
More than just fresh air - for your health & beauty MEEH CATCHER FJWHSSA (Aria) F-VXHSOA (Asia) Nat* nark*™ and tf* nBno•',, ma* am tractamarta of Panasonic Corporation
Panasonic Air Purifiers provide clean and fresh air for you and your family Is indoor air quality at your home good for you? The air we breathe In Is growing more polluted day by day. As pollutants accumulate at our tightly sealed home, these Invisible pollutants are all threats to our health everyday. People suffering from allergies hove been Increasing. Its main cause Is the worsened environmental pollution which leads to human's weakened resistance to diseases. We breathe in large amounts of the following pollutants every day. Viruses / Bacteria • Resulting from Inadequate house...
Enjoy healthy and comfortable living environment with advanced technologies Protect your health and maintain your beauty with the unique technology runs only as If Is necessa ry MEGfl CATCHER Purifying with powerful suction near the floor where children play around Provide you the most comfortable humidity condition
Unique nanoe™ Technology water rnol ecute acidic water panicle wfrh A nanoe"* device con release radkab In water motecute which Increase the effectiveness of bacteria and odor removal. Since nanoe" ks Generated from moteture In the at. It w* not wear out the device Thus, periodical replacement of device Is not necessary. nana*™ Is water-wrapped capsule wttti plentiful OH radicals. Hs effectiveness of bocterta removal*1 depends on the number of OH rod col*2, which Is generated at the rote of 480 bllk>n per #1 Bacteria: the effect resulted In 10m* eneta^ test space foM how* Virus: the effect...
Long Life 6 ttmes longer lifespan than normal Ion nanoe™ contains moisture around 1,000 rimes more than minus Ion. Being wrapped In water molecules. It has a longer lifespan and Is able to retain Its effectiveness even after traveling far a long distance. Comparison of distribution after 5 minutes nanw spread to vmy comer lona decay b«fora apraAdlng Microscopic Scale nanoe"* Is much smaller than steam that can deeply penetrate Into doth fabrics to restrain dirt. * Inm (nanometer) - one blbntti at meter nanoe™ comes from condensed moisture In the air that water replenishment for nanoe™...
Anti-virus / Bacteria Infljgnza Virus • "fett MetticxWogy: Exposed for S hous • Tbstraaut 99% te W**ted afterB hajra « fest restfC 99,9% to Irrtxlad eftar A noura « "fastMothodotofly: Eipcssdfori hems Cladosporlum Stacrrybofrys Perldlum Growth of 8 kinds of mold con be Inhibited with nonoe™(*4) Reduce 90% odor (tobacco smell) after 30 Test Laboratory: PonaoBnlc Earfrfc Works eneJy*s Test Meihoototooy: Vbrr\*ig vrfti B-tewl ootor Intenarty Indcatfcn h 25X test box Deodortattori Method: nance™ emit Ten SU^sct: Adharhg Tobacco Small Test Result 1.9 level of odor htanslfy ts decreased f4)...
Skin Hydratio Helps keep the rnofcrure back to keraii ptecau pee> tho aebum and farm nutfom rf*ito preurrttha keeps the akin fresh Test Laboratory: FCG Research Institute Inc. nance Lets You Living With Pets Healthfully Varies Tests have prrxen nenoe can improve the tviig envior i rienL and health ccncftion of pets. JoJnftyveftfkatfon wffh Azabu Unrvcsly for Inribttlng allergens from pets C"5) # Effect nssJted 1rom the test for 1 hew si 46L enclosed coriater, riot el actual usage space [JofcitV verttedl Graduate School of \feterlnary Science, Azabu University Jointly verification with Daido...
Eco operation mode runs u Q only when necessary Pollution level varies according to your daily activities. You need to change the speed manually or automatically b/sensois In order to clean the polluted environment effectively How can you have dean air before the pollutants spread around? ECONAV1 Is your best solution, ECONAVI Is an Intelligent technology that can monitor your dally activities and memorize the timeline of the pollution level. It then controls the operation of the product before pollution spreads throughout the house. by odor sensor & house dust sensor Search /— Patrol...
Wi'uWU— " Prwparw Lmdi Operate automatically and efficiently before pollutants spread out As compared with Auto Mode WHh ECONAV1, the air purifier operates automati- cally before pollutants spread that reduces the need for stronger airflow to clean the dispersed pollutiants. It also minimizes unnecessary opera- tion by learning your dally life pattern. Tha tr pt*ifer twiichot to hlghar COOKING atari: tp*H (I loMcco tmotm ftom Mflv»« fat i lwj/y ECOHWI modt.
Purifying with powerful suction near the floor where children play When pollutants are detected, the front panel will be opened according to the pollution level for effective inhale. Tiny dirt small particles left & right Efficient suction between ceiling and the middle level of the room wttfc maximum near trie floor level 8km ttw sfeftofT h ^» iitml Jiuugh fronts DpwikiQ,
i Usually, various types of pollutants appear at different positions Q | 0 UI 1Q between the ceiling and the floor in the room. In response, the 3D circulation airflow Is dMded Into two mode - "Upward Airflow" and Tront Airflow* to remove pollutants accordingly. Suction fromtap, bottom, left bright gg° Odor Sensor Dust Sensor (imofl© picture) Airflow for house dust Suction from big opsnfrig at bottom Dust Sensor (triage picture) Airflow ia absorbed through frontal opening that ailowa the product to be located only 1cm from the wall
comfortable humidity The new Panasonic air purifier possesses the humkJffyfng function, Incorporated wTfh the hydration properly of nonoe™, ft can help restore the moisture back to the skin. Humidity Sensor During humid ificat ion, humidity sensor will detect the humldty of the room and control the operation Humidity Indicator Humtifyhg Capacity The opening is large enough to cfeen bisJde of the water tank. Rotary Humidifying Filter The FUSION filter adapts double raschel knit material 1. Sufflciw* Hurtdrfylng Capacfty Atta to rotate lata erf m a btu na ri tha- a pacaa batwaan tha SO...
カタログの12ページ目を開くPANASONIC Home Appliancesのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
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Mini Sirroco Fan
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16 ページ
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4 ページ
Ceiling fan
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Hand dryer FJ-T10T1
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Wall mount type
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4 ページ
Ceiling fan
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4 ページ
4 ページ
6 ページ
9 ページ
4 ページ
hand drayer
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air purifier
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water pump
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ceiling fun
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ventilating fan
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Dome cameras
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Home appliances
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