Catalog excerpts
Passion for wood since 1874 Admonter natural wood VALUES THAT MATTER MOST Admonter NATURE'S FAVOURITE DESIGNER
Open the catalog to page 1A SOLID BASE – YOU CAN RELY ON ME
Open the catalog to page 2Values that matter most 04 Index Values that matter most 05 Admonter natural wood EMBRACING TRADITION WITH NEW INNOVATIONS Life is constantly changing and nowhere do we see this more than in nature. The incredible variety of wood species is truly amazing and is always inspiring us to create something new. Our promise for the future is to incorporate these new changes without forgetting our roots and the values that matter most - the traditional craftsmanship which has always defined us. A promise you can experience with all your senses. HISTORY THE ADMONTER VALUES SUSTAINABILITY PRODUCT...
Open the catalog to page 3Values that matter most 06 Origin Values that matter most 07 Origin Values that matter most 06 Origin Values that matter most 07 Origin 1074 The founding year of the Admont Benedictine Abbey and the beginning of an ancient love of wood. ORIGIN The forest has always been a part of us. It’s the reason why we have such an affinity with wood. It’s hard to find another natural material which accompanies us so beautifully through life with so much style and in so many different forms. It satisfies our yearning to be connected to nature and the great outdoors. Through our work today we pay tribute...
Open the catalog to page 4Values that matter most VA LU E S We have been dealing with wood in this region for almost 1 , 0 0 0 Y E A R S . Its eternal beauty and originality have inspired our craft ever since. It is important to us that we source our wood exclusively from S U S TA I N A B LY managed forests and ensure a working environment based on R E S P E C T – both for our forests and those we work with. For us, Q UA L I T Y and T R U S T must come first and we strive for this to be the most natural thing in the world. ALL FROM A SINGLE SOURCE. Floor, ceiling, wall, stairs, furniture, door and acoustic elements....
Open the catalog to page 5Values that matter most Sustainability Values that matter most Sustainability Values that matter most Sustainability Values that matter most Sustainability SUSTAIN ABILITY The forest is not just the playground for biodiversity, it is above all the cradle of sustainability. Anyone who works with wood as a raw material is always aware of this. As we learn from lessons of the past, we develop a greater respect for nature as we look towards the future. Not only does quality of product become a priority but so too does the protection of our environment and climate. Our efforts in this respect...
Open the catalog to page 6Values that matter most All from a single source Values that matter most A AS IN ADMONTER – ALL FROM A SINGLE SOURCE F LO O R S – E L E M E N T S – D O O R S – S TA I R S – A C O U S T I C S Admonter is not only an expert when it comes to flooring, but we also know how to give entire spaces a look and feel that bears both the Designer’s and Nature’s H A N DW R I T I N G . Floors, walls, ceilings, stairs, doors as well as acoustic panels complement each other and bring to life the intent of the Designer. All the interior design components we produce are made of S U S TA I N A B L E real wood...
Open the catalog to page 7All from a single source Good atmosphere starts with the right floor. It is the basis for what comes next. And experience has shown it can be anything and everything. No matter which interior or living design you decide on, we have the right N AT U R A L W O O D F L O O R S for you. Their remarkable versatility provides the space for creative possibilities. From a feeling of familiar security, through modern naturalness to contemporary design or alpine chic. Floors that match your lifestyle and bring that very special atmosphere to every room. Oak Lapis – Naturhotel Edelweiss, Wagrain,...
Open the catalog to page 8All from a single source All from a single source Oak white noblesse – Private house, Canada Reclaimed wood alder grey – Private apartment Tyrol, Austria Admonter Elements are not only available in different hard and softwood species and countless colour variations, but they are also available with different surface finishes, core structures, sizes and grades. A noble table, a rustic chest, a luxurious yet quaint sauna or an extravagant sideboard – Admonter E L E M E N T S give shape to D E S I G N D R E A M S . Our specially created G A L L E R I A WA L L E L E M E N T S ensure that walls...
Open the catalog to page 9All from a single source Interior doors are as crucial to the living atmosphere of a home as the floor or furniture. It would be too bad if this design element would be neglected. Like so many things we produce, our interior doors are tailor made solutions to meet your W I S H E S , E X P E C TAT I O N S A N D S P E C I F I C AT I O N S . They all have one thing in common: They are all made from sustainable N AT U R A L W O O D with great attention to detail and European functionality. Oak Aurum – Private house Tyrol, Austria Oak grey – Showroom Admont, Austria Reclaimed wood hacked H3 –...
Open the catalog to page 10All from a single source All from a single source RAISE THE DESIGN TO A WHOLE What use is the most beautiful natural floor without a matching staircase? It is important to us at Admonter to add to the NEW LEVEL. in one flowing design. And this naturally includes matching stair nosings. Whether you choose them from our standard range or we custom-make them for you. We offer I N D I V I D U A L solutions. Oak Lapis – Private house Bavaria, Germany Oak stone noblesse – Private house, Canada
Open the catalog to page 11All from a single source As always, at Admonter, we also provide you with a generous selection of wood and colour, so that the acoustic elements can be perfectly matched to the ambience. Oak superbianco VEGA Sternwarte, Salzburg, Austria. Picture: Atelier Wortmeyer TIONAL SOLUTION. Spruce natural oiled – Naturhotel Edelweiss, Wagrain, Austria Admonter A C O U S T I C S equals design with functional added value. Stylish and lightweight wooden acoustic elements that, when used properly, improve R O O M A C O U S T I C S and either absorb or amplify sound. Especially for retail spaces,...
Open the catalog to page 12All Admonter catalogs and technical brochures
Acoustics DOT
2 Pages
19 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
10 Pages
9 Pages
21 Pages
Interior Design
5 Pages
9 Pages
11 Pages
ELEMENTS Furniture
21 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
4 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
19 Pages
Reclaimed Wood
11 Pages