
LEM - 2

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 "Un forma continua che aleggia nell'aria". Lo sgabello cra una leggerezza visiva e l'illusione di essere libra dalla forza di gravita. "Lo spazio nell'arredo, l'arredo nello spazio". L'ampio spazio vuoto circoscritto dalla struttura continua cr驩a una relazio-ne armonica tra l'arredo e l'ambiente cir-costante. Shin & Tomoko Azumi 'A loop which is floating in the air". This stool crtes a visual lightness and an il颭lusion as if H was free from gravity. "Space within fumiture, fumiture within space'. The large void space within the loop structure crtes a...

LEM - 3

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 h 55/67 h 66 / 79 h 80 autoallineante self-returning 37 15" 3 V m cm f- CM + + 8 CD CSJ + + Sa s- m- 03 co Õi- + CO 00 - o co 00 co + + CD CO co 37 15" 42 17" 37 15" 42 17" 37 15" 42 17" 20 8" 42 17" Sgabello girevole ad altezza variabile con molla a gas. Telaio in mtallo cromo satinato e base in mtallo rivestito in ac-ciaio inox. Sedile in varie finiture. Stool with swivel seat and adjustable height with gas spring. M驩tal frame mat chromed and base in zinc-plated mtal covered by a stainless steel sheet. Seat in several finishes. i 15 kg 0 test: DIN 68...

LEM - 4

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 s.r.l via e. majorana 26 35010 cadoneghe padova italy tel.+30 049 702788 fax.+39 049 700889 info@lapalma.it www.lapalma.it

LEM - 5

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 finiture / finishes taM tan DM Mac* faune DM0 IMM 0MO raMM fcrownteafnw cuoonero tessulo kv»Jral higfif*td nero cuo-o franco fabnckvatJrathghfieUblack wMeleather laminato miilenghe bianco laminalo rmllerighe ahjmMo tvfirfe laminate 'miilenghe' aluminium laminate "miilenghe' s.r.l via e. majorana 26 35010 cadoneghe padova italy tel.+30 049 702788 fax.+39 049 700889 info@lapalma.it www.lapalma.it

LEM - 6

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 s.r.l via e. majorana 26 35010 cadoneghe padova italy tel.+30 049 702788 fax.+39 049 700889 info@lapalma.it www.lapalma.it

LEM - 7

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 s.r.l via e. majorana 26 35010 cadoneghe padova italy tel.+30 049 702788 fax.+39 049 700889 info@lapalma.it www.lapalma.it

LEM - 8

lem design shin & tomoko azumi 2000 ISTRUZIONI D'USO E MANUTENZIONE USE AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS Clean ail paris in wood, leather, fabric and mtal with a damp cloth or a diluted neutral cleaner. Do not use cleaners with alcohol, bleach, solvent or abrasive products. Any liquid spilt on the product must be wiped up immediately. When lifting or moving the product, hold it on the structure and not under the seat. The product should not be subjected to unbalanced weights, as it is designed for a proper rest on the foothold (on four legs or on the base). Our company relieves from any...



  1. EDIT S570 315

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  2. EDIT S571 316

    4 ページ

  3. EDIT S572 317

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  4. EDIT S573 318

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  5. EDIT S574 319

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  6. EDIT S575 320

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  7. OIVA S370 314

    4 ページ

  8. Light office

    85 ページ

  9. lapalma

    225 ページ

  10. Lounge.

    132 ページ

  11. Outdoor Preview

    21 ページ

  12. ARIA

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  13. APTA

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  14. AP

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  15. ADD

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  16. BRIO

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  17. PASS

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  18. OLO

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  19. MIUNN

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  20. LINK

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    6 ページ

  22. OTIUM

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  23. METIS

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  24. LAAKA

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    6 ページ

  26. MANTA

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  27. LINEA

    5 ページ

  28. KONRAD

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  29. HOLE

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  30. FEDRA

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  31. CUBA

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  32. STIL

    6 ページ

  33. ALBERO

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  34. UENO

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  37. KAI

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  38. OC

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  39. JO

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