Catalog excerpts

Shear Load Connectors UILDING PRODUCTS
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Other Shear Load Connectors MuLti Joint System and In dividual PLate DoweLs For Ground Bearing Slabs Lockable Dowels Individual Plate Dowels Ancon MultiJoint is an all-in-one solution to load transfer, concrete contraction, armoured edge protection joints in ground bearing slabs and is ideal for factories and distribution centres. Individual rectangular plate dowels housed in innovative, high strength plastic, tapered sleeves are also available. Lockable Dowels Ancon Lockable Dowels have been movement joints in post-tensioned concrete construction. The Lockable Dowel allows initial...
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Ancon designs and manufactures high integrity steel products for the construction industry. Through continuous programmes of new product development, inward investment and employee advancement, the company is committed to maintaining the highest level of customer service within a dynamic and challenging Masonry Support Systems Masonry Reinforcement Wind posts and Parapet Posts Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings Channel and Bolt Fixings Tension and Compression Systems Insulated Balcony Connectors Shear Load Connectors Punching Shear Reinforcement Reinforcement Continuity Systems Stainless Steel...
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DSD/ESD Shear Load Connectors DOWELLED JOINTS Dowels are used to transfer shear across construction and movement joints in concrete. They are often either cast or drilled into the concrete. A single row of short thick dowels provides reasonable shear transfer but suffers from deformation. This can lead to stress concentrations, resulting in subsequent spalling of the concrete. Where dowels are used across expansion and contraction joints, half the length of the bar is debonded to allow movement to take place. Dowelled joints either require formwork to be drilled for the dowels to pass...
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Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: Ancon DSD sleeve The two-part assembly of Ancon connectors ensures dowel alignment Ancon DSD dowel component Conventional Joints Floor Slab Ancon Solutions Keyed Joint ANCON SOLUTIONS TO JOINTS In most cases dowelled or keyed joints can be replaced by joints incorporating Ancon shear load connectors. These connectors are more effective at transferring load and allowing movement to take place, easier to fix on site and can prove a more cost-effective solution. Ancon connectors can be used for movement joints in floor slabs, suspended slabs, and...
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DSD/ESD Shear Load Connectors ANCON SHEAR LOAD CONNECTORS The DSD range of connectors offers significant advantages over plain dowels. Each connector is a two-part assembly comprising a sleeve and a dowel component. Installation is a fast and accurate process, drilling of either formwork or concrete is not required. The sleeve is simply nailed to the formwork ensuring subsequent alignment with the dowel, essential for effective movement. Cross dowels They are manufactured from stainless steel to ensure a high degree of corrosion resistance with no requirement for additional protection. End...
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A range of stainless steel single dowel shear connectors is also available. Ancon ESD The Ancon ESD shear load connector is used where loads are small, but where alignment is critical. It is available in four sizes with each size available in two lengths. The dowel component is Duplex stainless steel bar. Ancon ESDQ The Ancon ESDQ shear load connector uses the same dowel as the ESD, but the cylindrical sleeve is contained within a rectangular box section to allow lateral movement or rotation in addition to longitudinal movement. Ancon ED The Ancon ED is a low cost dowel connector for use in...
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DSD/ESD Shear Load Connectors Direction of load INSTALLATION PROCEDURE The two-part assembly of all Ancon shear connectors removes the need for drilling formwork on site, supporting dowel bars and fitting debonding sleeves and end caps. The installation is a fast and accurate process. 1 Nail the sleeve component to the shuttering ensuring that the sleeve is correctly orientated for the direction of the load. Check that the minimum spacing and edge distances are not exceeded. The label prevents debris from entering into the sleeve aperture and should not be removed at this stage. 3 When the...
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DESIGN CAPACITIES Ancon DSD FRd Design Capacities (kN) for Various Joint Widths (mm) at the Maximum Slab Thickness (mm) in C30/37 Concrete 1000 900 800 700 Note: For more detailed information please see page 11. Ancon ESD FRd Design Capacities (kN) for Various Joint Widths (mm) at the Maximum Slab Thickness (mm) in C30/37 Concrete 80 Joint Widths (mm) Note: For more detailed information please see page 17.
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Product Reference
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Product Reference DSD Design Example Slab thickness Joint width Concrete strength Characteristic dead load Characteristic imposed load Design load γG = 1.35* γQ = 1.5* Either connector would be acceptable, although using DSD130s at 700mm centres would minimise the number of connectors to be installed. *The partial safety factors of 1.35 ( γG ) and 1.5 ( γQ ) are those recommended in EN 1990 Eurocode: Basis for structural design. For designs to Eurocode 2, please refer to the national annex for the factors to be used in the country concerned. For designers to BS8110, γG = 1.4 and γQ = 1.6....
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DSD/ESD Shear Load Connectors Reinforcement Details Local reinforcement is required around each connector to guarantee that the forces are transferred between the connectors and the concrete. Correct detailing in accordance with appropriate design codes and the recommendations provided here will ensure Ancon DSD and DSDQ connectors attain their full capacity. Longitudinal reinforcement above connectors The tables show proposals for the type and spacing of the main reinforcement, together with details of reinforcement above and below the connectors. Longitudinal reinforcement above...
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Wall Reinforcement Reinforcement in walls is designed in the conventional way as though the slab was integral with the wall. The additional local reinforcement is in the form of a square mesh or loose bar equivalent to the details as shown below. Wall Reinforcement Minimum Width and Depth Cover Minimum cover to local reinforcement is to the recommendations of BS 8110 Part 1: 1997. Maximum cover is as shown below:Ref DSD DSDQ 25* 30 50 65 75 100 130 150 400 450 * DSD only Local Reinforcement to Connector Ref DSD DSDQ 25* 30 50 65 75 100 130 150 Where a sleeve component is cast into a wall...
Open the catalog to page 13All Ancon Building Products catalogs and technical brochures
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Ancon Thermal Breaks
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Non-Drill Wall Ties
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Refractory Fixings
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Staifix Wall Ties
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Special Fabrications
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Punching Shear Reinforcement
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Starter Bar Systems
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KSN Anchors
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Lockable Dowels
12 Pages
Masonry Reinforcement
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Tension and Compression Systems
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Corner Guards
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Hidden Strength
7 Pages
Stainless Steel in Construction
12 Pages
12 Page Product Guide
12 Pages
Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings
32 Pages
Archived catalogs
2016 Staifix Wire Balloons
1 Pages
Channel and Bolt Fixings
20 Pages
Windposts and Parapet Posts
8 Pages