
2 WELCOME TO NEW DOMESTIC RANGE More than ever before, Panasonic has developed a range of products designed for you and your clients. The main new feature in the Domestic line is, without doubt, the Etherea range with the new Eco Patrol system, which intuits the level of human presence in a room and their level of activity and adjusts output accordingly. With its innovative design, high effi ciency and incomparable purifi cation system, the range has been designed with your clients in mind. Above all, it is also a range for air conditioning professionals, such as yourself, thanks to its...
3 DOMESTIC PANASONIC HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY MAKES US BETTER The desire to advance has made Panasonic the international leader in air conditioning. Our industrial capabilities and firm commitment to the environment enable us to open new avenues of research and to develop innovative technologies which can enhance our way of life. The domestic range, semi-industrial range and VRF industrial range, together with the new Aquarea system, are adjusted to the most avant-garde construction needs and environmental demands of our time. At Panasonic we know what a great responsibility...
4 WELCOME TO NEW DOMESTIC RANGE More than ever before, Panasonic has developed a range of products designed for you and your clients. The main new feature in the Domestic line is, without doubt, the Etherea range with the new Eco Patrol system, which intuits the level of human presence in a room and their level of activity and adjusts output accordingly. With its innovative design, high efficiency and incomparable purification system, the range has been designed with your clients in mind. Above all, it is also a range for air conditioning professionals, such as yourself, thanks to its broad...
5 DOMESTIC THE NEW ETHEREA RANGE PURE EFFICIENCY Panasonic’s new Etherea units offer maximum effi ciency in every sense. They ensure minimum consumption, thanks to the new Eco Patrol system, which intuits the level of human presence in a room and their level of activity and adjusts output accordingly. This feature, together with the Inverter+ system, provides up to 71% energy savings on Heat Pump, and up to 60% energy savings on cooling only. Our super silent air conditioners guarantee the purest air to take care of you and your family. They boast sophisticated features, such as the E-ion...
6 HERE’S WHY THE ECO PATROL SENSOR IS SO GREAT! It senses people’s movements. It recognises people by “infrared rays + movement” and determines the amount of activity. It senses the entire room in real-time. It constantly checks people’s movements in the room, and quickly adapts to changes. High-Precision Sensing. Its wide field of view senses up to 7 meters away with high precision. ANALYSIS Records if there are any changes. When the activity level goes up... ADJUSTEMENT Increases or decreases power accordingly. Higher-power operation provides uninterrupted cooling DETECTION Senses human...
7 DOMESTIC MAXIMUM 30% ENERGY SAVINGS The energy-saving benefi t of Eco Patrol is maximised when the air conditioner is left switched on in a room that is used intermittently. For example, when the room is empty for two hours, the air conditioner self-adjusts to raise the temperature by 3°C for maximum 30% energy savings. When someone re-enters, the air conditioner reverts to the set temperature to provide uninterrupted cooling. During Heating total saving: 74% (Inverter: 64% + Eco Patrol: 10%) During Cooling total saving: 65% (Inverter: 50% + Eco Patrol: 15%) Comparison between an Inverter...
8 CATCHES & INACTIVATES E-ION ACTION Three trillion e-ions are released to catch fl oating dust particles. The ions also inactivate bacteria, mould and viruses. CAPTURES ELECTRICALLY E-ION FILTER The fi lter is positively charged, so negatively charged dust particles are electrically attracted. This electrical action assures that dust is effi ciently captured. DETECTS NEWLY DESIGNED PATROL SENSOR The Patrol Sensor monitors the air and informs you of the dirt level through colour indications. Air purifying starts as soon as dirt is detected. 1) 3 trillion is the simulated number of active...
9 DOMESTIC 3) Only for Etherea 1x1. MILD DRY COOLING 3) Fine control helps prevent a rapid decrease in room humidity while maintaining the set temperature. Maintains an RH (Relative Humidity) up to 10% higher than cooling operation. Ideal when sleeping with the air conditioner on. 2-IN-1 VALUE WITH AN AIR PURIFIER Panasonic air conditioners also offer the function of an air purifi er. You can enjoy both cool air with air conditioning and clean air with air purifi cation from a single unit. Thus, it’s also really economical. ROOM HUMIDITY COMPARISON 70 65 60 55 50 40 35 30 25 20 15 10...
10 64% 50% DOWN1) DOWN2) DURING HEATING DURING COOLING CS-W9DKE NON INVERTER CS-W12DKE NON INVERTER CS-XE9LKE CS-E9LKE INVERTER CS-XE12LKE CS-E12LKE INVERTER OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE WITH UP TO 50% ENERGY SAVINGS The exceptional energy-saving performance of Panasonic Intelligent Inverter air conditioners ranks among the highest in the industry. The secret lies in its precision control. After reaching the set temperature, an Intelligent Inverter air conditioner continually adjusts compressor rotation speed to operate with minimum power – saving you up to 50% in electricity. By contrast, a...
11 DOMESTIC A: THE MOST EFFICIENT Our new models have obtained the highest energy performance classifi cation, Class A, which puts them in the highest energy saving class. This means you can use these models every day, without having to worry about the electric bill. ENERGY EFFICIENCY CLASSIFICATIONS A European Community directive requiring energy labelling of domestic appliances came into effect in 2005. Since then, all manufacturers have been required to label each product with an effi ciency level represented by a letter from A to G. This means that a class B domestic appliance consumes...
カタログの11ページ目を開くPANASONIC Home Appliancesのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
8 ページ
Mini Sirroco Fan
20 ページ
16 ページ
28 ページ
4 ページ
Ceiling fan
10 ページ
Air Purifier F-VXH50A
20 ページ
Hand dryer FJ-T10T1
8 ページ
Wall mount type
4 ページ
4 ページ
Ceiling fan
16 ページ
4 ページ
4 ページ
6 ページ
9 ページ
4 ページ
hand drayer
8 ページ
air purifier
8 ページ
water pump
4 ページ
16 ページ
ceiling fun
10 ページ
ventilating fan
20 ページ
Dome cameras
14 ページ
Home appliances
32 ページ