Catalog excerpts

General Catalogue
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GENERAL CATALOGUE 45 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE ENDORSE US Since 1969 AMC MECANOCAUCHO®, has pioneered the manufacture and design of products for the attenuation of vibrations and noise. Factory 1 in Asteasu.
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GENERAL CATALOGUE AREAS OF APPLICATION Our products are used in sectors such as: • Generation of electrical energy. • Air compressors and Blowers. • Pumps and Pumping equipment. • Industrial vehicles. • Machine Tools. • Marine propulsion and auxiliary equipment. • Agricultural and construction equipment machinery. • Acoustic isolation of premises. Compressor insulated with VIBRABSORBER +Sylomer® Ventilation system insulated with VI
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Generator set insulated with VIBRABSORBER+Sylomer® Ventilation system insulated with VIBRABSORBER
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GENERAL CATALOGUE QUALITY COMMITMENT The products commercialised by AMC-MECANOCAUCHO® are all made in-house. The stiffness and levels of mechanical fixations of all these products have been controlled so that they may be identified as “AMC MECANOCAUCHO ®” products, whereby they can be traced. AMC MECANOCAUCHO® is officially approved by the NATO under the ID no. NCAGE 0230 B-compliant supplier. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Marine type approval MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE Certificate number 167692-2014-AE-IBE-ENAC This is to certify that the management system of the company This is to...
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THE SOLUTION All machinery, which, by virtue of its design, has reciprocating or rotating parts, creates vibration to some degree through the imbalance of the moving parts. This vibration produced by a machine leads to different problems, such as a reduction in the machine’s useful life through part wear, plus the transmission of this vibration to other non-insulated adjacent structures, giving rise to problems of noise and vibration transmission. FFT analysis of orders for a diesel engine For over 45 years, AMC MECANOCAUCHO® has been developing the AMC MECANOCAUCHO ® range of rubber-metal...
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One degree of freedom calculation Anti-vibration calculation with more than one degree of freedom. AMC MECANOCAUCHO® calculates anti-vibration solutions by taking into account data such as weight, mount positions, type of machine, C. of G., frequency of excitation, etc…
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After studying each client’s specific needs for the application and the isolation performance required, AMC MECANOCAUCHO® can design new products where conditions permit. Tension tests by non linear FEM.
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3. Test and dynamic characterisation AMC MECANOCAUCHO® continuous development of new products demonstrates its support in R&D. Our laboratory is equipped with the most advanced dynamic testing equipment. AMC MECANOCAUCHO® provides its clients with many years of experience and know how in measuring vibrations and noise in the field so as to reduce machine-produced emissions of noise and vibrations. Vibration Measurement
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GENERAL CATALOGUE THEORY OF VIBRATION ISOLATION 1.- ABC AT A GLANCE MASS SPRING SYSTEM A mass spring system may be represented by a mass “M”, excited by a force ”F” and supported on an elastic stiffness element “K” with a dampening factor “C”. The frequency of the mass spring system is equal to: The damping parameters are: Where Cc is the critical damping and For this system we obtain a transmissibility T and a magnification factor A: The effectiveness of the suspension may be measured by transmissibility, i.e. by the force which is transmitted by the machine to the ground or floor. It is...
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If the frequency of excitation is times less the natural frequency, transmissibility is greater than one, then the force transmitted is greater than the excitation force, there is magnification of the vibrations. When we work in this area, the existing damping in the system is important. The greater the latter, the smaller the magnification of the vibrations will be. If the frequency of excitation is times greater than the natural frequency, transmissibility is less than one, or in other words the force transmitted is less than the force originated in the system, then we are in the damping...
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THEORY OF VIBRATION ISOLATION 1.- DYNAMIC TESTING MACHINE Dynamic stiffness can only be established by measurement on a dynamic test bench. Similarly, the damping coefficients of compounds are further values that can be measured with this type of machines. One concept that must be taken into account when designing an anti-vibration mount is its durability. A dynamic testing machine allows us to conduct fatigue tests that reproduce the real working conditions of the part so that its useful life can thus be predicted accurately. 2.- ANALYSIS OF SYSTEMS OF MORE THAT ONE DEGREE OF FREEDOM In...
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VIBRABSORBER MOUNT CHARACTERISTICS FUNCTION OF INVERTED DOUBLE CONE INSIDE THE SPRING The function of this element is to limit the compression of the spring in case of an unexpected overload, acting as an end-of-stroke buffer Typical behaviour in compression Comportamiento típico en compresion 200% OVERLOAD AREA ZONE 100% WORK AREA ZONE Deflection[mm] Deflection[mm]
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Vibrabsorber + • The SYLOMER® mat that these dampers incorporate, isolates the mid-high frequency vibrations which are transmitted through the coils of metal springs. • These high and mid-range frequencies, if they are not isolated, are spread throughout the buildings or structures, generating noise. With the aim to confirm the advantages of applying Sylomer® on our spring system, an analysis of FFT was carried out on fan system of a known international make. OBJECTIVE OF THE TEST The objective of this test is to compare the isolation which the Vibrasorber springs offer with or without...
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Autospectrum (Motor velocity) – Point 1 and Working: Point 6z: Input: FFT Analyzer VIBRATION MEASUREMENT RESULTS: FFT Pulse, Bruel & Kjaer multi analyser. The spectrums shown in the graphics demonstrate that they are within a frequency range of 0-1000Hz and 1600 lines, represent the vibratory speed. 1. Results on the Machine POINT 1: The maximum vibration rms velocity is situated at 25Hz followed by another of lower magnitude at around 50 Hz. High frequency vibrations are also observed which correspond to harmonics and structural frequency responses from the machine. Autospectrum (Chassis...
Open the catalog to page 18All AMC Mecanocaucho catalogs and technical brochures
3 Pages
Vibrabsorber MEDIUM SERIES
13 Pages
89 Pages
104 Pages
28 Pages