Apton Company Profile


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Apton Company Profile - 1

... wall to wall solutions

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Apton Company Profile - 2


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Apton Company Profile - 3

Office Par��oning | Operable Walls | Interior Doors | Cubicles | Ceilings | Lockers & Benches Table of Content Par��ons 8-15 Operabale Wall System Ceiling System Cubicles Washroom Solu�ons Lockers & Cloakroom Benches 4 - 5 Products 6 - 7 Company Profile 8 - APEX 9- ASTRAL 10 - 11 QUARTZ 12 - COLOURLINE 13 - QUANTUM 14 - INSPIRE 15 - FIRE RATED PARTITIONS 16 - 21 Apton Doors 22 - 25 Apton Operabale Wall System 26 - 27 Apton Ceiling System 28 - 29 Apton Cubicles Washroom Solu�ons 30 - 32 Apton Lockers 33 - Cloakroom Benches 34 - 35 Major Clients A LEADING MANUFACTURER OF INTERIOR SYSTEMS Office...

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Apton Company Profile - 5

Apton Par��oning Limited was founded in 1973 in the United Kingdom as a subsidiary of the well established Dexion Limited manufacturing company, par�cularly associated with the development of the Dexion slo�ed angle steel strip construc�on system, widely used since the 1950s for domes�c and commercial shelving, storage racking, exhibi�on stands and accommoda�on purposes. Apton is popular for our demountable and relocatable office par��on system comprising of galvanized steel frameworks called the Colourline range. In 2003, Dexion Limited ceased trading as a consequence Apton Par��oning...

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APEX Apex Bi -Bl ock Sys t em offers fine panel joint details, slim window frames and ver�cal and horizontal panels all without visible fixings to ensure smooth flush elegance. The unique Apton ‘locked mullion’ system also helps to eliminates panel creep and maintains the alignment of panels. 8 | APEX - Demountable Partitioning Demountable Partitioning Demountable Partitioning Flush Bonded Glazed System for minimal aesthe�c with the benefit of high acous�c resistance. Astral frameless glazing system is both stylish and simple. It is mullion free, with minimal tracks at head, base and abutments....

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10 | QUARTZ - Demountable Partitioning Double Glazed 54mm Linear – Banded Glazing A number of deflec�on details are available. Single Glazed 27/32mm This is the ideal system to create privacy and at the same �me, allow as much natural light into your office space as possible. Double Glazed Blend Single Glazed 27/32mm Quartz Frameless Glazing System The perfect choice, when maximum natural light and an aesthe�cally pleasing design are essen�al. The profile is 27/32mm wide x 27mm high and can be incorporated with any of our other demountable solid systems. Single Central Glazed 100mm Demountable...

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Demountable Partitioning Demountable Partitioning Colourline is our modular demountable steel framed par��oning system for quick on site installa�on. Quantum is a 115mm all steel very high performance relocatable framed par��on system. Featuring pre-glazed windows and pre-decorated panels, no system could be more flexible or quicker and simpler to install. Designed to allow for large glazed panels up to 2 Meters in width whilst s�ll complying with Bri�sh Standards. There is li�le or no snagging and no wet trades needed on site. The wide spectrum of colours and versa�le system op�ons allow...

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Demountable Partitioning FIRE RATED Demountable Partitioning A professional, contemporary par��oning system. 14 | INSPIRE - Demountable Partitioning It is designed to be simple, easily installed and fully demountable, ensuring minimal site disrup�on to any reloca�on, with high acous�c performance. FIRE RATED - Demountable Partitioni

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Apton Doors Apton Doors The GDS Double Glazed Acous�c Doors create a feeling of privacy whilst maintaining an unrestricted visual of an open office. These can be supplied with either hinges and overhead door closer or offset pivots and floor spring. The doors can be installed into any frame designed to accept a 44mm door and are available with a full range of ironmongery. The MK2 Door is an Aluminum framed double glazed door, which combines aesthe�cally stylish appearance with acous�c performance, choice of ironmongery, type of opera�on and ease of installa�on makes a winning combina�on for the...

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Minimal framework combined with ease of opera�on and an ability to blend with and enhance buildings both old and new make Quartzglide 1 a logical choice. Quartzglide 2 is the Apton solu�on for those areas where concealed runners are the preferred requirement, providing a visual impact of unimpeded glass from floor to ceiling. The unclu�ered appearance of Quartzglide 2 is the prime reason for its selec�on in the modern office environment. For that architectural stainless and glass aesthe�c, Quartzglide 1 is the obvious choice. Apton Doors Apton Doors Where acous�c privacy in conjunc�on with...

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These can be supplied with either hinges and overhead door closer or offset pivots and floor spring. The doors can be installed into any frame designed to accept a 44mm door and are available with a full range of ironmongery. The S�le door, is an aluminium framed single glazed acous�c door, which creates a feeling of privacy whilst maintaining an unrestricted visual of an open office. 20 | STILE - Apton Doors Apton Doors Apton Doors Our �mber door range includes most types of internal door including 44mm FD30 and 54mm FD60 in a wide range of veneers and vision panels. Compliance with DDA...

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Apton Autonomous is the smart choice, when you need to keep pace with changing space requirements. It is supplied with top hung elements that move easily and quietly in an aluminium track, in either single or twin point suspension. 22 | AUTONOMOUS - Operable Walls Operable Walls Operable Walls The Duplex is a series of interlocking panels that glide effortlessly along a track. With the added benefit of having the ability to adjust room sizes in a ma�er of minutes, minimising outside sound interference within the room. DUPLEX - Operable Walls |

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All Apton Partitioning Limited catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Apton Ceiling

    17 Pages