
O ambiente em que vivemos é a essência do nosso negócio. The environment which we live in is the essence of our business. L’environnement en que nous vivons c’est l’essence de notre entreprise. Die Umgebung, in der wir leben, ist das Wesen unseres Geschäfts. El ambiente en el que vivimos es la esencia de nuestro n
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario SMART CLEAN RIMLESS FLUSHING
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario Sanita water closet / cuvette / Toilette / Inodoro Tanque Ceramica Cistern ceramic / Réservoire ceramique Tank keramik / Cisterna cerámica Tanque Geberit Cistern / Réservoire / Tank / Cisterna Bidé Bidet Sanita suspensa Water closet wall hung / Cuvette suspendu Toilette auf Gehangt / Inodoro suspendido Bidé Suspenso Bidet Wall Hung Lavatorio 60 x 34 x 14 cm Washbasin / Vasque / Waschbecken / Lavabo Tampo Seat and cover / L’abattant /
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario Sanita Suspensa Wall Hung water closet / Cuvette suspendu / Sanitär / Inodoro Tampo Soft close TOCOPRTICRW Wrapover seat and cover / L’abattant Bidé Suspenso Bidet Wall hung Deckel • Tapa
water closet / cuvette / Toilette / Inodoro Tampo Softclose (2 TOCOPRTICRW Wrapover seat and cover S80/112 L’abattant • Deckel • Tapa Tanque Ceramica (3 TOCIMBLW Cistern ceramic • Reservoire ceramique S240/336 Tank keramik • Cisterna ceramica Tanque Geberit Cistern / Reservoire / Tank / Cisterna Bide Bidet Banhelra © TOVA205 Bathtub / Baignoire Badewane / Banera S5000/7000 S Lavatorio 90cm TOLAV90W Wash basin / Lavabo Waschwecken / Lavabo
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario
Sanita water closet / cuvette / Toilette / Inodoro Tampo Softclose Wrapover seat and cover / L’abattant / Deckel / Tapa Tanque Ceramica TOCIMBLW Cistern ceramic / Reservoire ceramique Tank keramik / Cisterna ceramica Casge Tanque Geberit CASGE Cistern / Reservoire / Tank / Cisterna Bide Bidet Lavatorio pedestal Pedestal Wash basin / Lavabo / Waschwecken / Lavabo
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario
Lavatorio ® LAOZW Wash basin • Lavabo Waschwecken • Lavabo Lavatorio (2 LAOZ42 Wash basin • Lavabo Waschwecken • Lavabo Sanita ® OZWCSO water closet • Cuvette Toilette • Inodoro Tampo @ OZCOPRTICR Wrapover seat and cover L’abattant • Deckel • Tapa OZBISO Bide Bidet Banheira (6 OZVA180 Bathtub • Baignoire BadeWanne • Bahera
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario Sanita water closet • Cuvette • Toilette • Inodoro Tampo Slim UF Slim Seat and cover • L’abattant • Deckel • Tapa Bidé Bidet Lavatório Wash basin • Lavabo • Waschbecken • Lavabo P trap sortie horizontal spülkasten waagerechter abgag descarga a la
SMART CLEAN RIMLESS FLUSHING Sanita water closet • Cuvette • Toilette • Inodoro Tampo Slim UF Slim Seat and cover • L’abattant • Deckel • Tapa Bidé Bidet Lavatório Wash basin • Lavabo • Waschbecken • Lavabo P trap sortie horizontal spülkasten waagerechter abgag descarga a la pa
* Inclui tampo e mecanismo Includes seat and cover and mechanism inclut l’abattant et le mécanisme enthält Deckel und Mechanismus incluye tapa y mecanismo Sanita + tanque + tampo + mecanismo toilet + tank / cuvette + réservoire Toilette + tank / Inodoro + cisterna Bidé Bidet Lavatório Washbasin / Lavabo / Waschwecken / Lavabo Descarga á parede ou ao solo P trap or S trap sortie horizontal ou verticale Wand oder Boden auslass descarga a la pared o al suelo
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario
* Inclui tampo e mecanismo Includes seat and cover and mechanism inclut l’abattant et le mécanisme enthält Deckel und Mechanismus incluye tapa y mecanismo Sanita + tanque + tampo + mecanismo toilet + tank / cuvette + réservoire Toilette + tank / Inodoro + cisterna Bidé Bidet Lavatório suspenso Suspended basin / Lavabo suspendu Hängendes Waschwecken / Lavabo suspendido Descarga á parede ou ao solo P trap or S trap sortie horizontal ou verticale Wand oder Boden auslass descarga a la pared o al suelo
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario Lavatório Wash basin • Lavabo • Waschbecken • Lavabo Coluna column • columna • Sockel • collone com 1 furo para torneira with 1 tap hole Sanita water closet • Cuvette • Toilette • Inodoro 22 kg S240/336 0,20 m³ Tanque Ceramica RS5681 Cistern • Réservoire • for three Cisterna UK - Washbasin with overflow, one taphole prearranged Tank • taphole fittings. Wall-hung, on pedestal, or on supporting brackets installation. IT - Lavabo con foro troppopieno monoforo, predisposto per rubinetteria triforo. Installazione a sospensione, su colonna o...
New Retro com 1 furo para torneira with 1 tap hole
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario * Inclui tampo e mecanismo Includes seat and cover and mechanism inclut l’abattant et le mécanisme enthält Deckel und Mechanismus incluye tapa y mecanismo S trap sortie verticale Boden auslass descarga a al suelo Lavatório com Coluna Pedestal basin / Lavabo et colonne Sockel Waschbecken / Lavabo y columna Sanita + tanque toilet + tank / cuvette + réservoire Toilette + tank / Inodoro + cisterna Bidé Bidet
sanitários | sanitary | sanitaire | sanitär | sanitario City SMART CLEAN RIMLESS FLUSHING Tampo Slim Slim Seat And Cover L’abbattant Slim Deckel Slim Tapa Slim Lavatório com Coluna Pedestal basin / Lavabo et colonne Sockel Waschbecken / Lavabo y columna Bidé Bidet Sanita + tanque + tampo slim + mecanismo toilet + tank / cuvette + réservoire Toilette + tank / Inodoro + cisterna * Inclui tampo e mecanismo Includes seat and cover and mechanism inclut l’abattant et le mécanisme enthält Deckel und Mechanismus incluye tapa y mecanismo
Torneiras 2018
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Shower 2018
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Spa 2018
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Hidro 2018
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Pedra Natural 2018
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Pav. e Revestimentos 2018
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Móveis 2018
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Vinil & SPC 2019
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stone rubicer 2018
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mosaics 2018
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deck rubicer 2018
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100 ページ
Rubicer BATH
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Novelties 2015
11 ページ