Clear Coat
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Clear Coat - 1

Clear Coat Technical Sheet Reduces air pollution Is bacteria resistant Applicable on different substrates Dipping Roller Spray Protect from frost Clear Coat is a water based solution, containing titanium dioxide. It assures to the surface treated antibacterial, antipollutiona and self cleaning properties. It is suitable for different substrate such as glass, steel, polymers, construction components, fornitures or semifinished products. After deposition and coating consolidation surface functionalization is stable at water and mild acidic and basic environments. Methods and rates of application The recommended deposition technique obviously depends on the place of application (in industrial building or in the field) and on the substrate, but some general guidelines can be provided in any case: Dipping The workpiece to be treated is immersed in the product and extracted at a controlled speed between 100 and 300 mm/min. The higher is the extraction rate, the thicker is the film. The dipping bath must be covered when not used (especially in warm environments) to reduce evaporation of the product. Spraying The solution is sprayed using a spray gun, airbrush or another tool. The optimal amount of product to be sprayed is comprised between 1,5 and 4 cl/m2 which may be increased up to 30 cl/m2 in the case of porous surfaces. For industrial applications it is advisable to use a spray chamber. In the case of outdoor treatments the operator must be provided with the essential personal protective equipment (mask, suit, etc), according to the national labour legislation. Brush Painting This technique doesn’t allow the deposition of a film with controlled thickness but can be used for preliminary test or when other deposition methods can not be used. Film Consolidatio Consolidation time depends on the temperature of exposure and on the thickness of deposited film. Approximately few hours are needed at 60-80°C (although the temperature can be higher) whereas some days are required for room temperature drying. Clean with water The product can be stored for several months but sometime a mild sedimentation may occour. To homogenize again the mixture again a moderate stirring is suggested. The product is provided in packagis of 5 or 10 lt. Eyes: Remove contact lenses. Wash immediately with plenty of water for at least 30/60 minutes, opening her eyelids. Consult a physician immediately. Skin: Take off contaminated clothing. Taking a shower immediately. Consult a physician immediately. Ingestion: Give to drink water as much as possible. Consult a physician immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless expressly authorized by the doctor. Inhalation: Call a physician immediately. Bring to fresh air, away from the accident site. If breathing has stopped, administer artificial respiration. Take appropriate measure for the helper. For further information, please make reference to the Security Sheet (MSDS). KEEP LOCKED UP AND OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Physical and chemical characteristics Appareance Boiling point Terms decline warranties AM Technology Ltd applied strict quality standards both during the production of our products and the description of the products and their use. The high quality of the product is guaranteed, at our discretion, we are willing to replace or reimburse the price of any faulty product. Satisfying results do not depend only on the product but on many other facts that are out of our control. Therefore, except the replacement or the reimbursement in case of a faulty product, AM Technology Ltd DOES NOT GIVE ANY OTHER GUARANTEES, explicit or implicit, including guarantee of ELIGIBILITY FOR A PURPUSE OR MARKETABILITY, regarding the actual PRODUCTS, AM Technology does not take any other responsibilities. Possible discontent about the product must be communicated in writing in one (1) year from the date of the delivery. No claims will be considered out of the specified time interval or claims that are not in writing. The client must determine the suitability of the product for the purpose of its use and accept all the possible risks and responsibilities. Any approved change on the printed directions of use of our product must bear the signature of the technical Director of AM Technology Ltd. All the recommendations and information above based on the actual knowledge and experience of AM Technology Ltd. Nevertheless, AM Technology Ltd does not take any responsibility for the communication of such information and recommendation, that regard the intellectual right of ownership of third parties, particularly patent protection. In particular, AM Technology Ltd does not acknowledge any conditions or guarantees, EXPLICIT OR IMPLICIT, INCLUDING THE GUARANTEE OF SUITABILITY FOR A PURPOSE OR MARKETABILITY. AM Technology Ltd WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSEQUENT, INDIRECT OR ACCIDENTAL DAMAGES (including the loss of profit) of any kind. AM Technology Ltd reserves the right to make changes according to the technological progress or further developments. The client is responsible and obligated to case and verify with attention any incoming possible merchandise. The characteristics of the product or products described above must be verified by test and must be applied by a qualified person. The client has the exclusive responsibility to realize and control such tests. Commercial names used by other companies are neither recommendations, nor approval of any product and does not imply that other similar products cannot be used. © 2018 AM Technology Ltd. 1 Mark Square, EC2A 4EG London All the technical information included above is indicative, based on our experiences. The dates and the modalities present on the technical sheet can be modified any time, in case of improvements in the technology of the production. The application of the product being out of our control is the exclusive responsibility of the client. The technical assistance of AM Technology Ltd is available to provide supplementary information for the users. N.B. The image is for illustrative purposes only and shall not be legally binding. AM Technology Ltd. 1 Mark Square, EC2A 4EG London

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