
Have you ever seen rock burn? The importance of fire safety in the building envelope
Many building fires are preventable
Building fires and their consequences Building fires can be the result of accidents, or other This makes it important to use only non-combustible factors that are difficult or impossible to control. building materials. In addition to simply not burning, However, many fires are caused by issues that can be they act as fire barriers, slowing the spread of flames limited or prevented, such as design flaws, poor and smoke throughout the property during an construction or installation work, or improper use of Stricter energy efficiency targets mean the built As many as 8 million fires are...
Why choose non-combustible insulation as part of your building ? 1. Help prevent loss of life or injury 2. Reduce the risk of property and asset damage 3. Lower the risk of business disruption or bankruptcy 4. Protect irreplaceable assets, from family photographs to valuable business data 5. Limit liability for damage, injuries and loss of life 6. Protect your positive reputation in terms of fire safety 7. Help eliminate toxic smoke emissions 8. Reduce smoke damage Fire safety should be considered at all stages from building design to building maintenance
How a fire can affect you Whether you’re an architect or insurer, a contractor, building owner, occupant or fire-fighter, fire safety is an important consideration. Insurers Insurance is based on risk profiling, and an insurer’s business success depends on balancing risks and premiums. Promoting non-combustible building Housing Associations and Building Owners materials via cost structures that impose higher The UK's social housing stock is undergoing the premiums for combustible materials can help mitigate largest renovation scheme since the 1940's as a result fire loss. of energy provider...
Rockwool insulation withstands temperatures of up to 1000° C
Designing out risk Although it is not possible to eliminate fire-related risks, we can manage them through the building materials we choose. While active fire protection, such as smoke detectors, sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers, are vital elements of fire-safe building design, passive protection such as non-combustible building materials help to ensure that the very fabric of the property is protected from fire. Building owners We recommend following these simple guidelines for 2. Ensure products, such as insulation, are used for ensuring sufficient passive protection in your...
Passive fire protection is an important element of defence in any building
Safer Buildings Once you’ve decided to design, construct or renovate your development with fire protection as a priority, you’ll find that we have all of the insulation solutions you need to deliver a safer building. The protective power of natural rock Fire Safety Made from natural and completely renewable volcanic rock, our insulation is non-combustible and prevents the spread of fire, withstanding temperatures of up to 1000° C. By holding fire back, Rockwool buys valuable time for rescue operations and protects the building’s integrity. Unlike some combustible materials, our Durable...
Euroclasses To make the fire classification of building materials easier EU member states have adopted a Europe-wide standard for comparing how they react to fire. Known as BS EN 13501-1 “Fire classification of construction products and building elements”, the standard is used to test and classify a range of materials, including insulation products intended for use in wall and ceiling constructions. The UK is one of the few member states not to have adopted this system but they will be included in building regulations with the mandatory takeup of CE marking in 2013. Subsequent to the fire...
Visit our website to learn more about insulation and fire protection www.rockwool.co.uk/ saferbuildings
Rockwool Limited 26-28 Hammersmith Grove London W6 7HA T: 0871 222 1780 www.rockwool.co.uk
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