Catalog excerpts

Aluminium Stainless Steel Copper Brass Standard Stock Range
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Aalco is the UK’s largest independent multi-metals stockholder, with an extensive inventory of aluminium, stainless steel, copper, brass and bronze in all semi-finished forms. Aalco’s inventory covers a wide range of grades/alloys, shapes and sizes - both industry standards and special or bespoke items for particular applications or individual customers. Aalco provides customers with a cost-effective single source for all their metals requirements, together with a comprehensive processing service which includes polishing, coating, blanking and ‘cut to length’ No order is too large or too...
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Aalco Aluminium Aalco Aluminium
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Aluminium Shate Alloy 1050A H14 Aluminium Shate Alloy 5083 0/H111 Aluminium Shate Alloy 5251 H22 Aluminium Shate Alloy 6082 T6/T651 Aluminium Plate Alloy 5083 0/H111 Aluminium Shate Alloy 5454 Aluminium Plate Alloy 6082 T651
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Aluminium Sheet Alloy 1050A H14/H24 Size KG/Sheet
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Aalco Aluminium Aluminium Sheet Aluminium Sheet Alloy 1050A H14/H24 (continued) Size Aluminium Architectural Sheet Alloy 1050A H14/H24 PVC Coated one side Size Aluminium Architectural Sheet Alloy 1050A H14/H24 PVC Coated one side (continued) Size Aluminium Sheet Alloy 5251 H22 Size Aluminium Sheet Alloy 3103 H14 Size
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Aluminium Sheet Alloy 5083 H111 Stucco Sheet Aluminium Stucco Sheet Alloy 1050A H14 Aluminium Sheet Alloy 6082 T6 Painted Sheet Aluminium Painted Sheet, Alloy 3105/3003 H44 VC1 White Painted and Vinyl Coated One Side Tread plate Aalco TripleGrip Aluminium Treadplate Size KG/Plate Aluminium 5-Bar Treadplate Alloy 5754 H114 Size KG/Plate
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Aalco Aluminium Aluminium Aalcopanel Aluminium Composite Panels All panels have a 3mm core and two Skins of Aluminium Alloy 1100 The Aluminium Skins are finished with Polyester Paint Both painted Skins are PVC Coated with Hi-Tack 50 micron film Size Aluminium Skin Thickness (mm) *KEY 85% = High Gloss 45% = Matt Gloss Level Front* Gloss Level reverse* Hoarding Board This Item has only one side painted, in Matt White, with the reverse being mill finish aluminium It also has a 3mm core and two Skins of Aluminium Alloy 1100 Both Skins are PVC Coated with Hi-Tack 50 micron film Size Aluminium...
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Aluminium Round Bar Alloy 6026 T9 Aluminium Round Bar Alloy 2011 T3
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Aluminium Round Bar Alloy 6082 T6
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Flat Bar Aluminium Flat Bar Alloy 6082 T6 Size Aalco Aluminium
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Aalco Aluminium Aluminium Flat Bar Alloy 6082 T6 (continued) Size Aluminium Flat Bar Alloy 6063A T6 Size Aluminium Square Bar Alloy 6082 T6 KG/Metre
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Equal Angle Aluminium Equal Angle Alloy 6082 T6 Aluminium Equal Angle Alloy 6063A T6
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Unequal Angle Aluminium UN-Equal Angle Alloy 6063A T6 Aluminium UN-Equal Angle Alloy 6082 T6
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Aluminium Channel Alloy 6063/6063A T6 Aluminium Channel Alloy 6082 T6
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Round Tube Aluminium Tube Alloy 6082 T6 Aluminium Tube Alloy 6082 T6 (continued) Aluminium Tube Alloy 6063 T6
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Round Tube - for rainwater handling Aluminium Tube Alloy 6082 T6 (BS1474) Scaffold Tube Scaffold tube is drift tested to BS 1139 Size KG/Metre
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Aalco Aluminium Aluminium Box Section - Rectangular Aluminium Rectangular Tube Alloy 6063 T6 Aluminium Square Tube Alloy 6082 T6 Aluminium Square Tube Alloy 6063 T6 KG/Metre Aluminium Square Tube Alloy 6082 T6 Size
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These are a selection of the many shapes available and may not be shown at actual size
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Aalco Aluminium Aluminium Road Transport Products Aalco stocks an extensive range of products for the RT sector, covered in a separate catalogue available from your local Service Centre Rolled Products - sheet & patterned sheet, plate & treadplate, shate Standard Extrusions - angle, channel, tee, tube & box section, flat/ square/round bar Special Sections - Bearers/Runners, Floor Planks, Side Raves & Guards, Corner Pillars, Cant Rails, Top Hats, Zeds, Mouldings, Kick Strips Dropside Sections & Systems Lightweight Dropside System - Complete aluminium system including heavy duty pillars and...
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Road Transport Products Aalco stocks an extensive range of products for the RT sector, covered in a separate catalogue available from your local Service Centre Aluminium Flooring - Treadplate & Floor Plank Extrusions GRP - Panels, Corner Pillars & Cant Rails Aalco Aluminium Side Guard - Aluminium
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Aalco Aluminium Road Transport Products Aalco stocks an extensive range of products for the RT sector, covered in a separate catalogue available from your local Service Centre Cappings - ABS & Aluminium/ABS Slip-resistant flooring - Phenolic mesh-faced Birch wood plywood
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Aalco Stainless Steel Aalco Stainless Steel
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Aalco Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Plate Stainless Steel Hot Rolled Plate Grade 1.4003 Size Stainless Steel Hot Rolled Plate Grades 1.4307 (304L) & 1.4404 (316L) Size Stainless Steel Cold Rolled Plate Grades 1.4307 (304L) & 1.4404 (316L) Size Stainless Steel Cold Rolled Plate Grades 1.4307 (304L) & 1.4404 (361L) PVC Coated 1 Side Stainless Steel Treadplate BSEN 10088: Part 3 / ASTM A793 / DIN 59220 (T) Pattern 1 Grade AISI 304 Size
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Sheet Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4003 - Cold Rolled except where shown Size Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4016 (430) - Bright Annealed Size Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4301 (304) - Polished 240 Grit and PVC Coated 1 Side Size Aalco Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4016 (430) - Polished 240 Grit and PVC Coated 1 Side Size Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4404 (316L) - Polished 240 Grit and PVC Coated 1 Side Size
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Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4301 (304) - 2B Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4404 (316L) - 2B Size KG/Sheet Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4301 (304) - OPTISHEEN™ Polished and PVC Coated 1 Side Size KG/Sheet Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4301 (304) - 240 Grit Silicon Polished and PVC Coated 1 Side
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Circle Polished Sheet Equal Angle Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4301 (304) - Bright Annealed Circle Polished Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4301 (304) - 50mm Circles Stainless Steel Angle Grades 1.4307 (304L) & 1.4404 (316L) Aalco Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Circle Polished Stainless Steel Sheet Grade 1.4016 (430) - 50mm Circles Size 2500mm x 1250mm x 0.9mm
Open the catalog to page 27All AALCO METALS LIMITED catalogs and technical brochures
Cant Rail Systems
8 Pages
Road Transport
103 Pages
12 Pages
Aluminium Triplate
2 Pages
Aluminium Plate
2 Pages
Aalco Product
92 Pages
Marine Metals Range
52 Pages
Stainless Steel Handrail Systems
72 Pages
Roofing & Cladding
3 Pages
Stainless handrail systems
76 Pages