Display systems
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Display systems - 1

sergileme sistemleri display systems

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sergileme sistemleri display systems 1978 yihnda Konya'da Akdeniz Cam Pazarlama adi altinda kurulan firmamiz; yapi sektorundeki teknolojlk yenlllklerl ve gellsmelerl taklp ederek 1995 yili Itlbarlyle faallyet alanina alOmlnyum dog ram a, giydirme cephe, yapi otomasyon ve balkon camlama sistemlerini de dahil etmistir. Bugun, toplam 15.000 m2'lik kapali alanda, 230 cahsanimizla beraber mutlak musteri memnuniyeti ilkesi ve ilk gunku heyecanimizla cahsmaya devam ediyoruz. Sergileme sistemleri uretimine 1994yihnda baslayan firmamiz, su anda parca hah, duvardan duvara hall, PVC zemin dosemeleri,...

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Olgiiler (Ray Sistemi STANDART) / Dimensions (Rail System STANDARD) KLB 2004 • Metal Kiskag (standart) / Metal Clamp (standard)

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Olgiiler (Ray Sistemi STANDART) / Dimensions (Rail System STANDARD) Hah Ebadi/ Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hall Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size 170x240 ve 170x250 cm hahlar icin ; "H" olcusu 250 cm'ye gore belirlenmis olup, 240 cm yuksekligindeki halilarda 10 cm kucukyapilabilir. For 170x240 & 170x250 Carpet Sizes: "H" size is for 250cm carpets. For 240cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. 200x290 ve 200x300 cm hahlar icin; "H" olcusu 300 cm'ye gore belirlenmis...

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Olgiiler (Ray Sistemi OZEL) / Dimensions (Rail System SPECIAL) Ozel 201 / Special 201 Ozel 201 l§ikli / Special 201 Lighting Ozel 204 / Special 204 Sayfa /Page: 16 Sayfa /Page: 17 Sayfa/Page: 18 Sayfa / Page: 19 Sayfa / Page: 20 Sayfa / Page: 21

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Olgiiler (Ray Sistemi OZEL) / Dimensions (Rail System SPECIAL) Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hall Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size Hah Ebadi / Carpet Size 170x240 ve 170x250 cm hahlar icin ; "H" olcusu 250 cm'ye gore belirlenmis olup, 240 cm yuksekligindeki hahlarda 10 cm kucuk yapilabilir. For 170x240 & 170x250 Carpet Sizes: "H" size is for 250cm carpets. For 240cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. 200x290 ve 200x300 cm hahlar icin; "H" olcusu 300 cm'ye gore belirlenmis olup,...

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Sundurmali ve bzel aydinlatmali / With special forehead and lighting 15

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Ray Sistemi OZEL 201 / Rail System SPECIAL 201

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Ray Sistemi OZEL 201 / Rail System SPECIAL 201 Aydinlatmali / Lighting Ah§ap desenli metal stant / Wooden coated metal stand I 17

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Ray Sistemi OZEL 204 / Rail System SPECIAL 204 Ah§ap desenli metal stant / Wooden coated metal stand

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Ray Sistemi OZEL 206 / Rail System SPECIAL 206 Ahsap giydirmeli stant / Wooden covered stand

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Ah§ap giydirmeli stant / Wooden covered stand

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Ray Sistemi OZEL 208 / Rail System SPECIAL 208 Ah§ap desenli metal stant / Wooden coated metal stand I 21

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Ucjii Stand Uygulama / Double Stand Application (ili Stand Uygulama / Single Stand Application Dfirtiii Stand Uygulama / Triad Stand Application

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Aydinlatma Aimaturleri / Lighting Fittings

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Qekme Kollan / Pulling Handles

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Qekme Kollan / Pulling Handles Qekme Kolu 4 (Ah§ap) / Pulling Handle 4 (Wooden)

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Hall Ebadi Kod Ko1 Say|SI 170x240 ve 170x250 cm hahlar icin; "H" olcusu 250 cm'ye gore belirlenmis olup, 240 cm yuksekligindeki halilarda 10 cm kuciik yapilabilir. For 170x240 & 170x250 Carpet Sizes: "H" size is for 250cm carpets. For 240cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. 200x290 ve 200x300 cm hahlar icin; "H" olcusu 300 cm'ye gore belirlenmis olup, 290 cm yuksekligindeki halilarda 10 cm kucuk yapilabilir. For 200x290 & 200x300 Carpet Sizes: "H" size is for 300cm carpets. For 290cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm.

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"H" dlcusu 250 em'ye gdre belirlenmis olup, 240 cm yuksekliijindeki halilarda 10 cm kucuk yapilabilir. "H" size is for 250cm carpets. For 240cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. ■H" olcQsO 300 cm'ye gore belirlenmis olup, 290 cm yOksekllijlndekl halilarda 10 cm kOcOk yapilabilir. "H" size is for 300cm carpets. For 290cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. Eko Kitap Sistemi / Eco Book System Your Logo Here Carpet Size

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"H" olcQsu 250 cm'ye gore bellrlenmlj olup, 240 cm yUksekllglndekl halilarda 10 cm kOcOk yapilablllr. "H" size Is for 250cm carpets. For 240cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. "H" olcQsU 300 cm'ye gore bellrlenmlj olup, 290 cm yuksekllglndekl halilarda 10 cm k&cOk yapilablllr. "H" size Is for 300cm carpets. For 290cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm.

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"H" olcOsO 250cm'ye gore bellrlenmlsolup, 240cmy0ksekllglndekl halilarda 10 cm kGcUkyapilablllr. "H" size Is for 250cm carpets. For 240cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. "H" cilcusti 300 cm'ye gore belirlenmij olup, 290 cm yiiksekligindeki halilarda 10 cm kucuk yapiiabilir. "H" size Is for 300cm carpels. For 290cm carpets, stand height can be decreased 10 cm. CarpetSize Code ggS%>. ™ <cm> <cm> <cm>

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• Ozel kayij ve kasnak • Uzaktan kumanda ile kontrol • Demo modunda cahjma • Dljltal kayan yazi (opslyonel) • Aydinlatma armaturleri (opsiyonel) • 24 V DC Motor for each carpet • Motion with special belt • Remote control. • Demo mode. • Digital scrolling text (optional). • Lighting fittings (optional).

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Merkezi rulmanh mekanizma, 300 W ozel spot (4 adet), Uzaktan kumanda (opsiyonel). Doner logo (opsiyonel). ' Center bearing (roller) mechanizm ' Remote control (optional) 1 Rotating logo (optional) Carpet Size

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Pano / Wall Panel

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Pano / Wall Panel Model 6 (Aydinlatmali / Lighting)

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Kayar Yer Standi / Sliding Floor Stand

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Kayar Yer Standi / Sliding Floor Stand

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Yer StantJan / Floor Stands

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Yer Stantlari / Floor Stands Model 4 ve 7 icin gecerli olan vidasiz montaj detayi. Assembling details of Model 4 and Model 7 without screw.

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