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MK-ZQ006-001 - 1

Description Action Public MK-ZQ006-001: midi goal Model type Serial number Equipment name

MK-ZQ006-001 - 2

Product line Age range Unit measurements Required surface area Action Multi Sport Solitair 0 - 99 126cm x 240cm x 170cm 0cm x 0cm Impact area Free height of fall Heaviest part Largest part Spare parts Installation time without grondwork Special tools Anchoring Fastening materials (bolts etc.): Stainless steel AISI 304 Steel parts: Galvanized and powder coated 80kg 170cm - 240cm None 1 hour(s) / 1 person(s) Included Posts are directly 60 cm longer and will be installed 60 cm under ground level. Concrete is needed for more stability. no Powered by TCPDF (


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