Catalog excerpts
The continuous growth of the Company and its dedication to customers' needs have resulted in the production of heating appliances intended for central heating. These are multifunctional cookers, stoves and fireplaces of a modern design that enable space heating in the most economical way, with the use of combined sources of heat. For heating surfaces with areas from 57 to 170 m2, solid fuel cookers, solid fuel and electricity combination cookers, stoves and fireplaces are offered. The modern design, simple handling and the satisfaction of customers indicate the "Smart Choice". Cresterea continua a companiei si dedicarea fa{a de clienfii sai au dus la producerea de aparate de Tncalzit destinate Tncalzirii centralizate. Este vorba de aragazuri multifunctional, sobe si seminee cu design modern, cu ajutorul carora spajiul de locuit poate fi tncalzit in eel mai economic mod, folosind surse combinate de caldura. Avem tn gama aragazuri cu combustibil solid, aragazuri combinate cu combustibil solid si electricitate, sobe si seminee pentru Tncalzirea unor suprafeje Tntre 57 si 170 metri patrafl. Designul modern, modalitatea simpla de utilizare si gradul mare de satisfacjie a clienjilor garanteaza faptul ca aceasta este "Alegerea Inteligenta." HenpeKfeCHaiwi pacrem Ha KOMnaHi/ifiTa I/I Hevtnaia OTflafleHOCT KT>M Hyx^i/rre Ha unweHTme ca ppaenvi flo npon3BOflCTBOTO Ha OTon/iMTejiHM ypefln, npefla3HaHeHM 3a ueHTpa/iHO OTonneHne. ToBa ca Myji™4)yHKi4H0HajiHn ne^Kn w IOMMHM C MOflepeH py\3av\H, KOMTO flaBaT BT33MO>KHOCT oron/ieHi/ieTO fla ce OTon/ieHneTO Ha nnoiiji/i OT 57 flo 170 KB.M. ce npefl/iaraT nemw v\ KSMUHM Ha TBtpflO ropuBO, TBvppp ropuBO w Central heating cookers, stoves and fireplaces Aragazuri, sobe si seminee pentru Tncalzirea centrala I "ALFA-PLAM" a.d. VRANJE, 17500 Vranje, Radnicka 1, Serbia
Open the catalog to page 1dimensions of the cooker (width x depth x height) dimensiuni (lafime x adancime x tnartime) pa3Mepw Ha nemttTa (uinpnHa x fl-wi6omiHa x BMComwa); dimensions of the oven (width x depth x height) dimensiuni cuptor (lajime x adancime x inal|ime) diameter of the flue extension power of radiant heating thermal power transferred to water quantity of water in the boiler heating volume net/gross weight degree of utilization (wood/coal) double glass putere fncalzire radianta putere termica transferata apei volum fncalzire greutate neta/bruta grad de utilizare (lemn/carbune) sticla dubla OTflaBaHa...
Open the catalog to page 2All Alfa-Plam a.d. catalogs and technical brochures
Alfa Plam brochure 2019
20 Pages
ALFA-PLAM catalog 2015
13 Pages
Catalogo Sintesi 2013
36 Pages
Calux pelet
41 Pages
Pellet furnaces
2 Pages
2 Pages
Alfa-Plam 2013
13 Pages
CALUX classic
11 Pages
Gas ranges
2 Pages
2 Pages
Cookers - Solid fuel
2 Pages