me n t e f f e ct f ro m A rca n a T ile s is b a se d o n f o u r v e ry s o f t n e u t ra l t o n e s t o i n t e g rat e i n the e n vir o nm e n t in o rd e r t o re s p o n d t o t h e cu rre n t d e ma n d s i n i n t e ri o r d e s i g n . P e r f e c tly a da pta b l e t o a l...

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BLUES collection - 7

FULSON PORCELAIN TILE 60X60 CM / 59,3X59,3 CM 59,3X119,3 CM PAG. 22-25 GILMORE WALL TILE 33,3X100 CM PAG. 26-28

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Fulson Sombra · 60 x 60 cm. / Rollins Sombra · 33,3x100 cm. 7

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Walton-SPR Antracita · 59,3x59,3 cm. / Gilmore Gris · 33x100 cm. 8

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The blues melody reflected on cement.

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Fulson Antracita / Fulson Gris · 60x60 cm. / Rollins Gris · 33,3x100 cm. / Gradone · 60x60 cm

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Fulson-R Sombra · 59,3x119,3 cm. / Carter Mosaic Sombra · 23,7x34,3 cm. Gilmore Sombra / Rollins Sombra · 33,3x100 cm.

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Lewis Gris / Fulson Antracita · 60x60 cm. / Gilmore Gris / Doit Gris · 33,3x100 cm.

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For lovers of metropolitan style and neutral colours BLUES C O L L E C T I O N

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Fulson Sombra / Walton Sombra · 60x60 cm. / Gilmore Sombra / Doit Gris · 33,3x100 cm. 18

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Delicate rhythms to respond to contemporary trends 20

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Gilmore Beige / Rollins Beige · 33,3 x 100 cm. / Fulson Beige · 60 x 60 cm.

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Fulson Beige R.016 Fulson-SPR Beige R.027 Fulson Sombra R.016 Fulson-SPR Sombra R.027 Fulson Gris R.016 Fulson-SPR Gris R.027 Fulson Antracita R.016 Fulson-SPR Antracita R.027 Carter Mosaic Beige 23,7x34,3 cm approx. R.343 Carter Mosaic -SPR Beige 23,7x34,3 cm approx. R.344 Carter Mosaic Sombra 23,7x34,3 cm approx. R.343 Carter Mosaic -SPR Sombra 23,7x34,3 cm approx. R.344 Carter Mosaic Gris 23,7x34,3 cm approx. R.343 Carter Mosaic -SPR Gris 23,7x34,3 cm approx. R.344 Antracita * Carter Mosaic approx. 23,7x34,3 cm R.343 Carter Mosaic -SPR Antracita 23,7x34,3 cm approx.

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Lewis Beige R.019 Lewis-SPR Beige R.030 Lewis Gris R.019 Lewis-SPR Gris R.030 Walton Sombra R.019 Walton-SPR Sombra R.030 Walton Antracita R.019 Walton-SPR Antracita R.030 This reference is composed by different designs coming in the same box. Esta referencia está compuesta por diseños diferentes mezclados en la misma caja. Cette référence est composée de décors differents emballés dans la même bo

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BLUES collection - 32

IMPORTANT NOTE Technical specifications are only valid for those products classified as first choice. Consequently, any failure to conform to such standards with respect to all other commercial types shall not be considered as grounds for complaint. ARCANA CERAMICA S.A. does not accept any claim of responsibility for tiles that have not been fixed and/or maintained following the manufacturer's recommendations. PORCELAIN TILE Characteristics : Product with very low water absorption, high mechanical performance, chemical and frost resistance. It is suitable whether for using on interior or...

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GILMORE BIII Annex L monococciOn 33,3x100 cm. / 13,1"x39,4"

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reserves the right to delete and amend, either totally or partially, any of the styles, colours, shade, sizes, references and other technical specifications contained in this catalogue without prior notice. The total or partial reproduction of this catalogue without prior written authorization from Arcana Ceramica, S.A. is strictly prohibited. The colours shown in this catalogue are for guidance only.

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ARCANA CERÁMICA S.A. Ctra. Castellón km. 23,6 · 12110 ALCORA ( Castellón - Spain ) · Tel.: (+34) 964 36 70 22 · Fax: (+34) 964 36 70 30 · www.arcanatiles

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