All Circles Lookbook


Catalog excerpts

All Circles Lookbook - 2

Hello, We’re All Circles All Circles is a Canadian design brand that creates furniture and play items for children to nurture a sense of creativity and imagination. Every product is made to blend in perfectly with the home’s overall interior, making both children and adults feel at ease in every room. For your children because we believe open ended play can encourage creativity and imagination essential for development. For your home because play doesn’t just happen outdoors, and we want our products to compliment both the activity and the environment. Timeless design, impeccable quality,...

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All Circles Lookbook - 3

Founding Story All Ci r cl es s t a r t ed out as a n idea t o cr ea t e a pl a y t heor y i npir ed t oy for our kids . Thr oughout our f i r s t des ign pr oc es s , we wer e ins pir ed t o cr ea t e a n open-ended pl a y s ys t em t o fos t er cr ea t i vi t y a nd im a gina t ion. This is how our f i r s t pr oduc t , t he Pl a yBox was cr ea t ed. The journey has been a n a ma zing r ide s o fa r, as we’ve c ont i nued t o des i gn new pr oduc t s , cr ea t ed a n incr edibl e t ea m of pl a y t es t er s a nd s hi pped our cr ea t i ons a ll over t he wor l d. Si nc e t he begi nning,...

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All Circles Lookbook - 4

Our Values Timeless design, impeccable quality, each piece created to last for generations to come in a sustainable manner. Design Forward Sustainable Materials At the beginning of our design process we always think of your child’s development, play value and the aesthetics of our feature in the home. Truly made by hand in Canada. From dads, moms, uncles and aunts, our team loves our children and works hard to create the best products possible for yours too. FSC Certified woods, recyclable packaging, child friendly finishing and locally sourced hardwoods. Our designs are unique, simple and...

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All Circles Lookbook - 5

Safety and Care Designed to ASTM and CSA Standards All o u r p r o d u c t s ar e d e s i g n e d to AS T M a n d C SA S ta n d a r d s to ens u r e q u al i t y an d s af e t y t h r ou g h ye a r s of p l a y. Child Friendly Finishing Sustainability FSC Certified Woods Loc a lly s our c ed a nd s us t a inbl e F SC Cer t i f ied woods a r e a t t he hea r t of wha t we do. Ma de f r om na t ur e for our gener a t i on of chil dr en a nd t he next . Recyclable Packaging All our pa cka ging i s m a de f r om r ecycl a bl e c a r dboa r ds . Play Tested Flat Packed To Save On Waste E a ch of...

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All Circles Lookbook - 6

All Circles Childrens Fund Here at All Circles we believe that all children, no matter where they’re from, deserve the same opportunities to learn, grow, and discover their inherent value, be that through play or through the exploration of their talents and passions. That’s why we’re proud to partner with the efforts of the Onzole River Project, an organization with over 10 years of experience in promoting holistic, whole life development in children and youth in the remote communities along the Onzole River in Ecuador’s North-West jungle. and by engaging informal areas of education as...

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PlayBox Little Climber You’re all set with this configuration comprised of the Box, Toy Chest, Ramp and Ladder. Recommended for children between the ages of 2 and 5, the AllSet offers the full experience that each piece was designed to deliver. Climb, slide, connect, hide, and have a lot of fun! Product Dimensions: Box: 19.7in (50cm) high x 18.5in (47cm) wide x 18.5in (47cm) long Ramp: 2in (5cm) high x 16.5in (42cm) wide x 34in (86.4cm) long Ladder: 2in (5cm) high x 16.5in (42cm) wide x 34in (86.4cm) long

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PlayRamp The PlayRamp is our unique take on the timeless indoor play slide. The design offers an exciting and challenging incline for children to navigate. Perfect for 16 months to 5 years, have fun seeing the numerous ways your children interact with the PlayRamp as they master different competencies! While in use, the play impact is maximized, and when stored away the footprint is minimal. *Average Assembly Time: 50 minutes Product Dimensions: Extended: 24in (61cm) high x 16in (40.7cm) wide x 43in (109.2cm) long Get dimenstions when folded

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PlayTower The PlayTower was designed with intention to help the little ones get involved in where all the action happens. With a build in safety bar, it ensures children are covered on all sides and safe to be at the height they are at. It accomodates all kitchens as it is specifically designed with an ajustable top that can be altered depending on counter height. The PlayTower is suited for a wide age range and recommened range of age 16 months to 9 years. *** Available in White and Natural Product dimensions: 34in (86.4cm) high x 15.5in (39.4cm) wide x 13in (33cm) deep

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PlayBoard + PlayArch The PlayBoard is our unique take on the wooden wobble board. This wobble board offers an exciting and challenging incline for children to balance and climb on. With slightly increased difficulty, the PlayBoard is perfect for ages 2 to 10 years. Our beautiful PlayArch is a hybrid between a large rocker and climber giving it a unique versatility for your child’s play and gross motor skill. Perfect for ages 18 months to 10 years. Both Rockers have many different uses, encouraging unstructured free play, imagination and creativity. Product dimensions: PlayBoard: 7.5in...

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PlayBeam + WobbleBeam The PlayBeam and WobbleBeam were designed with the younger ones in mind. These wooden balance beams is perfectly dimensioned to create a challenging yet safe rise in elevation to help develop their gross motor skills. Both beams are recommended for childrenages 1 to 8 years. Product dimensions: PlayBeam: 5.5in (14cm) high x 6.5in (16.5cm) wide x 29in (73.7cm) long WobbleBeam: 3.5in (8.9cm) high x 10in (25.4cm) wide x 29in (73.7cm) long Wobbl eBeam

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Little Board + Cutter The Little Board + Cutter is childfriendly for even your tiniest of kitchen helpers. By using locally sourced hardwoods and finishing with, it ensures a natural and more sustainable material that is built to last while keeping safety as the first priority for our little helpers. The Little Board + Cutter was made to be ergonomic and with the thought of embracing one’s palmar grasp development. *Availble in Walnut and Hard Maple Product Dimensions: Board: 3/4 in (1.9cm) high x 6 in (15.2cm) wide x 10 in (25.4cm) long Cutter: 1/2 in (1.3cm) high x 4 in (10.2cm) wide x...

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