Catalog excerpts
POZZETTO PVC PLUS / PVC PLUS INSPECTION CHAMBER Il Pozzetto plus si compone di tre parti: 1 Corpo in pvc 2 Sifone interno con guarnizione 3 Griglia in acciaio inox It consists of three parts: 1 Body made of pvc 2 Inner siphon 3 Grating made of stainless steel Ogni pozzetto e’ dotato di una griglia in acciaio inox. Per preserYDUQH OD OXFHQWH]]D RJQL JULJOLD q FRSHUWD GD XQ VRWWLOH ÀOP SURWHWtivo in plastica. Each inspection chamber is provided with stainless steel grating. (DFK SOXJ LV SURWHFWHG E\ D SURWHFWLYH ÀOP Una volta installato il Pozzetto ULPXRYHUH GHOLFDWDPHQWH LO ÀOP SURWHWWLYR FRVL· FRPH PRVWUDWR LQ ÀJXUD Once you install the inspection chamber, remove the protective ÀOP DV VKRZQ LQ WKH SLFWXUH 6L UDFFRPDQGD GL ULPXRYHUH LO ÀOP SURWHWWLYR VROR DG LQVWDOOD]LRQH ultimata. :H UHFRPPHQG WKDW \RX UHPRYH WKH SURWHFWLYH ÀOP DW WKH completion of the installation. SPECIFICHE TECNICHE / TECHNICAL DETAILS Ø 50 Sifone interno con Guarnizione Inner siphon with gasket
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Catalogue 2012
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