Catalog excerpts
Sahil Villa Solar Seaside Villa Solar Havalandirma Sistemi Ventilation System Gunes-hava kollektoru Az once okuduklariniz, gergegin ta kendisi. Sicak mevsimlerde kapi kapatildiginda ev iginde hapsolan sicak ve nemli hava, soguyan hava §artlariyla beraber ko- nuttaki duvarlar, zeminler ve e§yalar uzerinde islakliga sebep olarak kuflenme yaratir. Elektrikli ve elektronik cihazlann omurleri de oksitlenmeden dolayi kisalir. Bunlan engellemek uzere tasarlanmi§ yeni nesil solar kollek- -Elektrik sebekesinden tamamen bagimsiz gah§ir. -Bakim gerektirmez. -Ki§ aylannda temiz, kuru ve sicak hava temin edilerek kuf- lenme engellenir. -Yaz aylannda kullanilmi§ hava di§an atilarak evinizin havasi Mevsimsel kullanima uygun olan yazlik villalar, bag ve bahce evleri igin ideal gozGm saglar. Bunun yanisira surekli kullanilan villalann bodrumlannda gokga gorulen rutubet sorununa da etkin bir cpzum olusturur. Ug prensip ile gah§ir: surekli taze hava ile besleme, bagil nemi du§urme, gune§in etkisi kadar havalandirma. Kollektor yuzeyine ula§an i§inlann %90in uzerinde bir kismi absorbe edilir ve segici yuzeyin altindaki hava kanallari 70 dereceye kadar isinabilir. Fotovoltaik unitenin sagladigi 12V 24W elektrikle gah§an fan motorlari gune§in isittigi kanallardan aldigi havayi baglanti borusuyla ig ortama verir. Gun boyunca di§andan alinan taze havanin isitilmasi sureti ile nem tutma kapasitesi yukseltilir. Ayni zamanda ortamda surekli bir havalandirma saglanir. Cihazlanmiz tekil veya goklu kullanima uygun moduleryapi- da tasarlanmi§tir. Size uygun sistem segimi igin teknik dani§- manlariniz telefonunuzu beklemektedir. When the doors are closed after the end of the season in summer villas, damp and warm air gets trapped inside and causes mould to grow on surfaces of furniture, walls and floors. Electrical and electronical appliances also get The new generation solar collector system; -Works independent from electricity -Prevents mould by circulating dry and clean air through the house during winter -Refreshes the air in the house in summer. For seasonal use, it is suitable for summer vil- las and mountain houses. In addition, it solves the problem of dampening in the basements of villas that are used year round. The solar ventilation system works with three principals: constant supply of clean air, reduc- ing relative humidity, Ventilation with the aid of solar power. More than 90% of the sun rays are absorbed by the collector, and the air ducts reach 70 degrees celcius. The photovoltaic units provide 12V 24W of power to the fans that provide the air circula- tion. This circulation increases the moisture holding capacity, and keeps the area venti- Our appliances are available for singular and multiple usage options. Our technical assis- tants await your call to help you choose the Kollektor yapisi: Aluminyum kasa 18 mikron anodize aluminyum profiler ile olu§- turulmu§ kasa, turn iklim ve ortam §artlannda yuksek dayanikhhk saglar. Estetik gorunumlu ozel profil tasanmi, renk sece- neklerini de beraberinde sunar. Ozel uretim sertle§tirilmi§, demiri azaltilmi§ tem- perlenmi§ guvenlikcami 3,2mm kalinligindadir ve %93 gune§ isjnlan gegirgenligine sahiptir. Absorber tabakasi-enerji tuzagi "Absorber" gorunen i§igm %97sini sogururve gune§ i§inlarinin %90dan fazlasini isiya gevirir. izolasyon tabakasi Iki aluminyum levha arasina yerle§tirilmi§ ozel poliuretan bolum mukemmel bir izolasyonla isiyi Ayni zamanda bu yapi sisteme iyi bir statik da- yanim kazandinr. Ozel uretilmi§ yuksek kalitede EPDM hammad- deli contalar gune§in UV i§inlarina ve yil boyun- ca degi§en iklim ko§ullanna yuksek dayanikhhk Sistem duz, egimli gatilar ile guneye bakan cep- heler igin uygundur. Montaj isjemi gok kisa bir surede, yapiniz zarar gormeden gergekle§tirilir. Collector structure: Aluminium frame 18 micron anodized aluminium profiles give stability and endurance in all climates. The aesthetic design of the profile also has alternative color options. Solar glass panels The specially produced tempered glass panels Absorber layer The absorber layer soaks up 97% of visible light and converts more than 90% of sunlight Isolation layer The polyurethane layer between the two alu- minium sheets provide excellent isolation. They also give stability to the system. High quality EDPM gaskets are resistant to sun's UV rays and also changing climate con- The system is compatible with flat and inclined roofs, as well as south facades. Assembly is quick and non-damaging to your villas. Solar Destekli Solar Assisted Villa Isitma Sistemi Villa Heating System Turizm Tesisleri Solar Tourism Facility Solar HOTFI WHS Havalandirma Sistemi Ventilation System "Gunebakan biliyor!" Aygekirdegi bitkisinin dairesel yuzeyi hep gune§e donuktur. GOnesJ o bile biliyor. Biz ise faydalanni yeni yeni ke§fedi- I§te Albert Genau System Villa SHS bu faydalardan hem "ortam isitma", hem de "kullanim suyu isitma" destegi- ni bir arada sunuyor. Havalandirma ozelligi ise ayn bir Calisma prensibi: Kollektorlerde isinan sicak hava havalandirma kanallari veya "hipokausf'lar yani yerve duvarlardaki kanallardan olusan isitma sistemi aracihgi ile ortama dengeli olarak Diger bir alternatif yontem "hot box" igerisinden gegen sicak havanin borular igerisindeki kullanim ve kalorifer suyunu isitmasidir. Bu sayede yapi igin kullanilan enerji maliyetleri dnemli olgude du§urulur. Sistemin elektrik ihtiyaci ve fanlann enerjisi kollektorler uzerinde yer alan fotovoltaik paneller tarafindan kar§ila- nabilir. Elektronik kontrol kombinasyonlari §u sekildedir; - Enerji kazanimi - Solar sogutma Villaniz igin uygun sistem konfigurasyonu saglamak uzere teknik dani§maniniz birtelefon kadar yakminizdadir. Sunflowers always face the sun. They know the benefits of sunlight the best. We are only now discovering these benefits. Albert Genau System Villa SHS utilizes these benefits with the features of space heating and usage water heating. Ventilation is another Working principle: The air that heats up in the collector is evenly distributed to the house via air ducts. Another procedure is heating of the usage and radiator water by the hot air traveling through hot box. This greatly reduces the cost of energy used in The electricity need of the system and the ener- gy required for the fans can be provided by the photovoltaic panels on top of the collectors. Electronic control combinations include; - Heat exchange - Energy gain - Solar cooling Our technical assistants are a phone call away to help you decide for the suitable system con- figuration for your villa. Sahil otelleri, Tatil koyleri, Turn sezonsal gah§an isjetmeler. Nem, rutubet ve kuflenmeden ya§adiginiz Albert Genau System Hotel SVHS isitma, havalandirma sorunlarinizi gozmekle kalmiyor, ayni zamanda tesisinizin sezon igi kullanim suyu ihtiyaglan igin de parasiz enerji destegi sagliyor. Ister gati, ister cephe, isterseniz agik ala- na kurulu sisteminizle enerji masraflarini du§urmek elinizde, hem de bakim bedeli Montaj isjemi son derece kolay ve alternatif yontemlere agik. Transfer kanallari igin binanin uygun olan bir duvari kullanilabilecegi gibi asansor, merdiven veya havalandirma bosjuklari da gegi§ ve dagitim yollan olarak degerlendi- Tesisinize uygun ve uyumlu sistem segimi igin teknik dani§maniniz telefonunuzun diger ucunda hazir. Seaside hotels, Mountain hotels, Holiday villages, All seasonal tourism facilities. We know about your problems with humidity Albert Genau System Hotel SVHS not only solves your heating and ventilation problems, but also provides free energy for your in- season usage water heating. Be it roof, facade, or an open space, you can reduce your energy cost, without even any maintenance. Assembly method is very easy and open to alternative procedures. Any wall of the build- ing can be used as transfer canals, and stair or airduct holes can be used as transit and distribution paths. The suitable system choices for your facility are available for you through the phones of our
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