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Technical Information ET&HP Pressurized Solar Water Heater International Version October 2018 Product Introduction Wombat heat pipe solar water heaters are an all-in-one solar water heating system. They are ideal for supplying pressurized hot water to residential customers who require a sustainable, easy to install, high efficiency and reliable solar hot water solution. In high solar radiation areas, Wombat solar water heaters can be the sole energy source for hot water supply. In cooler climates Wombat systems can provide pre-heated hot water which saves traditional electric or gas energy costs. The tank has an optional electrical heating element for boosting. Basic Operation Evacuated tubes absorb sunlight and convert it to usable heat. A vacuum between the two glass layers insulates against heat loss improvement efficiency. The heat transfer fin helps to transfer heat from the evacuated tube to the to the copper heat pipe. The heat pipe contains a small amount liquid which forms steam when heated, rapidly transferring the heat up to the water in the storage tank. Rubber Silicon Seal Ring Heat Transfer Fin Heat Pipe Twin Glass Evacuated Tube • Twin glass evacuated tubes (passive solar tracking) • Freeze resistant heat pipes • Well insulated solar storage tank • Easy plug-in dry connect installation of heat pipes • 3 year limited warranty on compact system • 10 year limited warranty on evacuated tubes • Efficient performance at high differential temperatures Materials of Construction Evacuated Tubes: Absorber: Heat Pipes: Heat Transfer Fins: Inner Tank: Outer Tank: Insulation: Mounting Frame: Max. Pressure: Borosilicate 3.3 Glass Cu-SS-AL/N High purity copper Aluminum Food grade 1.2mm SUS304 PVDF coating tank High density polyurethane 50mm Galvanized steel 1.5mm 304 SS Fasteners 6 bar Optional Accessories Electric Heating Element, PTRV, Mg anode & Check Valve Evacuated Tube Part Code Water Tank Sustainable HOT WATER Solutions, Delivered by APRICUS Apricus Solar Co., Ltd service@apricus.com www.apricus.com
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