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New Brochure
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ABOUT US LAUSÍN Y VICENTE, S.L. is a company that designs, manufactures and trades an extensive range of products to install in sports facilities both nationally and internationally. We are focused on satisfying the needs of our customers and other interested parties, assuring the high quality of our products. We are present in several countries around the world, where we are supplying equipment for athletics tracks, multisport courts, gyms, schools and other sports facilities. ATHLETICS SPORTS GYMNASTICS SPORTS FU RNISHINGS

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A lum i ni um race hurdles . Com pe ti tio n IAAF Certificate N° E-14-0819 The base is made of aluminium profiles, with rectangular section and rounded edges. They are equipped with counterweights inside, with an automatic 5-position locking system corresponding to the five different standard heights. Scan QR code for more information

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IAAF Certificate No. E-12-0667 / E-20-1061 Manufactured in 127x127 mm square section striped pinewood with round top edges lacquered in black and white squares. Metal tubes painted with black epoxy paint. Scan QR code for more information

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S h ot p u t /h a m m e r c i rc l e World Athletics Certificate No. E-12-0669 Made of calibrated plate curved section 15x20 mm to form the 2.135 mm inner diameter ring. The ring is formed by six galvanised modules and is subsequently painted in white. Scan QR code for more information S h ot p u t s t op b oa rd World Athletics Certificate No. E-12-0668 Made of fibreglass. Highly resistant to intensive use and adverse climatic conditions. Supplied with the required accessories to be fastened to the ground. Circle not included. Scan QR code for more information

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H a m m e r/d i s c u s c a g e World Athletics Certificate No. E-12-0687 The cage comprises six tubes of 7.20 m, four starting posts of 10.20 m and two mobile doors of 10.20 m with two crossbars of the same material, of galvanised steel tubing, each section 90x90x3 mm. Each tube has a winch to raise the net. All posts are joined by a telescopic tube with a 38 mm diameter round section. The cage is fixed to the ground by 100x100x3 mm and 80 cm depth anchors, six of which are single for 7.20 m posts and four are double for 10.20 m posts. 5 mm knotless polypropylene yarn net (at customer’s...

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C om p e ti tio n landing a re a hi g h jump World Athletics Certificate No. E-17-0913 Landing area Steel tube support platform Weather cover Steel tube support platform for Cover made of laminated is made of three independent blocks canvas covered with PVC. Standard colors: blue and yellow galvanised steel tubing. outside landing area. (other colors upon request). Scan QR code for more information High jump stands C om p e t i t i on World Athletics Certificate No. E-19-0995 Competition high jump stands, designed and manufactured in compliance with WA international athletics regulations....

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Adjustable gal v anised/ stainless st ee l tak e- o ff bo ard World Athletics Certificate No. E-12-0653 Dimensions: 1220 x 300 x 100 mm. Metal support Designed for housing the take-off board or its corresponding lid. It is made of 2.5 mm galvanized or stainless steel. Take-off board Comprises a metal structure, which supports both the blue-lacquered plasticine insert and the take-off board manufactured in white lacquered wood. Lid for take-off board The lid for the take-off board is composed of a metal structure prepared for the placement of synthetic pavement on top. The metal structure is...

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C orne r piece o f the pit , c anv a s sandpit co ver a n d s a ndpit rakes Canvas sandpit cover Sandpit rake and levelling device Made of solid pinewood and Pit cover made of laminated canvas Manufactured in sheet metal, cut lacquered in white. 63x63 mm cross covered with PVC. Metal eyelets with laser with metal handle. One section with a rounded edge. 2.7 m around the entire perimeter to pass side is toothed for raking and the an elastic band through to fix the other is prepared for smoothing. long and triple jump sandpit. fabric to the sandpit perimeter. Price per m2. Scan QR code for...

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A l um i ni um p o l e v ault stands. C om pe titio n World Athletics Certificate No. E-21-1135 Tubes are manufactured with a 125 mm round section extruded aluminium profile, and are fixed to a mobile metal base with a wheel system. Scan QR code for more information World Athletics Certificate No. E-17-0914 Size: 8000x6000x800/550 mm. The set is made of six independent blocks manufactured in polyurethane. Standard colors blue and yellow (other colors upon request). Scan QR code for more information World Athletics Certificate No. E-12-0652 Metal box and lid made of folded and welded 2.5 mm...

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Both the curbing profile and the ground support profile (called pegs) are manufactured from extruded aluminium profile. May be supplied in two finishes: lacquered in white (subject to degreasing to guarantee the priming of the colour on the aluminium profile) or anodized silver. The curbing may be fixed to the running track in two possible ways: permanent or removable. Price per linear meter. Scan QR code for more information

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Designed according to European Made in galvanized steel pipe standard UNE-EN 748. Frames in (painted in white or other colours extruded aluminium pipe with an oval available on request). Used to tighten the upper section of the netting by means of ties; creates a white. Regulatory measurements: 7,32 “box” effect. Length: 3 m. Anchor x 2,44 m. Corners joints to join post and points included: 50 cm deep. crossbar together in galvanized square steel pipe to make the goal highly robust and durable. Scan QR code for more information Scan QR code for more informatio

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Co m b i n a t i on f o o t ba l l /ru g b y po s t s Scan QR code for more information Football - Rugby goals designed to play both sports using the same equipment on playgrounds for training . Regulatory measures of football goals are 7,32 x 2,44 m. The height of the posts of rugby goals is 6,40 m according to the minimum Standard requirements. 7-a -s i de fo o tball go als Designed according to European standard UNE-EN 748. Frames in extruded aluminium pipe lacquered in RAL 9010 white. Regulatory measurements: 6 x 2 m. With the folding goals, the rear structures are made from hot dip...
