

Catalog excerpts

Lodge - 3

Un Albero magico di un bosco chiamò gli uccelli e fece una promessa: " Lascio i fiori al mare, lascio le foglie al vento, i frutti al sole e poi tutti i semi a voi. A voi, graziosi uccelli, perché mi cantavate le canzoni nella bella stagione. L'eleganza dei miei rami, l'armonia delle mie fronde al vento, e la nobiltà del mio legno vorrei invece potessero trovare un’espressione alta e sublime..." Lo stormire del vento tra i fitti rami del magico albero tramutò ben presto le intenzioni in realtà: nacque così Lodge. A magical tree in the forest summoned the birds and made them a promise: "I’ll...

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Lodge - 4

fieno cotton ebano

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Lodge - 5

salvia africa cenere carbone

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Lodge - 7


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Lodge - 9

cotton 09 Lodge_ cotton 12x60 Mosaico maxi cotton 10x60_ Matita colour verde 2x60

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Lodge - 11

carbone 22 Lodge_ carbone 12x60 _ 15x60

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Lodge - 13

carbone 17 Lodge_ carbone 12x60 _ 30x60

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Lodge - 15

cotton/carbone 19 cotton 30x60_ 15x60 _ 12x60 _ Decoro wallpaper cotton 30x60 Cordone wallpaper platino 3x60 _ Listello wallpaper platino 8x60 Cordone line platino 3x60 _ Mosaico regoli cotton 30x30 Raccordo cotton 1,5x30 _ Angolo raccordo cotton 1,5x1,5 Lodge_ carbone 30x30

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Lodge - 16

fieno 22 Lodge_ fieno 12x60 - 30x60 Decoro wallpaper fieno 30x60_Listello wallpaper rame 8x60_ Cordone wallpaper rame 3x60_Cordone line rame 3x60

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Lodge - 17

Mosaico lineare fieno salvia africa 30x30

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Lodge - 18

cenere 24 Lodge_ cenere 15x60 Mosaico glass cenere 30x30

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Lodge - 20

africa 26 Lodge_africa 60x60 _ Cordone wallpaper rame 3x60 Lodge_ africa 12x60 _ 15x60

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Lodge - 22

africa 34 Lodge_ africa 30x60

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Lodge - 24

Lodge_ cotton 15x60 - 12x60 nuovi formati sizes new cotton LOR34050 LOR35050 Lodge Cotton rett. 60x120 - 24”x48” Lodge Cotton rett. 20x120 - 8”x48” 2 LOR36050 6 Lodge Cotton rett. 15x120 - 6”x48” pezzi speciali - special trims LOR34051 Grad. monolitico 32,5x120 2 LOR34052 London 5x60 12 LOR34054 Dec. Style Cotton 60x120 1 LOR34053 Ang. london 5x3 36 12 8

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Lodge - 25

cotton LOR01050 LOR03050 LOR04050 LOR23050 LOR09050 Lodge Cotton rett. 60x60 - 24”x24” Lodge Cotton rett. 30x60 - 12”x24” Lodge Cotton rett. 12 15x60 - 6”x24” Lodge Cotton rett. 13 12x60 - 5”x24” Lodge Cotton rett. 30x30 - 12”x12” LOR09064 Mos. lineare Co/Ce/Ca 5 30x30 LOR03068 Mos. maxi Cotton rett. 6 10x60 3 6 12 mosaici - mosaics LOR09062 LOR09063 Mos. regoli Cotton rett. 5 30x30 Mos. glass Cotton rett. 5 30x30 LOR03063 Cord. wallpaper platino rett. 3x60 LOR03061 Dec. wallpaper Cotton rett. 4 30x60 6 LOR04201 Dec. intrecci rame rett. 6 15x60 LOR03062 List. wallpaper plat. rett. 8x60 6...

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Lodge - 26

Lodge_ fieno 15x60 - 12x60 nuovi formati sizes new fieno LOR34150 LOR35150 Lodge Fieno rett. 60x120 - 24”x48” Lodge Fieno rett. 20x120 - 8”x48” 2 LOR36150 6 Lodge Fieno rett. 15x120 - 6”x48” pezzi speciali - special trims LOR34151 Grad. monolitico 32,5x120 2 LOR34152 London 5x60 12 LOR34154 Dec. Style Fieno 60x120 1 LOR34153 Ang. london 5x3 40 12 8

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Lodge - 27

fieno LOR01150 LOR03150 LOR04150 LOR23150 Lodge Fieno rett. 60x60 - 24”x24” Lodge Fieno rett. 30x60 - 12”x24” Lodge Fieno rett. 15x60 - 6”x24” Lodge Fieno rett. 12x60 - 5”x24” 3 6 12 LOR09150 13 Lodge Fieno rett. 30x30 - 12”x12” 12 mosaici - mosaics LOR09162 LOR09163 LOR09164 LOR03168 Mos. regoli Fieno rett. 5 30x30 Mos. glass Fieno rett. 5 30x30 Mos. lineare Fi/Sa/Af 5 30x30 Mos. maxi Fieno rett. 6 10x60 LOR03163 Cord. wallpaper rame rett. 3x60 6 LOR04201 Dec. intrecci rame rett. 6 15x60 LOR09061 Fascia copper rett. 12 3x30 LOR03161 LOR03162 LOR03164 Dec. wallpaper Fieno rett. 4 30x60...

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Lodge - 28

Lodge_ africa 15x60 - 12x60 nuovi formati sizes new africa LOR34200 LOR35200 Lodge Africa rett. 60x120 - 24”x48” Lodge Africa rett. 20x120 - 8”x48” 2 LOR36200 6 Lodge Africa rett. 15x120 - 6”x48” pezzi speciali - special trims LOR34201 Grad. monolitico 32,5x120 2 LOR34202 London 5x60 12 LOR34204 Dec. Style Africa 60x120 1 LOR34203 Ang. london 5x3 42 12 8

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Lodge - 29

africa LOR01200 LOR03200 LOR04200 LOR23200 Lodge Africa rett. 60x60 - 24”x24” Lodge Africa rett. 30x60 - 12”x24” Lodge Africa rett. 15x60 - 6”x24” Lodge Africa rett. 12x60 - 5”x24” 3 6 12 LOR09200 13 Lodge Africa rett. 30x30 - 12”x12” 12 mosaici - mosaics LOR09212 LOR09213 LOR09164 LOR03218 Mos. regoli Africa rett. 5 30x30 Mos. glass Africa rett. 5 30x30 Mos. lineare Fi/Sa/Af 5 30x30 Mos. maxi Africa rett. 6 10x60 LOR03163 Cord. wallpaper rame rett. 3x60 6 LOR04201 Dec. intrecci rame rett. 6 15x60 LOR09061 Fascia copper rett. 12 3x30 LOR03211 LOR03162 LOR03164 Dec. wallpaper Africa rett. 4...

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Lodge - 30

cenere 46 Lodge_ cenere 15x60 - 12x60

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Lodge - 31

cenere LOR01300 LOR03300 LOR04300 LOR23300 LOR09300 Lodge Cenere rett. 60x60 - 24”x24” Lodge Cenere rett. 30x60 - 12”x24” Lodge Cenere rett. 12 15x60 - 6”x24” Lodge Cenere rett. 13 12x60 - 5”x24” Lodge Cenere rett. 12 30x30 - 12”x12” 3 6 mosaici - mosaics LOR09312 LOR09313 LOR09064 LOR03318 Mos. regoli Cenere rett. 5 30x30 Mos. glass Cenere rett. 5 30x30 Mos. lineare Co/Ce/Ca 5 30x30 Mos. maxi Cenere rett. 6 10x60 LOR03063 Cord. wallpaper platino rett. 3x60 6 LOR04101 Dec. intrecci platino rett. 6 15x60 LOR03311 Dec. wallpaper Cenere rett. 4 30x60 LOR03062 List. wallpaper plat. rett. 8x60 6...

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Lodge - 32

Lodge_ carbone 15x60 - 12x60 nuovi formati sizes new carbone LOR34350 LOR35350 LOR36350 Lodge Carbone rett. 2 60x120 - 24”x48” Lodge Carbone rett. 6 20x120 - 8”x48” Lodge Carbone rett. 8 15x120 - 6”x48” pezzi speciali - special trims LOR34351 Grad. monolitico 32,5x120 2 LOR34352 London 5x60 12 LOR34354 Dec. Style Carbone 60x120 1 LOR34353 Ang. london 5x3 48 12

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Lodge - 33

Lodge Carbone rett. mosaici - mosaics Lodge Carbone rett. Lodge Carbone rett. Lodge Carbone rett. Lodge Carbone rett. Mos. regoli Carbone rett. Mos. glass Carbone rett. Mos. lineare Co/Ce/Ca Mos. maxi Carbone rett. Cord, wallpaper platino rett. Dec, wallpaper Carb. rett. * List, wallpaper plat, rett.* Cord, line platino rett. * pezzi speciali - special trims- Dec, intrecci platino rett* Fascia copper rett. Decorative floor tiles Mat. colour verde rett. ** Mat. colour arancio rett.** Battiscopa rett. Step rett. Raccordo rett. * Si consiglia di evitare I'uso di detergenti aggressivi per la...

Open the catalog to page 33

All ABK catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Vision

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  2. Fossil

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  3. Docks

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  4. Papier

    17 Pages

  5. ABK 2014

    187 Pages

  6. Downtown

    36 Pages

  7. Level

    9 Pages

  8. Brio

    3 Pages

  9. Agora

    8 Pages

  10. Appia

    8 Pages

  11. Loft

    3 Pages

  12. Soleras

    17 Pages

  13. Velvet

    12 Pages

  14. Rockway 01

    27 Pages

  15. Marrakech

    10 Pages

  16. Gloss

    20 Pages

  17. Jerusalem

    11 Pages

  18. Contemporanea

    39 Pages

  19. Glamstone

    15 Pages

  20. Cabane

    24 Pages

  21. Atelier

    19 Pages

  22. Artic Marble

    12 Pages

  23. Aqua

    24 Pages

  24. Marbleway

    62 Pages

  25. woodway

    25 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. loft

    56 Pages

  2. fusion

    8 Pages

  3. enjoy

    15 Pages

  4. axolute

    21 Pages

  5. petraia

    64 Pages

  6. BOIS

    28 Pages