Natural Metals Stainless Steel and Titanium


Catalog excerpts

Natural Metals Stainless Steel and Titanium - 1

A MITSUBISHI PLASTICS COMPOSITES AMERICA, INC. natural metals - stainless & titanium ALPOLICVfr Stainless Composite Material features stainless steel metal skins and the Titanium Composite Material provides a Titanium metal surface skin. Both materials are designed for new building and retrofit applications and radiate an air of high-tech sophistication, creating a look that speaks volumes about stability, longevity, and quality. TRUCTION INFORMATION PROJECT: Sudbury Cancer Center LOCATION: Canada ARCHITECT: Healthcare Consultants PRODUCT: ALPOLIC Stainless Hairline GENERAL INFORMATION The ALPOLIC* Natural Metals Series is simply dazzling in both appearance and performance, featuring a beautiful traditional look in a truly state-of-the-art panel system. Each 4mm meta panel is stocked in a mineral filled fire resistant core and available for immediate shipment. STAINLESS-HAIRLINE TITANIUM STAINLESS-DULL STAINLESS-POLISHED (Custom Finish) (Custom Finish)

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Natural Metals Stainless Steel and Titanium - 2

I N T E R I O R A N D E X T E R I O R S U R FA C I N G INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SIGNAGE ALPOLIC /fr Stainless Composite Materials (SCM) and Standard panel warranty: Titanium Composite Materials (TCM) are created by Finish warranty: sandwiching the desired natural metal skin for the top and Call ALPOLIC Customer Ser vice for exclusions and a stainless steel skin for the bottom with a fire resistant warranty details. mineral filled core. The stocked Stainless-Hairline is a mechanically brushed finish. Custom Stainless-Dull and PRODUCT NOTES Stainless-Polished finishes are available. - Panels...

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